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Posts posted by randomperson139

  1. Dude, I can't wait for this to be released! I'm loving this so far! Any word on a release date???

    That is exactly the same as explicitly asking for a release date, which is against our ToS (section 5):

    • Asking for release dates is forbidden and will result in an automatic 48 hr suspension and warning.
  2. I said along the lines, as a project.  It doesn't need the paging script, it doesn't need the JF's. And they don't need new units.Take some from WCCM with some permission...it can become a sub..

    So make a start yourself then. There's plenty of tutorials on here, start with the reskinning one, then you'd be capable of doing this part yourself.

  3. Hey, this work your doing is amazing! Totally Support it! Great work on the trucks and units involved, I would love to play and cant wait. When do you think the release date will be to play?

    Nope, that question does not get asked on here.

  4. Is this real? -- Yes? 

    You don't sound very sure about that... ;) It's like a question: 'Yes? This may be real...or it may not be... who really knows'. Is any of this real? Maybe we're all just in the matrix or some other weird thing. :Oo


    Please ask for release dates, I'm a 1 man team but I strive off of being pushed and yelled at repeatedly. If you want to be on my team, just PM me and your name has to rhyme with itchboy at the very least.. ok thanks 

    That question still probably isn't going to go down too well! There's ways of encouraging etc. without explicitly asking for a release date continously.

  5. Hate to be that guy to ask this, but any idea how long 'til release? Weeks, months, days, or do you not really know/don't want to share? Really looking forward to it :)))


    Asking for release dates is against the ToS. As such, you've just earned yourself a warning point and a 2 day suspension.



    This is against the tos. when you joined you agreed to abide by them. Asking for the release date could get you banned don't do it again!


    In future, report it, and leave it at that please. Don't be trying to play moderator, that's our job!

  6. can anybody make a indonesia mod please

    That isn't related to this topic. Keep replies in topics relevant please, this isn't the first post of yours that has been off topic.


    No one will make a mod for you. Take a look at some of the tutorials around the site.

  7. Two things.

    And as for keeping it private, go ahead and do that. Wouldn't be the first time you let the community down.

    Firstly, this comment was completely unnecessary, and in my view is simply an attempt to start something with itchboy again.


    . For the rest of you that would like updated LAFD and LAPD units, check out what me and the NYCERU team are working on. (I've updated the topic so ignore the previous comments!)

    Secondly, don't go advertising your submod in other topics. I've removed the link to your topic, if people were looking for it I'm sure they can find it themselves.

  8. Welcome to the forum.


    When you say it crashes, do you mean the game freezes?


    If that's the case, this is perfectly normal and is simply the mod loading. All you need to do is leave the game to load the mod, the time this takes varies depending on both the mod you're loading and the specs of your computer. When you click to load the mod, leave the computer alone and the mod will load. Don't try and alt-tab out or anything, just let the mod load and it should all work.

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