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2Bells Gaming

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Posts posted by 2Bells Gaming

  1. Does it always happen or only when you send the Battalion Chief car from a particular location on the map? And on which map does it happen, the new freeplay map? Or does it happen on all maps? Did you install any submod?

    Personally, I have your new (amazing) freeplay map, with no sub-mods... I've tried it in several areas with no difference. It doesn't matter if the Chief's behind the fire station or near the strip mall, it takes forever to even START moving :wall:

  2. Fort Erie Fire Department sends:

    MVC (Motor-Vehicle Collision):

    1 Pump, 1 Rescue -or- 1 Heavy Rescue, 1 Heavy Rescue *If there's a Heavy Rescue (2 or 5) in the first-in district, no Light Rescue is called

    Highway MVC:

    2 Pumps (1 Pump as a blocker-truck), 1 Rescue, 1 Heavy Rescue

    Alarm Activation/Minor investigation/Burning Complaint:

    1 Pump, 1 Rescue/Heavy Rescue

    1st Alarm Structure Fire (hydranted area):

    2 Pumps, 2 Rescues/Heavy Rescues, 1 Aerial (Chief and Dep. Chief Respond)

    2nd Alarm Structure Fire (Hydranted area):

    1 Pump, 1 Rescue/Heavy Rescue, 1 Utility

    3rd Alarm Structure Fire (Hydranted area):

    1 Pump, 1 Rescue/Heavy Rescue, 1 Aerial, 1 Tanker

    4th Alarm+ = M/A to Fireground, FE's 2 remaining Stations remain in service

    1st Alarm Structure Fire (Non-Hydranted area):

    2 Pumps, 2 Rescues/Heavy Rescues, 1 Aerial, 1 Tanker (Chief and Dep. Chief Respond)

    2nd Alarm Structure Fire (Non-Hydranted area):

    1 Pump, 1 Rescue/Heavy Rescue, 1 Utility, 1 Tanker

    3rd Alarm Structure Fire (Non-Hydranted area):

    1 Pump, 1 Rescue/Heavy Rescue, 1 Aerial

    4th Alarm+ = M/A to Fireground, FE's 2 remaining Stations remain in service

    CO Detector activation:

    1 Rescue/Heavy Rescue

    Unknown 9-1-1:

    1 Pump *stage 1 block out for Police*

    Medical Assistance:

    1 Rescue/Heavy Rescue

    Water Rescue (Niagara River, Lake Erie from Crescent Beach to Niagara River):

    Closest Pump and Rescue/Heavy Rescue, Rescue 1, Boat 1 (Rescue 1 pulls Boat 1)

    Water Rescue (Lake Erie from Crescent Beach West to City Line):

    Closest Pump and Rescue/Heavy Rescue, Rescue 6, Boat 6 (Rescue 6 pulls Boat 6)

    Rubbish Fire:

    1 Pump, 1 Rescue/Heavy Rescue

    Brush Fire:

    2 Pumps, 2 Rescues/Heavy Rescues, 1 Tanker, 1 Utility, Rescue 3, Gator 3 (Rescue 3 pulls Gator 3)

    I believe thats most of our runs :D

  3. Current (as of Post) Incident in Fort Erie, Ontario:

    FE Pump 1, Rescue 1,

    XXX Niagara Parkway,

    Map Code C-2,

    Remote Alarm from Security

    Time out: 22:44 hrs

    22:44 - FE Portable 1-3 Acknowledging the call for Station 1

    22:48 - Control -> Station 1; Called in to Niagara Regional Police from Alarm Company, NRP on scene, confirming burnt food, no fire, Fire Department not required

    22:48 - Station 1 -> Control; "That's a roger, we'll stop by and check 'er out." <<<LOL!

    22:49 - FE P1 -> Control; Pump 1 responding with 6 on board

    22:51 - FE P1 -> On location, Portable 1-3 Command, Investigating

    22:55 - FE CMD -> Smoking Pot on stove, "Fort Erie Pump 1's clear, and, I guess, we're available" <<<< MORE LOL!

    haha... typical run in Fort Erie... that or Medical Assist

  4. I work for Tim horton's, as well as being a high school student :D

    haha I did that for 3 weeks :P .... the Timmies that is lol and are you really from the Niagara Region?

    Canadian Armed Forces, I am a Sgt.

    Which Unit and where???

  5. Now, first off, let me start by saying that I am NOT, repeat NOT 'blowing up on, picking on, yelling at, discriminating against nor singling out' ANYONE on this forum, I'm just simlply pointing some of MY observations out.

