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Everything posted by theocd

  1. I think what he's talking about is the bullet resistance of the cops. I don't think you can increase the power of the guns but you may be able to reduce the cops' health points or make them less resistant to bullets. The OC-D
  2. We will remember them.

  3. I know, I knew St John operated in Germany so would appreciate any info. you have on them Katerchen @Entonox - What was this fella trying to do? And what was he wearing...? The OC-D
  4. 1. Use your intuition - the Chief from the main station responds to all fire calls, thats about it. If a fire needs and engine, it needs an engine. 2. As many as you want/need/can spare. Looks like vehicles hold or have equipment/clothes next to them of what they should be crewed with but thats only a guideline when you only have 10 guys for 15 vehicles. 3. There are two guys at computers in the main fire station. One opens the garage doors, the other controls the Volunteer dispatch. He does the extra firefighters for the main station and the ones for the small station North-West. He can send them home again as well. 4. I = Instatleder (?) - Incident Leader i.e. Fire Chief. M appears to be engine. S appears to be Ladder. R looks like Rescue/Equipment Unit. P is Dive Rescue. (This is all being done from memory and from not speaking Danish or knowing anything about their emergency services so I stand corrected on all these.) The OC-D
  5. What is it exactly that you are downloading? If you're downloading LA Mod 2.1 that has its own installer so you need to run the .exe file instead; most mods fit into one of those two categories. If you're downloading additional units they come in a variety of forms... The OC-D
  6. If you have unzipped/unpacked them you need to drag the .e4mod file onto the the Mod Installer and let it install. Then it should be in game Any problems or you need clarification, let me know The OC-D
  7. Could you expand? Is it either of these two? http://www.stjohnsupplies.co.uk/products/default.asp?productId=U14288 http://www.stjohnsupplies.co.uk/products/default.asp?productId=U14041 Or if you could provide an image of what you had in mind? If I know what you're specifically looking for, I might be able to help I must hasten to add that these products are for St John Ambulance members only so if a trade/purchase were to take place myself/any other member would need sufficient proof The OC-D
  8. Aarhus Mod has a Volunteer/Part time Firefighter system. One station is full time, one's half and half and the other is completely retained. Its not random whether they turn up but the alarm is sounded from the Control Room at the main firestation and civilians people and cars will spawn to get to the required station. Info: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/12978-aarhus-mod-release-of-161/ The OC-D
  9. Its only 3 times in not less than 2 months so its not that bad Only one more to go The OC-D
  10. Has it happened many times or just the once? It wasn't a bug we found whilst Beta testing. The OC-D
  11. Yep, at least in the South we seem to have some of the right people implemented into the right places, mainly through public outcry and last minute swaps... Yep, actually joining is easier but the new TFA hurdle is just pointless... Hi-Vis are a British H+S requirement, St John cannot do away with them for good. I think what SJA want is for members to not wear them near constantly, something I agree with but I think they've been crap in communicating that hence why people think they're banned... EDIT for NFK's post: I completely agree with you on the point of stepping in, people would rather it wasn't their problem. Its not illegal here, especially as St John is a voluntary organisation - but its a bloody low step to go to... Our new uniforms to seem to include at least stripes of partial reflective material but for working around vehicles, in crowds or at night, we need proper Hi-Vis with Medical Green shoulders and chequered banding. Its not that people won't identify us as medics in the new uniform but its just a question of visibility. The OC-D
  12. I've been told I'm getting a Hi-Vis, a pair of boots and a baseball cap with my uniform, all things I have and are completely surplus for me; and must be very expensive to send all members... o.O Anyone working on vehicles must have a Hi-Vis anyway... Sounds like they're cocking things up...again. The OC-D
  13. Bizarre, should have tried leading him on, see what he would agree with... What was he trying to sell you? Good luck, make sure to bombard them with questions...let them know that the members are what matters I've just submitted an SDU order form, fingers crossed... The OC-D
  14. @ BARC: Chances are you won't have that fancy kit bag with you though All you need is you for First Aid, anything else can be improvised. The only things I carry with me all the time are PPE, which consists of one pair of gloves in my bag, a disposable resus face shield in my wallet and an instructions card so I can teach others to help or others can help me @Met police: A lot of people are scared about the consequences, its reassuring that people are starting to learn @ Ghost: They don't teach it at the majority of schools here, it normally crops up in extra cirricular things like Cadets or St John, which I think is a shame, but officially there is no age limit. Sounds like a really silly piece of legislation...what could it possibly be in aid of...? There's currently a huge issue in St John whether Cadets (11-16) should be taught how to use an AED (Automated External Defribillator). I feel being as they are taught CPR and to manage casualties that are essentially dead, why shouldn't they be able to shock? (If they feel capable needs to be added as a qualification...) The OC-D
  15. The Traffic police vehicles will come out of the small police station to the West of the river - that is the cars in Batternberg, the bikes and the unmarked BMW. All other police vehicles will come from the main police station to the East of the river. The USAR Truck, the USAR Van and the Silver BMW Officer's car all come from the small fire station East of the river. All other fire vehicles will come from the main fire station to the West of the river. Random exceptions: - LAS HART comes from the main fire station as it is treated as a HAZMAT Vehicle. - MetPol Marine Policing Unit comes from the small fire station as it thinks its a fire vehicle. Hope that helps Certain vehicles should be more resistant to fire than others but if you want to change it you have to edit the unit's properties in the EM4 Editor The OC-D
  16. Fairy nuff, was just a wondering Where are you allowed to do First Aid? Is it only on other Army Cadets? Just wondering about legislation Yeah, go on then The OC-D
  17. Name: - Age: 19 Gender: Male 1. No. 2. 'Not legal tender' quoted on the note. 3. Despite it being the wrong currency It is not recognised by a culturalised norm as being part of the US Currency; an inidividual acting within the confines of this norm with that bill will be severely disappointed Also, if any individual was able to make his/her own money the whole meaning that the note symbolises would be void. I don't know what it says on Dollar Bills but on Pound Notes all it is is a promise - 'I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of...' is at the top. The value of any money is completely false and now as we move into an age of Virtual Money, the apparent value of a promise on coins and notes is being called into question... The OC-D
  18. I'm into airsofting and am halfway through getting my UKARA signed off. Once I have it I'm going to buy a JG G36C, a GBB Glock 17 (not sure who makes the best one yet...) and probably an M56 Shotgun. I'm not a fan of the Frankengun, prefer to keep mine as RIF's, hence the wait for the UKARA The OC-D
  19. Did both of those, its displaying as a mod in game and editor but can't be played in game, it just reloads the original The OC-D
  20. I'm having problems trying to install it as well. Any help with what to do with the files once I've downloaded them would be appreciated The OC-D
  21. Sniped22 and Mintcake69 are away currently but there is a possibility work will resume once they return - although that isn't a garantee The OC-D
  22. Also, the Rapid Deployment scripts would take a huge amount of time, require animation and also do nearly everything in the game automatically - meaning there is little point in playing the game In addition, please use some sentence structure, your posts are very difficult to read The OC-D
  23. In what way are the SAS an Emergency Service - granted they have permission for Blue Light Use in a case of National Emergency but for a 'small time' hostage taking it would be dealt with by CO19's SFO's, who are already in the mod and look very similar to the SAS Aston Martin with blue lights...Hmmm..... The OC-D
  24. My thoughts and apologies - bullying should never drive someone to that. The OC-D
  25. It doesn't quite work like that...Copy and Paste isn't quite so universal The OC-D
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