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Everything posted by bama1234

  1. Itchboy has indeed taken a hiatus, but as NFK said, I am still continuing development on the mod.
  2. We're not 100% sure yet how the callout structure will be in the next update. All I can say is we're going to try to get it optimized.
  3. So here's the deal. As Itchboy mentioned, I'm very, very busy with real life at the moment. So he's going to be taking the lead on working on the improvements, bug fixes, etc., for the time being. I'm still controlling the mod and I'll be reviewing everything, as well as jumping in to help contribute when I get the chance. For the time being, I'm going to leave the DL link down until we get some issues with bugs and content sorted out. I don't have an ETA yet on when it will be back up. We're also having issues with people taking content from the mod/reposting it without permission/etc., so we need to get all of that ironed out as well.
  4. I was unaware the DL link was down. Will try to resolve this ASAP.
  5. I haven't tested the mod with Windows 10, so unfortunately, I can't guarantee compatibility. Hopefully our next patch will alleviate the issue. Feel free to file a bug report.
  6. I'd like re-tell (very briefly) the story of myself and this forum. I was young and naive when I joined at the end of 2008. At the time, I had just recently discovered Emergency 3 and 4, played the LA mod for both, and was itching for more. I was fixated on NYC at the time and disappointed to find that no NY mod yet existed (I think it's funny now that I was so let down, but today there are so many NYC mods I lost track of them). So, I took it upon myself to start my own. The only skill I had was Microsoft Paint. It took my a little while to figure out how to edit textures in the game and get them working correctly, but once I did, I was able to begin a private re-skin of the LA mod into NYC units. This was my first work ever in EM4, done painstakingly in MS Paint: From there, I did the fire engines: And I wasn't quite satisfied. So I spent a few months learning how to model in Gmax (which I still use to this day), and after many failed attempts, came up with a new model for the fire engine: Not bad for a young modder, but not the best either. I learned quickly, because I had a solid background with computers, but that won't be the case for everyone. My NYC submod was never released. I asked Hoppah if I could release, he said not until I have more individual creations and contributions, and I respected that. By the time I had anything close to a solid submod, Dyson had started on his own, and it was superior. I moved on to other ideas. I slaved over tutorials, videos, reference pictures, and so forth - the best tool is practice. Trial and error. I remember messaging the moderators/experienced modders for help pretty often, and I'm sure I got on their nerves quite a bit. But now, I'm one of the people new modders come to for help, and that's a good feeling. I used heavily from the LA mod and others. However I was careful not to release anything that the original creators didn't approve of. But nowadays I can create just about any model I need to make with relative ease (usually), although it's time consuming - if you look at the Montana Mod, you see a vast improvement in my model quality and overall design tastes from 2008 to now. But I'm still not quite where I want to be. The points I want to make today are as follows: Don't get discouraged. I started in 2008, was able to do some quality independent modeling work starting around 2010, and would say I didn't really get actually good until about 2013-2014. It will take much less time for some, and more for others. But if you really have your heart in this game and community, it will be worth the wait. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Most of us are here to help and WANT to see new and exciting content being created. The more diverse and capable our community is, the better. On the flip side, also don't be afraid to work by yourself and figure things out through trial-and-error. That feeling you get when you finally figure out a bug and see the finished product is unbelievably exciting. And finally, please respect the moderators and mod creators. I did, and it got me a long way. I know it's much easier to grab from other mods and build your own using those pieces, and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as it stays private. KEEP TRACK of the creators of any content you use, in case you ever get permission to release it. A thorough and accurate credits list, along with permission, is really all we're asking for. I hope this has helped inspire some of you and quell any doubts you may have about how much we care for this community. New rules are always tough to get used to, and I definitely understand some of the frustration. From what I understand, though (and mods, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), most of the punishments came down on people being disrespectful and refusing to cooperate or negotiate. This is something that can be easily avoided, and I know if they come to me asking about any of my content I will be more than happy to work things out. In summary - just remember that modding is really about fostering your creativity and bringing ideas to life, it takes some time and effort, and as long as you try to be respectful and be careful that you don't step on anybody's toes, you'll find yourself successful. Look at my old re-skins. Now look down at the banners in my signature. That's where time, a good heart, a good eye, some elbow grease, and respect will get you.
  7. Only after you run it through me first for approval. Those are all interesting theories and definitely possible, things we're looking in to.
  8. We think it might possibly be coming from the unit or command icons, for whatever reason, if you want to start there. Probably not. TBA. Probably a matter of a few months.
