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Steve Winters

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Everything posted by Steve Winters

  1. It's a requirement to have first aid in Canada to get into a department. And it's most likely the same in U.S.A. As L.A mod is obviously based in Los Angeles, LAFD applicants must be trained in First Aid before applying. If I'm correct.
  2. I didn't realize this was a "Other Topic Help Section." It's annoying. Goog the mod is looking brilliant. Can't wait for it. You and C.F.D and the crew have got some good ideas and I hope to see them in the game. By the sounds of it, it sounds like you have.
  3. I'm so down to see this go through. Good luck.
  4. There isn't ONE impala in North Vancouver. I've been in their garage and didn't see 1 impala.
  5. Thanks Randomperson. I appreciate it.
  6. Hey guys, I've been wondering for some-time now how to make more calls come up. What I mean is, like totally getting rid of the Earthquake call, making car accidents more common, etc. I was told how to a couple of years ago but I completely forgot how to do it. If anyone could give a short description to how, or if there's already a topic about this or even a tutorial, please send it here. Thanks, Steve.
  7. Most likely. However there have been reports of wolves in North Vancouver. In fact, we just had a call last december about a pack of wolves casually walking down a street over here. They were too big to be coyote's or cougar's. I haven't heard of anything recently.
  8. Chad to make alex happy lots of car accidents? It sounds interesting, I'm stoked.
  9. Mod needs to lock this before it gets out of control.
  10. If you're able to get a hold of the owner of the FBI vehicle you can give it a shot. But to be honest, it doesn't seem like he's been on... recently. So good luck
  11. A lesson I learned while in hospital... if you masturbate while attached to a heart monitor, it scares the nurses... a lot.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. theocd


      @Unit42, if a bloke in a functional uniform who's job it is to clean up puke gets you going then fairy nuff. :P (Based on nurses I know)

    3. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      @theocd Then your hospital doesn't have hot nurses haha.

    4. Steve Winters

      Steve Winters

      lolol. I'm not a freak at all. :]

      Your heart rate increases and sets off the heart rate monitor.

      hmm, there's more nurses than there are doctors (at least at the hospital I was at for quite some time) :P

  12. Ah yes, well pointed. HA HA HA HA HA You're a funny guy. When I'm in your city next, I'm hunting you down.
  13. Buddy you're going to get disowned by a lurking moderator. It's English only in this section, or you're to place a translation to what you said.
  14. You see the botton that says "Caps. Lock" well, make sure there's nothing lighting up that says it's on before commenting. Every comment I've seen of yours are all in caps.
  15. You could read the LEDlights Topic and the download links are at the bottom. There's 2 downloads I believe.
  16. Hi there's an "edit" button for a reason. I'm not a moderator and I'm not playing moderator but I'm just telling you . Please use it instead of double posting and we don't have to use capitals either.
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