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Everything posted by bama1234

  1. That's right, but if you encounter an event where you need more units, there will be plenty of mutual aid to call from off-map, including the county fire department, police/sheriff/state troopers and AMR.
  2. No sir, these units are the entire VFD. There will be several POV units though, that can be used to get personnel to the station or respond to a scene.
  3. Introducing the Monida Pass Volunteer Fire Department and Monida Pass Police Department: these units will be the only units available on-map at the start of the game. The Chester County fire department, CCPD, and CCSD still exist, but CCFD has now been changed from volunteer to paid, and all its units will come in the form of mutual aid from off-map. The MPFD and MPPD units will be housed at their respective stations and will be sufficient to handle a good amount of the freeplay events that occur on the new map. Thanks go to Goog for the use his Ford ambulance. The fire engine is a brand new model by me.
  4. Thanks for the tips Hoppah. I figured out the message ticker uses the arial_8_bold font file, but so does almost every other UI in the game, so if I change it I change them all. So I think I'll just leave the fonts alone and edit everything else for the time being. And I doubt I have the scripting knowledge necessary for that mission script editing.
  5. So whats the deal with this? First I heard late 2013 release and now it's almost middle 2014 and still no news. The lack of information / media is a bit disappointing. To contribute to the thread, the biggest things I'd like to see are: - Smarter AI both on the personnel and civilian side to make the game flow better - obviously tweaked up graphics, lighting and physics engines - larger map capability, the size of cities or counties. - built-in vehicle engine and water limit scripts, to add to realism
  6. I think you're right, after tinkering with it, it seems like the best I could do is change the font .dds files but it affects every string that uses that font unfortunately. Oh well!
  7. I'm changing the UI to look like a police scanner and computer, and wanted the fonts to match. I think you're right though. I may just change the over all font to look more technical.
  8. Does anyone know which XML file controls the font used for the message ticker at the top of the screen that displays information about new events? I figured it was message.xml in the message ticker folder, but I edited it and the font stayed the same, so I guess that's not it. Any advice appreciated.
  9. I saw your convo in that thread and that's what gave me this idea actually. You're welcome!
  10. I've decided to release the 2014 Dodge Charger model for private use in anyone's mods - if you want to use it in a mod that will be released, please ask the creators first. Base model by Ausavin/Nnico - alterations to 2014 by Bama1234 This version is different and slightly better than the one featured in the Montana Mod DL Link: https://mega.co.nz/#!m0AzjBCR!ld3rqqL1EZqOU1bzWnEN5P975EpFP6NIUi19RiRNd84 Screen:
  11. None of the textures for my models are packed.
  12. I'm not aware of any reason that I can fix that would cause the textures not to open - they open just fine for me. Make sure you're using the right programs.
  13. That's correct, red/white lights and no siren for Montana Hopefully before the end of the year. Making a new map takes a lot of time.
  14. Funny that you mentioned it, that unit's been re-added and re-skinned. You'll see photos of it in the next update!
  15. Thanks! This map should be great for all small town mods to use. There will be both farmland and a small town in the middle.
  16. I agree and I'll be keeping the older Econoline ambulance in, might be re-doing the texture and tweaking the model though. It will probably be staffed in the town fire station to give it a smaller feel. Possibly, but I'd like to create a new model or a hybrid. All depends on how much time I have.
  17. Hoping to implement it into this version. Both old units and brand new units will be in this version
  18. There will be one small fire station, one small police station and a small hospital. I'm going to try to implement the limited water script as well and there will be a tanker in the new version. All the events will be new and properly adjusted for the map and for better gameplay.
  19. There'll be country on the outer part of the map, with a small town in the middle, as well as a river and small highway.
  20. I agree. It's going to make the mod feel much more complete.
  21. A photo of the new map in the Montana Mod has been released in the thread. Check it out!

  22. it's a few dozen posts back. New map teaser -
  23. Yes sir, it'll be a map based off of the teaser pictures released last year.
  24. Looking for experienced modelers to help make new buildings for the Montana Mod. PM me if you think you can help.

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