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Posts posted by griffy

  1. I tried to install NYC Mod, so when I am on mod install I click on install packages and tried to select a place to install nothing happen. The installation won't complete I have 911 first responder and download from Atari

    try to goto the downloads and download the 1.3 patch it should have a installer in there to help install it

  2. I like it just as much as LA Mod but it runs better on my PC than LA Mod. :D

    Theres only 3 things I dislike about it and they are:

    No pursuit command on cars -

    Its made car chases a lot more interesting but since the cop cars refuse to overtake the suspect setting up a stinger in the first place is hard as hell.

    No go to station command for Highway Patrol Units -

    The units are brilliantly made and I would probably use them all the time if it wasen't for the missing go to station command. Unfortunatly unless they're special tactics units I don't tend to call them from offmap any time other than the start, and since they have no goto station they can't drop off suspects. So I use the NYPD Traffic units over them every time. I spose you could say its efficiency over quality.

    Helipad on PD and Hospital -

    Same thing as the Highway patrol units really. Calling them off map all the time gets expensive if you end up doing it a lot and when you play it for about 6 hours in a single endless game like me cash tends to get a little low.

    Obviously I wouldn't be surprised if you don't do any of the above, after all its your mod. Just a few suggestions from me. I know I'm not the only one wanting a go to station command on highway patrol units. I may be the only one on the pursuit command though ...

    do you know how to get to the editor and add and subtract commands because thats what i do i went in and made new lights added a working multiplayer also added patrol commands to some of the vehicles like the nypd tows as well as to police station scripts for the HWY Patrols

  3. hey mikey or someone from the mod you guys mind if i release a map fix for the MP i have patrol routes in the MP map and along with that i have a light mod that i made

    this is patched to 1.01 can i release a patch to you guys

    EDIT: heres a link to what i've been doing

    its still processing as of this point and time but its working on it
  4. Since the USCG does not have a station on Manhatten, or the surrounding area, we won't either. Now, as for the script for deleting buildings, we can, if you click a button and it creates that. Thing is, unlike missions, freeplay starts a script at the beginning and then that's it. We can't chagne anything after that. Tis why the german NY Mod is taking so long, they are doing their freeplay as an emulation in a mission script, so they can create things like Tillers with trailers that have physics, and nwe events. We sadly can only do that as a mission and not in freeplay. Sorry guys

    hey no worrys we all still love the mod anyway

  5. Sweet Coast Guard mod!! :cheers-mate: I love it! And the Collasp was just a suggestion, too bad, so sad, move'n on! :holdglass:

    lol exactly on to more awesome things but isnt there a way to make a script to delete the perfectly fine building then spawn a collapsed one where it was then make a collapse unit then have it so that the collapse units can enter a building and get the people out

  6. Yes the diver along with the victim in the water can both be retrieved using the aircraft while it is airborne now.

    To the user who asked for a zip of the mod folder we will not permit people to post the full mod like that for several reasons, I understand you have the amazon version, however there are apparently registry fixes that do indeed work as other users have had the amazon issue and successfully managed to repair their mod installer, I believe it is not unlike the EM3 error with it... You can search around in other topics or if you've tried most of them perhaps start a new topic in the EM4 tech support category to attempt to resolve it...

    for the installer issue download the 1.3 patch from the download section and glad to hear about the updates

  7. This happens because I do not think we put patrol paths on the MP map. Therefore it tries to do something it can't. The game then crashes and all other participants get the boot, since it is missing the host

    ohh i c ok ill make paths then lol just til you guys get paths on it

  8. If i were to attempt to mod it I'd probrably have the core station script do one thing, IE add a dummy or something of the like, have a secondary script that responded to if the door proto had the dummy open to run open animation and things like that..... The more you ask of a single script in freeplay the higher the odds it will subsequently fail.

    good point i think im just gonna wait for the release of texas's OMO submod but im still gonna sit here and tinker and reinstall til i figure it out or his submod is released

  9. you can do whatever you want as long as you pay the respect to Hoppah. I dont know where to start but im sure its possible.

    i havent scripted a day in my life ive tried but continuously fail all i need to know is how to put in the garage doors and the add them to the script

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