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met police999

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Status Updates posted by met police999

  1. does anyone know what has happened at the LAX airport? the place is on lockdown after reports of shots fired i heard officers have been shot too

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      pretty serious i knew about the TSA officer who was sadly killed but on another note did anyone else notice those Taurus's?

    3. firefightercommando120


      Yeah and the 2013 Dodge charger

    4. Fred03


      That's what happens when you have unarmed TSA workers in charge of defeating potential terrorists. :(

  2. eassys are boring...and sometimes interesting...interesting

  3. fire station fire in Edinburgh,North Berick two appliences heavily smoke damaged no injurys oh the irony

  4. For some reason i cant get to some of the LA mods vehicles i can get to things like the crown vic and that but not others like the Ariel ladder

  5. gary: tank comander is soo funny | "hello BT naw its me gary" lol

  6. getting bored but at the same time getting exited

  7. Had no idea that flatbed truck trove out on the road in the la mod in front of the convoy I always arrest him meh just shot em all down with the us national guard and the FBI lol

    1. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      haha. In that mission, My preparation takes more than an hour. But ı always win :P

    2. met police999

      met police999

      im like that too but today i felt like leaving the guys and just disarming the bombs lol

  8. haha just owned someone soo funny lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Voodoo_Operator


      Watch out, we got a badass over here.

    3. met police999

      met police999

      haha funny thing is thats what he said back lol

    4. Zach1019
  9. happy birthday to me hahaha *starts to cry I'm so lonely

  10. has anyone made this or is there a mod with this ford in it? http://www.flickr.com/photos/45727377@N06/4565525347/

    1. griffy


      use the esu suv's from the ny mod (hoppah, mikey and newfoundkings)then model attempt to model up a lightbar for it

    2. met police999

      met police999

      thanks for the help

  11. How do I save lights I have made in editor?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      Oh right thanks and how do make the model veiwable ingame and set lights like brake lights,headlights an indicators

    3. RedHawk504


      there's an box where is written blue light normal light or special ligt, change it to the one you want to been recognized.

    4. met police999
  12. i MUST see next weeks Rookie Blue!!!!

    1. Semper Fidelis
    2. cops


      same here... if I only could see it on television (I don't have the channel x) )

    3. met police999

      met police999

      i watch it online too i hope Chloe dosnt die

  13. i need help!! how can u reskin mods on em 4

  14. i need help!! how can u reskin mods on em 4

    1. cops


      tutorials enough on the forum... ;)

  15. if you type illuminati backward followd by .com it takes you too the NSA's website hmmm haha

  16. im a celeb woop woop theres a reall hottie on this year lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      eh? im a celebrity get me out of here its a uk tv program

    3. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      Craaap! f*uck my english. I think I drink too much nowadays.

    4. met police999
  17. im honestly scared of the internet now

    1. Handsup!


      I was always scared, still am.

    2. Fred03


      It took you that long? :)

  18. its got to the point were Chicago fire is being ruined with all the crimanal chrages and the Voight stuff

  19. just a random thought but would a script for when a medi vac chopper landed at the hospital with a causlity onbourd docters and?or nurses came out and eschanged the causlity on to another strecther and took them into the hospital would be cool eh?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Todd15


      good luck with that;)

    3. Zach1019


      yeah I have always wanted that for the game. Even for any medical vehicle that transported to the hospital. :D You would need a really good scripter.

    4. met police999

      met police999

      yea i know i was just saying that id thought of that idea

  20. just back from newcastle god was in a shop there was a flash of lighting (it was pouring down) then all the lights flickerd lol

  21. just saw the latest episode of Chicago fire i hope what i think is going to happen happens

  22. just saw the latest episode of Chicago fire i hope what i think is going to happen happens

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. met police999

      met police999

      well....lol i meant to say "doesn't happen" lol i hope mills mums restaurant doesn't get burnt down by the detective to force the lieutenant to withdraw his statement

    3. Todd15


      Damn! I never thought about that...I was just thinking the Lt. gets beat up. That would be a crazy episode!

    4. met police999

      met police999

      yea because they would end up being dispatched to it or something and mills....well you know what i mean

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