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Everything posted by Pottyscotty

  1. Agreed. I know the topic has been very quiet and I am dedicating a lot of my time elsewhere but can I just ask for you all to sit tight. If someone came onto this topic to go through the pages to read about everything, they now have a couple more pages of off-topic stuff to filter through, and it eventually builds up.
  2. Yes, new vehicles or people I have shown off will be included
  3. New map, yes, will be getting that out ASAP. Units will still be on-map though however when I release that version perhaps someone will create the callout menu.
  4. Unsure what's happening about that because USAR hasn't responded to messages and I have so little time to work on the mod now to be able to do something so big.
  5. Yup, things like Fire vehicles will still be on map I can't fix them because they are not broken. But yes, I will be adding wheels.
  6. The next update will be an edited version of the campain map.
  7. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19260-kent-uk-mod-alpha-release/?p=302311
  8. I didn't make the map from scratch, just want to make that clear here Yes it is.
  9. Well for the next update I don't know how much I will have edited it but I would want to have added a Fire (And completed the current), Police and Ambulance Station. Next update should also include the ability to call out vehicles rather then have them all on map from the start. I have been involved with another project so I can not say how long this will take me but the map is about 60% done perhaps?
  10. Yes, hasn't been changed from any previous Kent Mod versions.
  11. Few more shots of the new map to keep ya'll going Thank you all for being so patient. @Tom Most likely.
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hazardous_Area_Response_Team
  13. Oh I thought they had that command I think redirect may work as well (Maybe it's just anything that puts something in their hands).
  14. Not if you do what I said to do. It's the normal Kent Mod map with some great edits by TACRfan while I work on the proper one.
  15. If a person starts treating a person automatically you cannot drop the medical bag, to do so you have to get another bit of equipment out (Example being a fire extinguisher) and drop that.
  16. That's his whole screenshot library so some of them are of different mods
  17. I think he is possibly talking about the Fire Station gates with the buttons (Like Mayberry, Weldfordshire etc)
  18. I think he was talking to Mindcat. The link that Corsair just gave you explained how to do it.
  19. This has been discussed many times now. You have to send them back manually.
  20. Version 1.0


    Jaguar XF by Pottyscotty ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: -Appropriate credits to Pottyscotty must be given in your mod's Readme/Credits file (Even if you have edited the model). -3D Changes are allowed. -UV Map changes are allowed. -Texture changes are allowed. -Child adding is allowed. -You may use this vehicle as Civilian traffic or as an Emergency/Tech/Business vehicle. -This vehicle must only be used in the Emergency game series (Including 911: First Responders). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Included is the model and prototype file (With wheels already attached and physics/traits set up correctly) as well as 8 Coloured textures, 1 Transparent texture (So you can add a custom colour) and the UV Map.
  21. Download Pepperspray here: http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=2403 Taser is from the QLD Mod and you can get it from that. Rubber bullets haven't been made yet as far as I know although it would be simple enough using the taser script.
  22. Not in the version you all have Yes and yes. Watch the video I posted on Youtube, videos can be found on the front page.
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