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Everything posted by heyjoojoo

  1. enhanced

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      Hey heyjoojoo, can you do me a big favor if you have the time? Can you please make my sound files mpeg please? I don't have the program you have and I don't have any money to buy it. Thanks.

  2. How about drive by shooter incidents? Shooter in a car and it drives widely throughout the city with an occupant firing from the window. Responding PD can pull suspect out of vehicle. Incident can escalate to a standoff maybe? Airplane disaster. Overturned tanker truck that explodes.
  3. Ah cool. Well, I've deleted quite a few vehicles that really don't serve me well during any of the gameplay missions or freeplay.
  4. So, it seems that if you delete the string, it removes the vehicle from the list, therefore a shorter list or no scrolling(depending on how many you delete...)
  5. Your redesign of the LED lights kill any other attempts. Please keep it up in your spare time.

  6. Can I delete that entire string so that the vehicle doesn't even show up in the list? Is that possible? (The list seems too long at times and I don't use about 20% of the fleet.)
  7. I know that the freeplaybase file is the file that controls the fleet selection and options. And I've noticed that from time to time and that this file gets changed or updated to reflect the features in the installed Mod. I usually go into that file and give myself more units by changing the number to a higher number. But sometimes, there will be a "0" on some of the units in that file. Is this normal? Is there a reason why someone's Mod would make something a "0"? Does it slow down the game if I decide to put a number there? For example: <vehicle prototype="mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/usfs_utility.e4p" count="0" /> Kareem
  8. This map is cool and I like that there are so many new places on it. I have LA MOD 2.0 map for so long and it's a great map too but it was good to see something else for a change. The only problem with the w00D map is the bugginess with all of the pedestrians, dogs, stacking up creating jams. Occasionally, the responding units will hang or not respond. Don't know if anyone has fixed any of this...
  9. Looks great! Wondering if the glare from the flash can be toned down a bit to allow more of the color of the "LED". The nature of the LEDs tend to show more of a richer color (be it blue, red, or amber). The flash glare tends to washout the LED color itself in the recreation.
  10. Oh it's working fine. I didn't see that there were two sets of the same vehicle in the fleet. In order words, there are two CHP vehicles, so you will see the original one with the older style lightbar and the new one with the LED lights. I like 'em.
  11. EMS Fire TEC 2 version will be release if i got the permission from Hoppah's. Version 1 Without Additional Units Submod v1.2 ( Request LA MOD Patch 2 ) Version 2 with Additional Units Submod v1.2( Request LA MOD Patch 2 ) V1.8 - Compatible with LA mod v2.02 and Additional Units Submod V1.2. Old version release list Bug: V1.7 bug Tow truck 2 become blue cube when loaded is now fix on 1.7.1 Coming Soon After i back from NS Download Compatible with LA mod v2.02 and Additional Units Submod V1.2 ONLY With Additional Units Submod Has Tow Truck 2 With Additional Units Submod v1.8 Including Read Me Without Additional Units Submod v1.8 Including Read Me I Just Back From NS I'm a little confused with the posting. So which link do I download the updated LED lightbars from if I have installed the Additional Units? When I played the game to test and see the new LED lightbars, my CHP still had the old ones. I just copied over the new folders onto the old ones.
  12. I'm not sure if there is a section or thread somewhere game players post their tips or ideas on how to complete certain missions in the game. I 'm having trouble figuring how to rescue the train on the bridge and to keep it from falling into the water.
  13. Although most of the CHP units are still running the Vector rotating lights. I have seen a few units around here sporting the new LED slim lightbar (shown in photo). But I also saw that there is a new LED version of the Vector series but I have not seen these on any CHP units. Here's what I am seeing here and I'm sure you're seeing them elsewhere, although not in huge numbers yet.
  14. I'm trying to figure out how to add more vehicles in my fleet. And is there a maximum number?
  15. I just haven't had the chance to do this but it is on my list though. I believe I have the list of Deluxe Events somewhere on my PC. Since being laid off, my priorities have been modified for the time being. I do want to update that list though... If anyone wants to post the EVENTS file from the DELUXE version of the game, that would be so cool.
  16. Did you get help with this? Here's the download URL: Enhanced Dispatcher
  17. Not bad. It seems that it will surely be a lot of work but can be done. I can get my niece who has a good voice to play a civilian. I think that there are approx 46 events. I have attached the list of events and script used for my version of the dispatcher known as the Enhanced Supervisor. Maybe it will help in your project.
  18. This sounds cool. So you want civilian voices basically. How would you assemble a call where you have a dispatcher speaking to a civilian? You would need a dispatching voice and a civilian voice simultaneously right?
  19. Well, I have selected LASD units and tried to get them to respond to a shooter and there is no option for them. CHP and LAPD have the capability but not LASD for me. Is a that a unique issue to my system?
  20. I was just curious to see how other people setup their units and assign them right after they start the game. I generally park 3 LAPD units at the station. Send two additional ones on patrol. Maybe add three CHP units on patrol or park them on standbye in various locations on the map. I usually have one heavy equipment LAFD trucks park at the main firestation (extrication equipment). Park the CHP helicopter on the station roof. And wait for the calls. Also, I havent done anything for the LASD units other than serving as extra units. They don't have the same arrest suspect capability as the LAPD units. Question: do the LAPD units have "instant deploy" other than when they are chasing a subject?
  21. Ah, I seem to remember those settings in that config file. Thanks so much for your helpfulness BillyfromHill. I'm gonna probably need to do a few tests too because I also seem to remember people having problems with video settings before. It's so good when people actually post helpful information such as yours.
  22. I guess that's what I mean then. How do I put in HD based resolutions. I was only trying to record it in fraps to put on Youtube in HD. But thanks for your help?
  23. I would like to be able to play the game in either 720p or 1080p so that I can record it with Fraps in either of those HD settings. Currently, I dont have any game settings for HD. Am I just stuck here? I can make changes in Windows for an HD setting but none in the game.
  24. heyjoojoo


    Is this mod available?
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