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Everything posted by bama1234

  1. Looking for modders to help with making new buildings for the new map. Seasoned modeling skills preferred. PM me if you think you can help.
  2. Quick update, I'm working on the new map a bit more now, I could use some help. If any experienced modders want to help by making new building models, PM me. New screens will come soon.
  3. In Chester County, the County Police have stations in each town in the county. The idea is that the towns and county save money by using a county-provided police force in each town instead of their own individual departments. The county Sheriff department is primarily for prisoner transport, state police assistance and rural law enforcement. More than likely in the next version of the mod the County Police will be changed to Monida Pass police, the town the mod is based in, and the LE structure will follow more traditional American structures.
  4. It's always the little things, isn't it? Thanks for finding this beastybill, I'll look into it and hopefully include the fix in the next patch or version.
  5. Working on a new map - no telling how long it will take (studies, work, etc.)... but it is in progress. Hopefully will post pictures within the week.

  6. It's probably crashing because the LA Mod's vehicles and objects are told to spawn at specific "virtual object" areas which are placed on the LA map through the editor; when you switched maps, the new map doesn't have those virtual objects.
  7. Combining 1 & 2. #3 I'm definitely aware of and will be fixed in the next version #4 I'll probably rework the entire map with new textures and buildings #5 I'll talk to Hoppah about that when I get a chance but that's not really a priority. I do agree it sounds cool though. Can you PM me with specifics about these bugs? Definitely will be a tanker in the next version
  8. I'm thinking I could add an extra garage for the brush truck and an ambulance, and then put some additional fire unit next to Engine 2 in the original station. Do you think that would be enough to cover the current map? See my reply to riverking above Let me know what you find! See my reply to riverking at the top See my reply to TacticalRooster below I'm thinking about heavily editing the existing map - I'm talking new floor skin and new paths and as many new models and buildings as I can fit in, in a map based off the teaser picture I posted a while ago. Also planning on upping unit speeds when responding and seeing if I can create/edit a script or other gameplay aspect so that traffic stops and yields to emergency vehicles. Also, there would be a lot less vehicle traffic (small town) and more foot traffic. So that would also lead to faster response time. Any suggestions for the new map? What buildings/areas do you want to see?
  9. Curious, which bugs are the ones you think are highest priority for getting fixed, and what additions would you like to see in the next version of the Montana mod?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. mchone14


      I agree a place to park the 2 fd ambo units would be great

    3. Handsup!


      That may be but it just kills my frame rate on bigger scenes.

    4. firemanphil


      I agree with handsup, lighting should be toned down, I loose a decent amount of frames when a lot of units are on scene.

  10. Curious, which bugs are the ones you think are highest priority for getting fixed, and what additions would you like to see in the next version of the mod?
  11. I accomplished the goal I wanted to accomplish for the EM4 version of this mod. What I meant was that since 5 will support so much more versatility, and most players will switch from 4 to 5, it would be best to wait until I can develop for 5 and deliver the full experience. Plus I'm really busy with university for the time being Just copy the downloaded folder into your EM4 mods directory. The installer I think has a glitch where it makes duplicate folders. Make sure there's only one "Montana Mod" folder under your EM4 "Mods" folder. Hope this helps, cheers
  12. Posted the Haddonfield Sheriff's car from the Halloween movies in the skinning contest thread!

  13. I present my submission for the skinning contest - Haddonfield Sheriff's CVPI from the Halloween movie universe
  14. posted a quick update to my plans for the Montana Mod in the thread

  15. Update on the plans for the mod - right now, all I'm worried about is getting bugs worked out and most importantly coming up with ideas for new features. Emergency 5 is said to be even more mod-friendly than 4; so the focus has been directed towards getting ready to port the mod over to Emergency 5. The goal is to have a much better version of the mod with new maps, scripts, missions and gameplay features as a mod for Emergency 5. The way I see it, continuing work on the mod for 4 is pointless as it might prove to be obsolete once 5 comes out. There may be another patch before E5 comes out though
  16. What's this months theme? What about next month? Is it too late to enter for this month?
  17. I'm much less interested in these expansions and much more interested in 5
  18. Added a poll to the Montana Mod so you can rate it from 1-5. Be sure to vote!

  19. A poll has been added to the topic so you can rate the Mod on a scale of 1-5. Vote!
  20. Can't believe Breaking Bad is over... but couldn't be happier with the ending. Now the question is what to do with my life

  21. Just realized the camo used by the NG soldiers in the Montana Mod is actually a theatre-issue only camo for Afghanistan, so it'll be changed to ACU in the next patch

  22. Looks good Ghost. Your skin is similar to the Glendale livery which was the inspiration for this engine
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