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Everything posted by EmC-Unit

  1. Thanks! Another FHP Unit ready to roll: Credits: Itchboy, EmC-Unit, Bama1234.
  2. New Florida Highway Patrol SUV (with real code 3 Javelin lightbar): Credits: Itchboy, EmC-Unit.
  3. We do not appreciate "are you going to..." questions, stay tooned and please avoid them in future. New Free Road Service FDOT SF Truck: Credits: Itchboy, EmC-Unit.
  4. Due to a new updae - yes. New Free Service FDOT Road Ranger Truck: Credits: Itchboy, EmC-Unit.
  5. Updte: Technical Rescue Team truck is ready to roll out: Credits: EmC-Unit, Rihis, Cops, Hoppah Follow us on Facebook !
  6. Chevrolet caprice from 2nd photo is definantly from Miami mod alpha, with is premmision only. But whatever. You need to add a credit to BorjaXmusic for it. Mod looks fine tho
  7. Topic creator did not visited the site for 2 years. The mod is 2 years dead. Captain obvious- to the rescue!
  8. New unit: MDFR Ford F700 Air Truck Credits: EmC-Unit, Rihis, Itchboy, Robert66
  9. Wow, what a sweet looking map, why i have not seen it before
  10. Nice work, i like the most Utility frod, but imho Taurus without push bar looks a bit wierd
  11. P-19 is now officially PIMPed: Credits: mr matt5432123, EmC-Unit, Hoppah, Itchboy
  12. New MIA Oshkosh P-19 ARFF 3: Credits: mr matt5432123, EmC-Unit, Hoppah, Itchboy
  13. It is not. Thanks for likes. New Battalion Chief truck with Federal Signal Navigator lightbar. Just like seen on the video Credits: Itchboy, EmC-Unit  
  14. Fabulous work on the uinits! Especially i love the retro wig-wags on a Ladder! P.S. Delete the "half-spheres" inside my lightbars, they eat a shit ton of polygons. http://imgur.com/wukgLmb
  15. New Oshkosh Striker 3000 ARFF 4 in MIA skin: Credits: mr matt5432123, EmC-Unit, Hoppah, Itchboy
  16. This babe is now officially pimped by EmC-Unit, check this out: Credits: mr matt5432123, EmC-Unit, Hoppah, Itchboy
  17. Thank you Got it, here's an updated version: Credits: Itchboy, EmC-Unit.
  18. Definantly attach the rest stuff to the moddel itself. Great work on a moddel tho
  19. Hey thanks for positive feddback! got some quick news on the mod - the cogwheel is slowly moving and a filling of empty spots on a map is almost complete (like 95%), also for some inspiration a new MDFR unit done recently: MDFR Ceavy Impala: Credits: Itchboy, EmC-Unit. P.S. reached 1.5 k
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