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Posts posted by randomperson139

  1. As above, selecting various unit types that don't have the same commands causes some to be unavailable.


    Is the issue you're referring to the fact that 3 of the command icons don't seem to be present? Have you reinstalled the mod?


    Just to clarify, know you're aware of it, you haven't played the normal game or another mod before the issues? This issue still happens if you load the game, then load the mod straightaway?

  2. Don't completely get what you mean...


    What do you mean when you say it closes down? Are you referring to when you actually load the mod, or when you load freeplay?


    If you are referring to the game freezing when select a mod to load, this is perfectly normal and is just the game loading the mod. The loading time varies depending on the mod and your computer specs.

  3. There's still some in the download centre, isn't there?


    As far as I can remember, the problem was more that no one had copies of the older files to re-upload, and many of the users involved in those kinds of projects haven't been active for years. Not sure if many people still play EM3 anyway!

  4. i hope you complete the mod 

    Dude, the topic is 5 years old. You must have gone through pages and pages of topics, at some point you should have realised the topics were very old!



    No need to write your excuse in capital letters. Next time you just think before opening a topic for a mod which you can't do anyways. Really gets annyoing when people don't think and just open tenthousands of topics...

    You know what else gets annoying? The fact you've been told about your attitude in the past, a few times now and it still hasn't improved.

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