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Everything posted by hunter42

  1. Well that depends on who's shipping it I guess. Royal mail has a price calculator UPS also has one to calculate time and cost Where are you buying? Ebay?
  2. Another suggestion: What about expanding the RSS feed thing to each section of the forum? So you can view new content for certain areas?
  3. Shaddylasse already got it. That was the point. Edit: If Shadylasse doesn't post soon though then it'll be free to whoever...
  4. That's why this is the [EN]Off Topic section of the board. If you don't like the blue, then go to the bottom left and select "IP.Board". Still got blue, but a bit lighter and more white. Or select "Lo-Fi", But Xplorer4x4 has pointed out that PMs can't be read in Lo-fi.
  5. Complaint: This: They used to have a Toyota Hilux. They swapped the indestructible car for... a Ford?? Disappointing.
  6. How about adding a drop down menu next to the search to allow a slightly more advanced search? The drop down will limit the search to certain areas of the forum, but not as much as the current advanced search. The new drop down box would allow the user to search the primary areas of the site - Site Related, Modifications, Emergency 2012, etc etc. But you can't define the search to specific areas within those areas (News & Announcement forum, FAQ, Site & Forum Support etc etc). If the user wants to define the search more, then they can just use the Advanced search. This could help users with slow internet for a more accurate search without having to load up the Advanced search.
  7. Well I'm useless whenever it's me putting up a picture. But instead of giving it away, I'll let you guess where this unit is from: You win a bonus cookie if you can tell me what the department is now called
  8. Illapel, Chile? SAMU also means Service d'Aide Médicale d'Urgence Although "131" was kind of a giveaway that it wasn't France.
  9. fav food? Tomato soup Stephen Hawking's universe is cool. Got a question for people: When your local council does roadworks, does one person work away while the rest stand and watch? Lol, Mr.T Mohawk grenades in WoW
  10. At the end of today, I'll never have to carry heavy school stuff again When your bag is so heavy, just look on the brightside... ... You'll... Have a strong back?
  11. Steam updated it GTA to the most recent patch.
  12. FYI All people panic when something like this happens. It's not just the Dutch. The Dutch royal family don't have much luck by the sounds of things. I remember the incident with the car. What ever happened to that case? Did the guy get charged? Trying to watch the video Soulbody provided, but it gets stuck at 1:23 lol edit: Either Dutch people are really small or the cameraman is really tall
  13. http://youtube.com/watch?v=1hYV-JSjpyU Yea I don't know why either. 1966? Daaaaaamn, Clint Eastwood must be old.
  14. I need to remove a plaster from my neck. Except I'm scared of touching my neck. This shall be interesting That means we get to hit you really hard 16 times
  15. Not really, no. The only time I come close to the main site is when I don't have the forums bookmarked. But even then, I just type "EM4 LA mod" into Google, so even then I don't go to the main-site. If tutorials are going to be accessible through the forum, then there's not much use for the main-site. Hell, you can even access the Downloads through the forums. It's pretty redundant. English and Dutch as that covers the majority of the users. I was going to say German too, but I think the German fanbase tends to hang out near the Winterberg forums and other German mods. I don't really know how useful adding more languages would be. I could see people from countries far from English speaking countries, e.g Russia. But if you think about it, is it going to be worth the effort? You've got to correctly translate the mainsite/tutorials/whatever to the desired language. Implement the new languages into the site(s). Sit back and watch as about 5 people use it a year. Another thing to think about: The forum does attract international members: Norwegian, Russian, Greek, Spanish French etc etc. I'm assuming you can't/won't cater for every single language that people speak here. So how do you choose what languages to implement?
  16. Police are hutning for a man after spotting him on CCTV It would be an amazing turn of events if the man was arrested after someone overheard him saying "F*****G Taliban are stealing my hard work!" Somebody on a news site (no idea which one) also pointed out that terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda tend to do suicide bombings. So it probably wasn't a terrorist group edit: -.. --- - / -.. --- - / -.. --- - / .. ... / ... / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .-.-.- / -.-. --- --- .-.. / . .... ..--..
  17. G = Gangster?? The only complaint I have was that I was 5 feet away from a Grouse today, but by the time I ran and got my camera, he had wandered off
  18. What... Ugh, EA What other games have they stopped supporting? Wait... for "old" games? Mercenaries 2 wasn't that old. Why would they even do this?
  19. If it wasn't for the huge distance and rubbish internet, then I totally would. I would suggest you track down Ami
  20. Anyway, the attempted attack is pretty bad. Glad it didn't go off. I wonder if it was domestic terrorism. Apparently, a Pakistani-based militant group is claiming responsibility, but no one is sure yet. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8657161.stm Has any amateur footage from Times Square emerged yet?
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