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Status Updates posted by Freelancer

  1. Just finished the black ops 2 campaign I loved every second of it it's full of twists and epic battles.

  2. Just spend a nice £400 on clothes :)

  3. Lovely weather here in the UK

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. theocd


      I am *dying* down here in Southampton...

    3. salvador.c


      here in Portugal is studyng time

    4. salvador.c


      and a good weather :)

  4. Making a Opel Astra...

  5. Managed to recover most of the West midlands files...West Midlands 1.0 here we come

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Freelancer


      Send me a PM Randomperson

    3. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      you're awsome man! I'll pray for your efforts :P

  6. Merry Christmas Everyone!

  7. Midlands mod out NOW!

    1. EmC-Unit


      realy great job, as world of tanks player i aprove this baby!

      Btw small tip german tanks always got a spare piece of traks on tanks body

    2. Freelancer


      I was not the modeler who made this tank,I will pass the message on to the modeler who made it..But thanks for the feedback

  8. Such a nice hot day time to open the beers and listen to the Rolling Stones!

    1. Handsup!


      Did you see them at Glastonbury the other day?


    2. Freelancer


      Yes,they were amazing :D

  9. Time for some Skyrim.

  10. Time to work on some 3D models :)

  11. Well done Arsenal...

  12. Well done England!

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      What now, they defeated Godzilla?

  13. Work...Work...Work

    1. Handsup!


      Don't work too hard!

  14. Working on a Volvo Fl6 and it's coming along very nicely.

  15. Working on an old Volvo 240 hopefully have some pictures to share on the Hampshire mod topic soon.

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