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Everything posted by RangerDog

  1. Looks nice, is there also gonna be dirt on the cars?
  2. Car is noet really great yet, but keep op going, and once you will be a great ,modder, you already have the basic!!
  3. take them out of ech other, but not on a police way
  4. Close the area in 2 kilometers around the area, call the EOD, Multiple ambulances and ME (Sort of Riot team) to evacuate the area, multiple fire units, and ambulances. also a sigma team for injuries. Also a police helicopter for controlling, and a mobile command team.
  5. Because it is a international airfield, for example a german plane can also land there etc etc.
  6. Almost correct, the lights MUST be blue.
  7. With surveys you do, but what i mean is. Make a topic, explain youre situation there, because i also have damned situation, and also not asking if i would make a mod, now it looks like you need to pay for the mod.
  8. Surveys just go to far, i think you should not push people to donate...
  9. Looks great made! Hope it can come out
  10. I know, adfly isnt the worst thing, just an example, but to ask "hey i make a great mod, this game is from emergency 4 so lets ask 25 dollar/euro, and you get a beta version." If you just ask for donations okay, but this is just some to far for me, and he is making money from a mod from em4, that also illigal. And than ask it in another topic, if i see this mod i think oh god, this donation topic.
  11. I want it without that betafly thing link, he just makes money from it, i got more and more the feeling he only wants to earn money with this,,,,
  12. Cool, but it looks again simple, try to put some more effoty on it, something special. And Better windows, and wheels (PM me on squad55 for the windows if you want)
  13. Sorry, but i dont like it. All you did is replacing the skin of the fence in the LA mod, and it isnt working.
  14. Mayby like there is a demonstration, or like pretty much injuries, and than you have a (forgot the name) Like major accidents, red cross.
  15. Only events, not the campgains ones.
  16. It means: 'Arrest and remove 3 another criminals en threat all casualties before you move them.' Arresteer en breng 3 criminelen (die met het gele ren icoontje) naar de HQ, oftewel gevangenis. En verzorg ook alle gewonden voordat je ze naar het HQ/ziekenhuis brengt. Sorry, but this is his langlauge.
  17. Nice, only the license plates on the front and back are different
  18. Personally, i dont really like the skin on the windows, its supposed to be "on the window' now it looks more like its in front of it. byt models and the rest of the skin looks cool!
  19. Looks nice, only try to remove that white things.
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