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Everything posted by theocd

  1. Are the TA going to fill the Bomb Disposal role? The OC-D
  2. Our e-mails have been raped by the system too, at the exact moment we ordered a brand new laptop for the division and they've kind of screwed it, more money wasted -.- Nicely done on the Cadets. With our division, I was the first new member to join in months, there were two divisions meeting and attendance was about 12 people a week. Since I came, in the last two years, we now have 60+ members on the books, regularly get 30 or more to a meeting and we've merged the two divisions together into one, something that doesn't happen very successfully and we're now one of the largest St John divisions in the area if not the country. Is it the advertising thats working...? o.O The OC-D
  3. Sniped222 and Mintcake69 are taking a break from this mod. I know Mintcake won't be back until the end of the year so I wouldn't expect any information, plans, updates or bug fixes any time soon. The only other thing I'm aware of is Dyson's offer to make a map, but he's doing the Manhattan Mod, the Manchester Mod and other projects. The OC-D
  4. Wow, that sucks. I thought your profile was linked with a Division? I just ordered a Shirt and a pair of gloves, the Shirt's got SJA written on it, if I was that desperate to impersonate someone I'm already there. o.O There's enough Reflective Badges on ebay, some might have the old logo but some's better than none. County ALWAYS lose things, its taken our division more than a year to get everyone ID Cards because they keep losing the photos. Mine came yesterday. I don't envy you, the only reason I didn't apply for a NCO position was the amount of paperwork involved. The OC-D
  5. Nope, I totally agree. Ane we have all different departments and now we're being regionalised, I won't be surprised if differences like this become more common. I'm not sure we have any Paramedics in our area, certainly not in our division, we're so bad at getting people trained people seem to reach PTA then we can't get trainers for them to become ETA or above. Strangely though, plenty of nurses. The HQ side, the paid side, make the poor choices, they see it as a job and having to save money whereas the volunteers know whats actually happening and what we need. We've been told we can't use our personal kit on duties. We never have enough PulseOximetres so people bought their own, not allowed any more. Also silly things like our division wanted a replacement carry chair, basic one £145. But no, they have to be interchangable with those on the Crusaders so we ended up spending £390 instead. Really good thinking. God, don't get me started on the paperwork, like its getting to a point where its being stressed that the need to record the times of the shock and fill the form in correctly is greater than the need to actually Defib the dying person -.- /rant The OC-D
  6. I dunno the maths but the revenue created by the Royal Family is significant, if equal to their cost, I don't know. I also think it is something that is unique to Britain, few countires have such an established monarchy in Great Britain, when people think of the Queen, most think of Elizabeth II, the Queen of England. The OC-D
  7. Alternatively you can change their properties in the Editor, I know Bullet Resistance is there but I believe Fire Resistance is too. The OC-D
  8. Guys at our division have been paying £25 for their uniforms for the last 2 years. I was one of the last at my division to get a free uniform when I joined. Its this sort of non-joined up thinking that makes me wonder whether we're one organisation at all. The OC-D
  9. Yep, sounds pretty typical as well. We have that for cash for Ambulance Supplies, FIT Kits etc. But Uniform we were told its off our own backs. They seem to move the goal posts every time I check so I wouldn't be surprised if you're more correct being as it seems to have reahed you there The OC-D
  10. I can get any rank apart from ordinary member for about a fiver, and all the others are £20+. By the newer ones you mean the rubberised ones? 'Cos I prefer them because they match the rest of my uniform Strange doesn't enter into it, its so badly thought out. And the credit system is useless. 1 duty = 1 credit. I do 2 hours at the village fete = 1 credit/ My friend does 12 hours at the MK Bowl as a PTA = 1 credit. Alternatively buy the whole thing for ~£80, which is a rip-off. But almost all events I do are Hi-Viz and mines got the medical green top. I still wish people would learn to read -.- Exactly, gonna phone them later. The OC-D
  11. I'm at CHQ with one of largest divisions outside London and we've only just been given the catalogue of new uniform dated 2008, before being told that we're not allowed the shirt, which looked the only decent thing in it. We were told the reason we were moving from Black and White was to not look like Police. We've got Black Polo Shirts, what has Thames Valley Police taken up? Black Polo Shirts. Well done. As far as I can tell, this is from both my large division at CHQ and my LINKs Unit, nobody wants the new uniform, the abolishment of the rank structure, the removal of area specific badges or the reorganisation of role on duties; this is from everybody ranking from County Officers down to normal members. Its so stupid -.- On a side note, anyone know where I can get Rank Slides? In prep for the new uniform SJA Supplies has stopped stocking them and the supplier doesn't have any -.- Good luck with the CRU thing, I would try it, but I know I'm too unfit. I'm getting fitter this year so I'm gonna try the next time round Its 10km in 45 mins, 1km in 3 mins followed by 8 of CPR IIRC. The OC-D
  12. Nope, and no-ones going to for a bloody long time. Once again SJA has messed up on a Titanic scale. The OC-D
  13. OK, strange. Will try some pathing issues when I'm back at Uni, all I can suggest in the mean time is re-install the mod. The OC-D
  14. "In Addition to the WMAS Vehicles, one of the St John Ambulance vehicles will make an appearance in the mod, Showing our support to the Charity organisation." WOO! Go for it! Take it you'll do a Crusader...? The OC-D
  15. Independence might have worked 50 years ago before the UK as a whole started pumping the Scottish Oil away from the Scots. Also, if they want independence, our spineless governement must make a point of cutting all the funding that goes to Scotland, that coupled with the lack of national resources means they would go under. Its currently unviable and I hope it doesn't get passed, I completely agree with Hunter42 in that we should be moving towards a more unified UNITED KINGDOM (clues in the name hence CAPS!). Its not exactly helping Britain be Great with all the infighting. The OC-D
  16. I'm still not understanding what you mean then gunswat...can you elaborate? Jon-999, unfortunately I'm not currently on a PC with the mod, but I thought the ARV's could chase, I know there's issues with it as unarmed officers magically gain pistols hence it wan't on the Astra. The OC-D
  17. When I get back to Uni and have the mod downloaded, will be definitely interested. You'll here from me in just over a week The OC-D
  18. When I get back to Uni, I'm game for some games, I'm on Teamspeak as well. Don't mind what I play The OC-D
  19. Gunswat, you're not making much sense but the London Mod has never had the L.A. Dog scripts (which I think you acknowledge) and the dude doesn't have normal Police Commands because he counts as a medical unit (Rescue Dog) and the commands clashed. I think that answer's your question. EldoradoMan, all coming from the main fire station? And at any particular location? The OC-D
  20. I've had no issues with Fire Engines returning, is it a particular one that keeps geting stuck or is it generally Fire Engines? Crashes happen regardless what mod you're playing. Do you have a PDF Viewer? If you don't, that may explain why you can't get the ReadMe's to work. The OC-D
  21. Wonderful! Made me chuckle! The OC-D
  22. Looking really good, I'm really interested in how this one turns out. Great idea! The OC-D
  23. There are incidents like this all over the world, it just shows man's inhumanity to man. However, there are cases where the public come to help, and volunteers in all Departments can be found of all ages. Try not to tar with the same brush, the new generation also holds next years police, fire and ambulance officers. People are horrible, there's nowt we can do about it, except step in when its our professional responsibility or when we can lend a hand The OC-D
  24. AFAIK all the building models are from the original game. Also, if you view the Readme, loads of people are credited for models and three are credited for map editing. Unless you can cite a specific model with a specific author that isn't mentioned, then I'm sure Mintcake is more than happy to edit the Readme. The OC-D
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