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BSPP Mod (In Progress)

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Kermit before saying that, wait for the bspp mod guys to answer to this, don't condamne them before knowing the story... They probably have a good explanation for this, but even if they don't, you can't judge them !

Ok, sorry for that, I shall never do that again. ;)

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Guest PL-Mod Team Leader

Topic reopened.

I have discussed this matter with anubis03, and he has explained to me that there was a mixup, and that these models were not meant to be publically displayed until later, since they were part of a beta version of the mod. He has assured me that he had planned to ask for permissions, and that he had no intention to release them without proper credit or permissions.

I have also advised him to clearly indicate the authors of his models in the future, and to indicate if permissions are pending, to avoid any confusion.

I'm considering this matter closed. Moving on.

Would You believe if I'll tell You that the Earth is flat ??? Publicating modified models in the Official Topic about BSPP Mod is clearly breaking the copyright laws ... No offence, but saying that He won't steal any model and He would like to get a permission is silly ... Why didn't he asked earlier ??? It's hard or am I wrong ??? What was His intention, when he showed that screen in this topic without any credits or info about models and modellers ... And the comments - "Wow", "Nice models" "Good work" etc. ... Why didn't he explained that the models are borrowed from PL-MOD ???

I'm little disappointed with this poor explanation and no consequences due to moderator's decision.


PL-MOD Team Leader

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It is a misunderstanding, the photo was put by one my skinneurs but no vehicule found in the mod at the time of the publication of the mod. And the vehicules that you say that one flew is not a member(part) of the list of vehicules still in service in the Paris Fire Brigade.

Thus once again I repeat him(it) no vehicule which is on the photo not one involved(put at stake) and even less in beta taken(brought) out.

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Would You believe if I'll tell You that the Earth is flat ??? Publicating modified models in the Official Topic about BSPP Mod is clearly breaking the copyright laws ... No offence, but saying that He won't steal any model and He would like to get a permission is silly ... Why didn't he asked earlier ??? It's hard or am I wrong ??? What was His intention, when he showed that screen in this topic without any credits or info about models and modellers ... And the comments - "Wow", "Nice models" "Good work" etc. ... Why didn't he explained that the models are borrowed from PL-MOD ???

I'm little disappointed with this poor explanation and no consequences due to moderator's decision.

Thats bulls*it. Why allmost everyone here believe everything what someone told them? :stupid2: (erase that arrow)

Really moderators and others, use your brains...

Can you read English?

I'm considering this matter closed. Moving on.

That means "Do not mention this incident anymore". Is that clear? Or will I need to hand out warnings?

I made that decision based on a serious discussion I had with the mod author, during which I judged that this was nothing more than a misunderstanding. Moreover, in a sign of good faith, the author assured me that the PL mod models would be completely removed from the mod. Rest assured that I made myself very clear to the author about this site's rules, and that I am keeping watch for any future transgressions. But yes, I am considering this to be an unfortunate misunderstanding, not a deliberate act of theft.

This is my call, and I stand for it. This is NOBODY ELSE'S business. Period. I will not be handing any warnings this time, but any further attempt to bring up this matter after this will be met with a warning, as will be any display of disrespect against this site's staff and their decisions.

Now, I'm considering this matter closed. Moving on.

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It is normal, it is the most basic version of the mod, we decided that only the premium members of our site will have the mod. So, if you want the mod, you will just have to postulate in the premium members area soon as it will be ready.

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Guest williamb1995

salut les gens je suis français et comme tous les français vous rêverez avoir ce mod mais déjà je vais m'acheter un ordi a noël avec emergency 4 et le mod bspp et je me demandait s'il y avait des pleau ou des cône a poser par taire des barrière pourquoi pas des division a m'aitre au tuyau

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salut les gens je suis français et comme tous les français vous rêverez avoir ce mod mais déjà je vais m'acheter un ordi a noël avec emergency 4 et le mod bspp et je me demandait s'il y avait des pleau ou des cône a poser par taire des barrière pourquoi pas des division a m'aitre au tuyau

Tu parles anglais?

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Pour info, oui il y aura des plots et un tas d'autres choses dans le mod, mais pour pouvoir en profiter, il faudra s'inscrire en tant que membre premium dés que la partie reservé a cette effet sera finie. Pour les autres il y aura peut etre la possibilité de télécharger a nouveau une version moins évoluée. J espere avoir répondu a la plupart des questions, mais pour de plus amples inforations je vous conseille de visiter notre site ou de m envoyer des MP.


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bonjour j ai cree pour up ptit mod sur la bspp un premiers secours 4eme generation si c a interess kelkun....

et un fourgon mixte et premier secours 3eme generation plus un systeme d alerte qui emet la sonnerie d alerte de la bspp (un ton pour le secours a victimes et ouvre la porte et sort le vsav ou le pse (deux tons feux) sort le fourgon mixte eou le pse voila................

j ai desiner une caserne : 5 porte effectif 1 PSE 4G 2 VSAV 1 FM 1 ECHELLE EPA mercedes atego a nacelle plus 2 VL KANGOO et une VID kangoo

Une autre variante 3 porte 1 VID 2 PSE 3G 1 VSAV Master


Plus l hopital 3 AR master cellule caree 1 Vehicule clio medecin

Pas de police ..... J aime pas

depanneuse depann 2000

VOILA........... S F M T

y a AUSSI un berce emulseur de depolution et un poste medical avance sur un porteur renault midlum

un petit fun en plus j ai dessine un tank de combat leclerc

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Guest Francis

Écoute moi bien, ce n'est pas permis de parler français ici. Heureusement, c'est ma langue maternelle. Ici, c'est soit anglais, ou néerlandais. Et tu as posté 4 fois de suite, alors qu'on ne tolère même pas 2. Reprends-toi car sinon je vais devoir te donner un avertissement. Ne réponds pas à ce message en français sinon c'est certain que ton avertissement tu vas l'avoir.

Et, merci. Bonne journée.

^------ Do NOT comment.
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