    I find it (not very) funny that people complain that the LA Mod isn't real enough. It doesn't have this, it doesen't have that. If you don't like it, don't play it. Hoppah works INCREADIBLY hard to make the mod as proffesional and functionable as he does, he doesn't need people whining because its not how THEY want it. If you want your mod to have said thing, make it yourself. If you have ANY modding experience (which I don't... really) you understand just how hard, time consuming and frustrating a mod of this scale and quality can be. If not, look at what other people are saying.

    There's many things I'd like to see in the game, however, I'm perfectly content playing with the LA Units, as that's where this mod's based.

    Again; I'm not trying to pick a fight, or anything like that. I'm just simply saying: pick one; realistic, or ficticious (<< spelling on that??)

    Sorry if I've offended anyone :(


  6. Well I am a student too :D (woow What a Suprise xD)

    next year I am going to join the dutch army :ph34r: as a ICT guy xD well you have to take care of the internet, telephone lines, satelite comunications and radio comunications... or I am going to be a Geny it means you will set up the base structures like houses for the slodiers you clearup miines and stuf :D So If somebody of this forum is ever going to be in the army...

    See ya in Afgahinstan (dont know how t spel it xD)

    See ya there brother! :cheers-mate: Yourself, JAB16 and I'll have to meet up for some beers in the 'Stan :D

  7. Fire Department!

    Why? becasue they are jack-of-all trades! Police? solve crimes and disputes. Paramedics/EMTs? Fix you. Fire Fighters? Put out your Fires, cut you out of your car, rescue you from a well/trench, investigate CO for you, assist Police with entry, Assist EMS with life support, Building collapses, and SO much more i cant think of...

    But, I'm not dissing Police OR EMS. All three need each other :D that^^^ is just my opinion, since it was asked ;p

  8. Is there a way where we can have a firehouse that is not maned, in the buy vehicle list there would be a button that says volunteer, you can buy them and they have a regular car and drive around, when a call goes in you can command them to go to the station to pick up the rig or go directly to the call. They would park and run into the bay and hop in the truck. Pretty sweet idea. Also, I want to make the jeep and personal car, put a red light in the window and have a jump-bag in the back. How would I do that.


    Cherokee Fire

    That'd be sweeeeet! I'd love that sooo much :)

  9. Ok dude, people in Europe probably want to shot themselves on the way to a fire because the sirens drive you crazy.

    The trucks in the USA have more technology built into them.

    Sure, we may have 'more technology', but, is that always better? How about the how many incidents of Computer Controlled Rear Wheel Steering shorting out and taking out a support column in front of the firehouse? That's happened quite a bit. I'm not arguing. All I wanted to say was it doesn't matter who's trucks can do what, where and when. What it boils down to is who can saves lives? The answer is both. They both perform the same job, with the same outcome. That's what matters.

  10. Who cares what country has the best looking trucks? Or the most powerful, or the biggest water capacity? What matters is that they work good to SAVE PEOPLE! Yes, I have my preferance. I prefer Pierce, Sutphen, Seagrave etc. over a Denns, or a Volvo anyday. However, I don't diss their trucks. Their trucks suit the purpose fine for them. Over here, they'd probably be pretty useless. But, ours would be equally useless over there. So, it really doesn't matter about who has more horsepower, or the longest reach (although 135' still shocks me :P), it's about who works. And, frankly, both styles of vehicles work to accomplish the same goals on both sides of the Atlantic (or Pacific), which is to save LIVES and PROPERTY!

    As the Buffalo Fire Departments badge says : "UT VIVANT ALII" - So Others May Live

  11. well lets see here. The biggest ladder that i know of.. well that would be in MY hometown of Pittsburgh Pennslyvania! Monreoville 5 has a 135' ladder. Straight stick. Yea it can top most of the 8 story buildings around here.

    Heres a link to the website


    WHAAAAAAT! The 'tallest' ladder in my town is the 95' Sutphen SP95. It's a mid-mount, 1300 GPM Quint.

  12. lol Yeah, they're actually new. We've had them a few months. Stupid, if you ask me. Their problem was, they didn't have parts for all of our Ford ambulances, so they were cannibalizing our severely busted ones and putting those parts into the better ones. Because they didn't want to actually spend money on parts.

    So instead, they'll spend MORE money buying brand NEW ambulances... of a completely different make and model. So now, not only are they not buying parts to fix the majority of our ambulances, but they need to buy NEW parts for our NEW ambulances. lol

    Gotta love the geniousness behind that eh? That's why I no longer say "common sense." It's now "un-common sense."

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