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Posts posted by AgentSmith6

  1. this is just an idea, maybe make a SWAT medic who can heal, but be part of the SWAT team and if he drops his bag, be able to use a handgun and arrest. Just an idea. Also, maybe think about this http://www.code2high.com/variouspd.htm it's used, I've been informed by some sites, that it is used to decontaminate cadavers. It would make sense because in the gas mission, there are like 10 bodies that need to be decontaminated, just a thought.

  2. Pretty good, but like all the other versions, there are many models missing, and that makes it impossible to play because several units necessary to the mod are missing, like the police officer

    I have to say though, I love the flash patterns on the border guard vehicles

    Peace and happy new year,


  3. Yeah, life's funny like that. :1046275747_biggthumpup: Up here, there was some rioting after the Sox won the world series and 37 people were arrested in one night in the area of Fenway Park and a state trooper got his front teeth punched out, though, it was much quieter than 2004, when we made it to the playoffs and 2 people were killed, one due to the misuse of a pepper ball gun by the Boston Police.

  4. Hi all,

    as some of you might know, for the past couple of months I have been trying (and failing) to make a Boston, Massachusetts mod. I have run into two main problems. One, I am not that skilled at modding (I can skin, do lights, and a little coding, but that's it) two I just don't have enough free time to learn how to, with school and all. ANY, and I mean ANY help is welcomed. :23_31_4:

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