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Posts posted by rettungstier

  1. the files you need are *.dds files in the "unit" folder if each vehicle.

    their names don't quite tell you what they're for but you'll see it once you unpacked and converted them!

    you can find all blanc/selected/deselected pics in there.

    just edit them with a graphics program like paint.NET to make your own ones.

    then re-convert to dds of course and don't change the dimensions or you might get some trouble (usually it just has to be 'a power of 2' but better keep the size the same!)



  2. hey you guys!

    first up, thank you for all those comments abd your support!

    it's been kinda quiet here for the last weeks.

    tomorrow, or maybe monday, you're gonna get some updates!

    i just decided to make things a bit easier so i could save me a lot of script work - what on the other hand means i don't need a scripter anymore ^^

    it also means i have to get all the vehicles i've done so far back into the game cause it's like starting up new.

    alright, updates coming soon... stay tuned!




  3. i had some jams after people ran into tge streets and waited there.... BUT ... i found the perfect units to solve these jams -> NYPD Auxiliary units!!!! :D

    from now on they're my favourites! ^^

    just sent those prople away and everything was rolling fine again!

    ohhhh... and Dyson... don't get this as a call to reduce the count of civis! you know my opinion, put as much as possible, it's NEW YORK ;)



  4. chosse the tab "objects"

    select "vehicle parts doors"

    -> new

    create a new prototype for the door

    then choose the right v3o (modelfile)

    if you want, change the name that is displayed on the objects list.

    always press ok to confirm your selection of course ;)

    to add the door to your vehicle open up the edit menu of the vehicle model abd press "edit doors"

    in the drop down menu on top you can select the correct file you just added and then press "add" to add it to the model.

    to get the right position use the normal navigation functions with mouse and keyboard

    hope i could help again ;)



  5. 1. if london mod uses a siren script i think the proto of your new vehicle has to be included in this file too. just adding the command ain't enough!

    2. all vehicle parts need to be added to the editor/mod with their iwn prototype. so if you managed to get that vehicle in the game, do the same with the doors/wheels!


  6. i think after all we'll meat up somewhere in the middle of all those suggestions.

    like i said before, the current issue is a place for the aerial ladder. since the stations are scaled pretty good for every other vehicle , the basket on the ladder makes the whole vehicle just too high for any gate :/

    anyway, i'll figure somet out but currently it looks like station one is will have one gate with a little higher opening.



  7. yeah, these are a couple of nice ideas.

    i got a little problem with the ladder truck since i use LA mod ladder on which the basket makes the entire vehicle way to high.

    it fits in the slots but the height is a problem for the gates at my (apart from that) well scaled fire stations.

    anyway, i'm trying to find a solution




  8. lucky that working on ems is a job with "extended periods of boredom interrupted by moments of sheet terror".

    so though i work as a paramedic again i've got plenty of time to make all the lights dyson wants to be done ;)

    (funny by the way that everybody says "back to topic" while not sticking to topic ^^)




  9. lol, you guys are great ^^

    car chases still aren't possible in emergency 4 (except chasing a car to arrest person, but it stops as soon as the trooper is near enough)

    and... -Dyson correct me if i'm wrong - there won't be any choppers in this modification :D

    anyway, keep em coming!


  10. okay, i checked it...

    it is a functional way but it costs lots of time to make it look good :P

    i took one of the ccc models, imported it in zmod and exported it again to *.3ds.

    then i opened it up in sketchup copied and removed the door part (made another *.skp file of it) and exported both to *.3ds again

    then another import to zmod and deleting all the meshes that are too much (or attach them all to one)

    re-export as *.v3o and.... viola.... works

    but i bet there's an easier way to do this in zmod too ^^

  11. whhhoooo... that's a tough one!

    i had the same prob with an ambulance from chidea. could make seperate doors with zmodeler.

    hm, anyway, now as i read your post, i might have an idea.

    i'm gonna check first and tell you if it works. if someone knows how to do it. i'd be interested too of course :P


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