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Posts posted by griffy

  1. ya i have a clan its called LCCR liberty city cops and robbers but we do all things fire ems police and civilian look us up on youtube my account name is alldou

    EDIT: if you would like i have a couple lieutenant spots open as well as sergeants but you have to rank up first

  2. hi dyson , got a slight problem , ive been trying to play the mod recently on my labtop but it just freezes when loading the game , yes i know LA mod has a bit of delay in starting but this just doesnt start , ive reinstalled LA mod and redownloaded the submod still nothing , gimme a hand



    the ny submod takes much longer than la mod it may take up to 10 minutes it did for me then as you start using it more it takes less time

  3. hey dyson i may have found the issue about the rescue 1 not coming out of the station but i dont know how to script to fix it click the rescue 1 and tell it to move the objects on the top the jaws the boat and stuff doesnt move with the vehicle see if thts the issue

  4. I'm from Canada, so I don't have access to actual shots of the LA emergency services lighting packages, but I'll test any light changes you make and let you know my opinion.

    ya ill give you a heads up when i get done with the first 10 vehicles im not doing too well right now had a computer crash and i havent been doing too well with schooling so it may be awhile

  5. sorry for not being on lately ive been busy with my parents business sorry for not updating everyday my goal is to get the most realistic lights ever literally i want the people who download this to be able to take a laptop up to the real vehicle and make a comparison and see if i got something off

    EDIT:i have a youtube video for you guys to look at for a sneek peak sorry for bad quality the vid is on the first post

    hey if anyone can help i need some videos of las Angeles emergency vehicles like the lasd patrol car with the mx7000 lightbar the swat bearcat if you could please that would be great and also i need some people to help me out by testing the lights themselves and telling me what they think



  6. occram was good on his rotators, but everything moved slllowwwwww.... no engine has strobes or even rotators that slow, but the flash was nice, and prl went off track, so gogogo for realism

    sorry for not being on lately ive been busy with my parents business sorry for not updating everyday my goal is to get the most realistic lights ever literally i want the people who download this to be able to take a laptop up to the real vehicle and make a comparison and see if i got something off

    EDIT:i have a youtube video for you guys to look at for a sneek peak sorry for bad quality the vid is on the first post

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