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Status Updates posted by griffy

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Newfoundking


      Shh, don't say that too loud, now they have grounds to wage war... The possibility of WMDs?!?

    3. Newfoundking


      Why weren't we there last year?

    4. griffy


      we were there last year they made us go away so that they could do a naval exercise now that we are moving back they told us that that wasnt a good idea they want war they want someone to test their WMD's on its obvious

  1. YES!!! found out that i backed up almost all of my submods files except for one vehicles lights production will continue soon

  2. wow thought i was gonna get pulled over in a oshp speed trap today i was doing like 10 over but thankfully the guy beside me was doing 20 over :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marshall8946


      Best part is..I dont have a license yet.. and I was driving alone.. hehe

    3. Dakota


      Around here 10 miles over is pretty much standard, they typically won't stop ya for that. 20 though.. yeah.

    4. griffy


      5 over is the standard around here they are strict pricks about it too

  3. haha submod work done today=none

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tank


      Fire trucks done?

    3. griffy


      i got a couple of fire trucks done and a secret car done as well

    4. griffy


      there we go got another thing done pic on the topic

  4. anyone want the SCPD Submod to be released if not ill just drop it and move on

  5. SCPD Submod 1.01 Released :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FDNYpower


      how many units is it suppose to replace it only replaces four of my pd units and thats it and 3 of them are the same also my lighting system on them are screwed up the lights are replaced my big white boxes that flash what do i do?

    3. salvador.c


      I have the same problem!

    4. Tank
  6. New update check the topic

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zach1019


      was it the UPDATE on the lights?

    3. Zach1019


      If so, they look awesome!

    4. griffy


      yep sure was more to come later been working almost all day today on it

  7. also im putting all the final fixes in the precomplete alpha of the SCPD Submod 1.1 plan to have it up within the next 2 hours also plan to rename it to something else

    1. griffy


      this is now delayed gotta goto work

    2. FDNYpower


      Is it still gonna be released today

    3. griffy


      planning on it check back in about 2 hours

  8. this sucks found out that my computers motherboard is screwed so im out a computer for a few months however my hard drive is still working so that is the one up thing about this whole issue

    1. FDNYpower


      Sam thing happened to my old pc

    2. griffy


      it was 5 years old then it took the big old steamy dump

  9. storms coming that means my internet is gonna hit rock bottom soon :(

    1. Marshall8946


      Yeah, we heard the thunder and saw some lighting but never got any rain. It just barely skipped us up here.

    2. griffy


      it rained cats and dogs up here and the thunder was shaking the house like a freight train

  10. hey everyone finally quit procrastination and remade the adding vehicles tutorial rendering it now will upload later tonight :)

  11. I'M BACK!! finally got everything fixed with my computer got a few upgrades to go along with it but im finally back

    1. cops


      awesome :D

      I'll be back in just 2 weeks "-_-

  12. aww man gtapolicemods is down i just sent a message to the admin too :(

    1. aitor


      It's back again!!!

  13. omg had one of those love at first sight moments that was fucking awesome got her number and everything also we got alot in common im telling you now its fate talking

    1. njboy13


      I had that same moment back in August, and it's been going great since then. Good luck!

  14. woot finally done with essays had to take my last one this morning since we had a snow day on friday now back to working on manhattan mod building poly starting tomarrow gotta work today

  15. on more vote yes on the poll and im moving the submod to the la mod http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/15778-scpd-submod-need-community-help-deciding/

    1. griffy


      notice im doing this so that i can have a very fast release instead of waiting for MikeyPI concidering he is gone at the moment

  16. wow dying pet = very sad and worthless day

  17. Got my new computer woot 4.0GHz processor nvidia GTX 660 Ti with 2GB dedicated ram 8 gigs of ram ohh yea

  18. hey can anyone convert a 3ds model to V3O for me??

  19. wow Florida here i come ill be in the pool tomorrow night

  20. hey b2bomber what editing program do you use to make models in emergency 4/911 first responders

  21. hey your the same freakinmusket for gpm right

  22. Wait is their a way i can change my profile background?? I see the thing in the settings menu, but I clicked remove but it didn't is it like admin only? Thanks for any info given

  23. i hate being sick also i hate not having my computer here to make it better i finally have internet but no computer though

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