  9. I second Dyson. I'd be interested in getting involved if we had instructions on getting models into the game, since the developers don't seem to have provided any.
  10. Used random asphalt textures from Google and painted the lines and markings myself in Photoshop.
  11. We're aware of the lag and graphics/performance issues. Fixing them and optimizing the mod so most everyone can play it is a top priority for the next patch.
  12. New game warden truck to be featured in 2.0.2, courtesy of Itchboy, with some custom equipment and wheels by me:
  13. [b]1.[/b] Import both the person model you want to edit, as well as the object model you are adding. Make sure the person's .VMO file is in the same directory/folder as .v3o file you are importing - the .VMO file contains the skeleton, bones, and animation sets. [b]2[/b]. Position the new object where you want it on the person model. [b]3.[/b] Attach the object to the person model. (Modify --> Attach) [b]4.[/b] Paint influence of the desired bone onto the object's vertices. For instance: a new helmet will be influenced entirely by the head bone.[list] [*]4.1. Cycle through bones until you have highlighted the desired bone. (Rigging --> Skeleton --> Set next skeleton bone as current) [*]4.2. Once the desired bone is highlighted, select the tool to assign desired vertices to highlighted bone. (Rigging --> Influence --> Copy vertices weights between or within object). [*]4.3. Enable vertex editing mode (Key "1", click on model in viewport). Ensure "Auto" (bottom right corner) is enabled by pressing the spacebar. Using the influence tool, click and drag a box over the desired vertices to assign influence. [*]4.4. Once desired vertices are selected, disable "Auto" (spacebar). Click in viewport once. [*]4.5. Use the painting tool (Rigging --> Influence --> Paint weight of current bone on vertices) to paint bone weight onto any stray vertices. This is sometimes required if the first tool does not correctly assign all of the vertices to the desired bone. [b]Note[/b]: It may take several passes of the paint brush to correctly assign all vertices. You want all desired vertices to be the same solid color of the highlighted bone. [*]4.6. Enable object editing mode (Key "4"). Select normalizing tool (Rigging --> Influence --> Normalize weight on vertices). Click model. [/list] [b]5.[/b] Export .v3o file. [b]IMPORTANT NOTES:[/b] 1. You can check that vertices were assigned to correct bone by opening up .v3o file in Notepad and checking that all new vertices (#, 1024, #, 1024, etc) are listed under correct K/Anchor bone at the very bottom of the file. 2. Sometimes the automated assigning tool in step 4.2 does not assign all vertices correctly. Use tool described in 4.5 to clean up any stray vertices.
  14. Thank you! We worked very hard to provide that experience so it's always nice to hear from satisfied fans. Thank you for your service! Sorry you've been experiencing these issues, we hope to get them resolved in the next patch. Glad you enjoy the mod otherwise.
  15. Don't believe everything you hear.
  16. I will say that since the latest patch my performance has increased significantly. Thanks to the fixes and the advanced graphics options I can play the game without much lag now. So, while I think the developers should have included those things at the launch, I applaud them for getting them released sooner rather than later. I'm also excited about the SDK - although I don't know much coding, I can tell there's some potential there. So I hope that either I learn how to use it, or others do, and that we can start seeing some cool mods soon.
  17. Better specs than my own PC. We'll look into it.
  18. Sorry, you can't release any edited version of the map. Nor can you give it out to people via PM, that's also considered a form of release. You're welcome to post pictures of your changes, though.
  19. The EOD truck, one of the first units towards the top in the police menu
  20. If you would, please submit a bug report if you haven't already. We'll get it taken care of. Glad you're enjoying it as best you can! We're working on fixing these lag issues, we think we may have discovered a cause. So stay tuned. --- Update: I'm planning a small patch, within a week, to fix the ATF bugs and the em4.cfg problem, as well as any other fixes we can squeeze in. Also: Again, please refrain from posting bugs in this thread. Use the bug report form.
  21. Glad you like it! No, we won't be adding any more stations. The BCFD units get to the map quickly enough after being called, and it would just be plain unrealistic to have two fire stations within a mile of each other in such a rural area. Sorry this is happening to you, it seems to be happening to a few people. We are looking into the cause. What are your PC specs? This ^^ Read the first post Yes, please & thank you.
  22. I'll be investigating the em4.cfg issue and seeing if I can fix that for you all. In the meantime it seems like a simple fix, either just don't copy it over, or if it messes up your game replace it with the old one. On another note, those of you who have downloaded the mod, how are you liking it so far? Is it playable? What are your favorite features, or things you'd like to see changed?
  23. Sorry :/ it's optional, just a camera hack improvement for performance
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