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Steve Winters

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Everything posted by Steve Winters

  1. Steve Winters


    Look in the little screen shots that he's taken. You can see NYPD.
  2. I don't fear you. When ever I see "Francis had replied to a... etc" I get ready to laugh. When I see "NewFoundKing has replied to a.." I freak, and start thinking if I said something wrong.. How do you know that for a fact? We haven't seen much NYPD pics at all..
  3. I remember them saying that. Thanks for the reminder. But didn't they say they'll be debating to which that engine will go to right?
  4. Uh huh... I believe they just randomly made it as a special engine. Maybe I unno..
  5. go figure eh? Shoulda know that off the bat (: haha thanks, it took sine effort making it. Thanks d:
  6. Francis Hammer came down:) Time to think of something to talk about... Oh yea. Did you ever decide what station Engine 999 would be at? Or is that a secret?
  7. Yo just made a post.. What's the point of making another topic?
  8. That's a good idea. Infact a REALLY good idea.
  9. I'll send you the direct link when I get home. I have modded sirens which I won't give you but ones that are already on this forum I'll send you.
  10. Steve Winters


    Haha oh god yeah! That would suuuck! But then again, it'd be fun!
  11. When did they say you can't save it?
  12. No shit sherlock. It's easy to find it. But there isn't any reason to be rude about it. And give me a reason why I'd be worried about it when I'm not a fan of this anymore.
  13. Looks great! I'm going to do a double check just invade there is Any flaws.
  14. Thanks for the answer, seems like there is a few things planned. Good luck.
  15. Steve Winters


    Again, probably not needed.
  16. I don't think that would really be needed..
  17. well technically it does. If you've refered to this 'guy' then you'd obviously have to explain/tell everyone who you mean. I its one the bottom of like page 8 or 7.. It doesn't take that much effort.
  18. Before you post, while your creating the topic, if you scroll down a bit, it should say "add a pole" or something like that.
  19. Steve Winters


    Loss Child recovered by PD and checked up by EMS. The mother is kneeling by her daughter. That's what I think.
  20. Looks like Playing. Doesn't look like editor.
  21. hopefully not! That'd be fun to make your own decisions that could be successful or unsuccessful. Bringing a whole different way to play the game!
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