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Posts posted by griffy

  1. i have around 10 units so far but im not showing most of them because they are surprises i will release one pic every once and awhile you know just to keep the suspense going.

    as for beta testing i will have beta testing with 3 people the first 2 to post which are FDNY Engine 321 and josh 41. as for maps i will not have a new map until the next version this version will only have a few map edits and the map person will be croplayer. still need a modeler


    NOTICE: Teamspeak 3 Server Now Up




    My YouTube Channel:


    any vids of the submod will be posted there



    Well if this image doesn't speak for itself then i'll explain for it.

    I'm currently in the process of making a submod for the NY Mod (MikeyPI)

    At this point and time i do not have permission to release nor am i ready to do so.

    I am working on this mod by myself at this point and time, so i am going to need some help i need a modeler that is good at big models like engines and rescues and stuff like that.

    Also i am making these units for this submod.


    Engine 1: Seagrave Marauder II (Engine 23(Reskin+New Model))

    Engine 2: older Seagrave engine (Engine 10(Reskin))

    Engine 3: older Seagrave with Added tool bays (Squad(Reskin))

    Rescue 1: Pierce Rescue (R1(Reskin))

    Ladders 1+2: Ladder 16-26(Reskin)

    Battalion 1: Bat(Reskin)

    Battalion 2: Supervisor(Reskin)

    And More (SURPRISE!!)

    Also POV's Will be used in this submod


    Ambulance (Reskin(or New Model))

    SAR: (Reskin+New Model)


    Patrol Cars:

    1:Traffic Enforcement Crown Vic

    2:Traffic Enforcement Supervisor Crown Vic

    3:Traffic Enforcement Ford Explorer

    4:Highway Patrol Crown Vic



    ME!!:lights, small models, some scripting, editor user, sounds,and map edits.

    Beta testers:

    FDNY Engine 321, josh41, CROPLAYER, And me.

    I need the following:

    Big Models, also need a scripter to make firestation parking spots work


    Feel free to comment and share your thoughts and feelings towards this mod

    Thanks, Griffy

    NOTICE: Production has slowed a lot as i am trying to help out the Manhattan Mod Thanks for understanding, griffy





    FDNY Engine 321



    ( This list is still pending i may have forgotten someone)

    MODELS: griffy only at the moment hoping to get more people to help me with this

    Texture Making: Me

    Lighting: Me

    Editor Work: Me

    Scripter: i need a person to help me with fire station scripts

  3. hello everyone im currently wanting to make a mod and would like some help i want to make a mod/submod for seacrest county aka NFS HP(2010) i want involved with the other submod till my partner went dark i haven't had contact with him in almost a year.

    anyway to first start off i have the following skills:lights(with polygons(LED, Strobe, Halogen(Rotators as well))), modeling(im only good at the small things, making textures(not UV mapping(need someone for that)), and i can do some of the specs/script work not much though.

    so if you can do anything that i cant please post here and for your info i plan to use one of the smaller mods as a base like the MikeyPI's NY Mod, it has a few units on the map and thats about all we need i dont want anything too big because it would take tons of time.

    for the fire dept i plan to use the new Seagrave Marauder II's i have a model of it i just need it UV mapped. now for the unit layout


    Traffic: Crown Vic

    Highway Patrol: Shelby GT500

    Rapid Responce: Nissan GT-R SpecV

    Speed Enforcement: Lambo of some kind unsure yet

    No Special Responce


    Seagrave MII: Engine1

    Seagrave MII: Res1cue

    Seagrave older model (reskin prolly):Ladder1

    Seagrave older model (reskin prolly):Engine2

    Seagrave MII: Engine3

    Ford Excursion: Battalion1


    Reskin of the Medic:FDNY ambo:Medic1

    Reskin of the Medic:FDNY ambo:Medic2

    Reskin of the Medic:FDNY ambo:Medic3

    Ford Excursion: Supervisor1

    And thats about it if you can help me out send me a pm with you modding abilities and ill prolly add you to the team thanks for the help

    M@Dm0dD3r, Griffy

  4. Hey people,

    I'm busy with a emergency vehicle and i want just like in real polygons lights which will exactly will fit into the led light. And not any bigger corona's what will blink on the half of the led.

    I hope someone knows.


    if you need help with that i can make them for ya

  5. alrite that sounds great! i do only have one problem, my schedule is really crazy right now like today my shift is from 6pm til 6 or 7 am tomorrow and tomorrow im on shift with the fire dept, doing a 24 hour shift because we do 24 on and 48 off so in between that time i will try to get some pictures up and stuff but it will be very hard for me to do that i do know of a website though that can give you pictures of almost every police car from every county and police department in ohio and other states the website is


    Again i do apoligize for my inconvinence but i hope mayb this will spark someone to start the mod

    yes i love that site so ill get to work on something tomorrow im about to goto bed now but ill work on reskins tomorrow

  6. **URGENT**

    We need someone to do lights, our lighting guy has pulled out. Must be experienced and know lighting setups for FDNY/NYPD and polygon lighting techniques. Will be included in beta testing and fully credited. PM if interested.

    There will be a lot of models to light so must also be dedicated.

    hey dyson check your inbox for my PM

  7. of course i want highway patrol and i would really like your help i also wanted to get cuyahoga county sheriff as well

    sounds good i can help. we'll just prolly make a submod of the LA mod or maybe even the NY mod your decision all we would have to do is reskin a few cars and rid of all the rest we dont want then we have ourselves a submod! and we need a good fire dept one that has 100% realism.

    EDIT: Also PM me so we can plan out what we are gonna do

  8. Ok guys, I really need some help this time, can someone please teach me how to script traffic collisions for freeplay mode? Also tell me why my helicopters won't take off and fly. Thank you in advance. And if anyone would like to help, scripting wise, model wise, please don't hesitate to volunteer, I don't want any testers though, we all know what "testing" means.

    hey musket if your looking for how to make the traffic collisions than goto youtube they have a bunch of tuts about it there :)

  9. ohh ok well i got some pictures but im not sure how to put them on here to show everyone any help??

    I can help as long as we get some Ohio Highway Patrol cars ingame i can make the lights (and polygons), i can edit some models, and i can make skin(no UV mapping though)

  10. Well a small update as we approach 200 pages on the topic. Two things..

    a) We're looking for someone to assist with vehicle animations.. although if we fail to we have a slightly less impressive solution, but regarldess a solution ;)

    b) We will add a second off map tower ladder, we'll leave it up to you guys to decide, post some suggestions with a picture and we'll put it to a poll :) to spice it up a bit :)

    We need the 21 truck with the fed sig lights http://www.flickr.com/photos/29774019@N03/5967093088/

  11. Does google sketchup work with 911, and how do get files from my creations in google skechup to editor... anyone help?

    #1 you need a registered version of sketchup and zmodeler (2.2.2 preferably)

    #2 export your model you made in sketchup to your desktop or whatever in a 3ds format

    #3 open with zmod

    #4 attach all parts of the model to one piece

    #5 name that piece to whatever your model.3ds or model.V3O will be

    #6 extract the model from zmod to your desktop with a .V3O format

    #7 import to game and play

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