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Everything posted by Luisinho

  1. I'm banning you because every single post you make you put the UK flag icon. Lol, second time someone bans me for having Yoda in my avatar. And there's nothing wrong with your name, is there anything wrong with Yoda?
  2. Luisinho


    There is two or more Police Lamborghinis here in London, but it's only used in special events...
  3. Just came back from outside, I've just built a snowman
  4. I've heard of it, but is it already released?
  5. I'm banning you for having a such big name.
  6. I ban you because you have 2 pictures signature...
  7. Luisinho


    So you're saying there's only 2 Lamborghini Gallardo in Italy? Thought there were more...
  8. It's snowing like hell here in London, it hasn't stopped snowing since yesterday, and I don't think it will today. It's quite cool and cold, going out to make a snowman soon... I might upload some pictures later...
  9. FBI SUV and Dodge Charger in real life.
  10. Yeah, just like mutu said. They're all the same, only the name is different. But there are already English versions of Emergency 4 in English, but it's only in the UK I guess. And yeah, every single modifications should work without any problems.
  11. I'm banning you because you're banning assholes!
  12. It doesn't matter if there's no point of using it, it still needs to be fixed because it's a bug!
  13. Your banned and fined for not having numbers in your license plates (avatar).
  14. I ban you for banning amazing people!
  15. Never watched any of them, but I've heard about them before... So does it really worth watching them? By the way, isn't the swat series from the 70s or something?
  16. I ban you for having numbers at your name!
  17. Sounds interesting, but it's hard to find people with that kind of experience to make it. But even thought, supported!
  18. Luisinho

    Great News!

    I think it's not hosted on his PC because he's using a dynamic dns ip.
  19. I'm banning you because you felt like being a prick!
  20. You're banned for acting like a 8 years old! EDIT: And please, could you stop using slang?
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