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Everything posted by Lithium

  1. I have, but that doesn't limit the choices in the dropdown. Even so, that means I have to do something to make it work, instead of the creators fixing this ambiguity.
  2. It's a laptop video card, the least powerful of the line, maybe it doesn't matter compared to the advanced Intel HD Graphics chip. Too bad the guy isn't active here any more. If that is supposed to be the support they want to give... well, bad for them.
  3. The thing is not that I cannot distillate whether which resolution is of the dedicated card, or of the onboard one, but it's just a tip to include in a patch. I noticed that this site has an official helpdesk function to the game's creators (referring to http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.html/_/news/sixteen-tons-entertainment-introduces-new-commu-r61), so maybe they can pick it up! And honesty, it actually took me quite a while to figure it out. Especially if you have the plain Windows drivers.
  4. The problem is, I don't see which resolution belongs to which graphical unit. Take a look at the attachment. Do you know which "1920x1080" belongs to the separate video card, and which one to the graphical CPU core?
  5. Hi guys (and yes, back from the dead), I was wondering if those with a laptop containing an integrated video chip and a dedicated video card have the same issue as I have. I have a Lenovo W520 with Intel HD Graphics 3000 and a dedicated card, the NVIDIA Quadro 1000M. Usually, NVIDIA's software makes the distinction in between using the integrated chip or the dedicated card, but it seems that this is not the case. Thus, EM5 lists all available resolutions, creating a long list. I added a screenshot of this phenomena. Maybe a solution would be to add another drop-down to select which card is to be used and consequently filter the resolutions' drop-down, or add the device's name to the list of resolutions, like "Integrated Chip - 800x600"... Thanks for reading and I'd love a follow-up reply.
  6. Lithium

    Helmond mod

    Version 1.5


    Helmond mod, made by René Kuyt.
  7. Topic was bumped for over 5 months. Topic starter, please contact staff to reopen.
  8. Dear members, the last few weeks that I've been around here, I have noticed more and more that some topic titles and posts are not clear. I'd like to give you some examples: * HELP ME!!!! * LA MODE BROKE PLZZZZ HELP! * CTD EVERY TIME!!! It is so easy to type something else which is more clear! Anyway, these kind of topic titles will not be allowed any more. Our first option is to look in the topic and change its title accordingly. My favourite, and thus an option, is deleting the topic altogether when there has not been an appropriate response given yet (if there is, we'll change the title for future reference). At first, there will be no warnings issued... yet. Just to make you aware of this. I know that this is not stated in the TOS, but the new rule will be maintained as good as the staff are able... and we are . Thanks for reading and enjoy your stay at emergency-planet.com!
  9. Hi BARC, please refrain yourself from using oversized text combined with a horrible colour. We've had reports about this. Thanks.
  10. ^^ Was about the redirectment of the English forum of DS about EM5 to EMP. Could not get the post back to its original place
  11. And a happy birthday to me!
  12. The blue one being Blue Velvet (old), not Velvet Blue - Import, in case you mixed up? @GerardTill
  13. It's patch 1.3 of the regular EM4 series. If you have EM4Deluxe or 911FR, you already have patch 1.3.
  14. ... which does not mean we can go off-topic in each topic.
  15. My point being, if you can't change the "path's speed" dynamically, go to multiple paths with different speeds. You can switch to each path, effectively choosing speed. This is based on my assumption that a path can be given a speed (scriptable).
  16. How about duplicating paths and assigning speeds to a path (through scripting) and then let a second script jump from path to path.
  17. Just a request, put the pictures in a spoiler. It prevent the screen from skipping up.
  18. I'm running W7 Pro x64 and it's working fine.
  19. @ Xplorer4x4, use the report button for this.
  20. And get AVG Free to run for viruses. De-fragment using the Windows De-fragmenter. Cleanup your disk deleting unnecessary large files.
  21. Removed the child abuse stuff nonsense, way off topic here.
  22. Done. Use the [ spoiler] and [ /spoiler] tags without the spaces. Use [ code] and [ /code] for code colouring.
  23. Lithium

    PRP Mod

    Use the PM system to contact a moderator for changing your title, DO NOT use the report post feature.
  24. Lithium

    Translate The Game

    [b]Q: I don't know the language that I want to translate from or into very well. Should I go on anyhow?[/b] [i]A: I would recommend you wouldn't. A good translation is a must and if you can't make one, don't try. Also the regular automatic translator programs, don't even start about it.[/i] [b][u]UPDATED FOR DELUXE[/u][/b] [b]Q: How can I translate the game?[/b] [i]A: There are several steps you need to do (not entirely in correct order, so WIP).[/i][list=1][*][i][b]Find the language folder.[/b] French version: \Emergency 4\lang\fr German version: \Emergency 4\lang\de Deluxe version: \Emergency 4 Deluxe\lang\de [/i][*][i][b]Find a good XML viewing and editing program.[/b] Notepad will work, of course, but I would recommend a program which colours every aspect. I would recommend Notepad++. It's clear and does the job fairly well. [/i][*][i][b]Save your progress regularly.[/b] It may occur, whatever the reason, that the program you work in might crash, due to the program or other programs. The language files are quite long, if you've worked hard and it crashes, you will have to start from the beginning. Trust me, doing it all over again, pi$es you off. [/i][*][i][b]Spelling and grammar checking is a must.[/b] Although you are good at using a language, grammar or spelling mistakes always occur. Use a spelling and grammar checker to check if you've done it right. [/i][*][i][b]Check for the UTF-8 line.[/b] Sometimes a XML-program adds this line. Open up Notepad, delete the line and save it. [/i][*][i][b]Make backups.[/b] No explanation needed, right? Do it after every finished language file. [/i][*][i][b]Run the XML-files with IE or Firefox.[/b] It will indeed say that you shouldn't run it, because it might have dangerous code. Believe me if you only translate, it doesn't. Also it will automatically search or find errors.[/i][/list][b]Q: I've lost a language file. What do I need to do?[/b] [i]A: It's a little file. Ask someone who has the same language version to send the file to you and begin translating it, again.[/i] === Questions or additions? Post them in this topic, or PM me! === last update: 22th of October, 2008
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