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Posts posted by AgentSmith6

  1. How are we crazier than any other nation might I ask? What happened here is something that every nation goes through. I will admit that America seems to have a disproportionate amount of shootings, but with 300 million people in the country, It's inevitable that there seems to be more here than anywhere else.

  2. I am a liberal on most issues, but this one makes me out to be a NRA card carrying whackjob, but the fact of the matter is most weapons used in a crime (with the exception of domestics) aren't registered. Making it so noone can have guns won't solve the problem, besides the fact it's unconstitutional. CA has some of the toughest gun laws in the country (with the exception of my great state of MA, where you can't buy glocks because they wont pay the fee to be on the AG's list, even tho every police department with the exception of the state police uses them.) and this still happened. There was a thing in San Diego a while back with someone who mowed some people down with an AK-47. I think we need to clamp down on Illegal weapons but keep the people's right to bear arms, but hey, that's just me. However, this topic is not about how the criminal got the gun or what needs to be done about it, but about 4 brave officers who lost their lives protecting us. RIP All we can do now is pray for them and their families, and of every officer or firefighter who lost their lives for us.

  3. According to what I've heard, one Lamborghini Gallardo was donated by Lamborghini and the other was bought. They are both used to patrol the highways and for organ transport (considering they don't flex their muscle that much otherwise :grinsevil: )

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