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Everything posted by Luisinho

  1. I ban you because that didn't make any sense... lol
  2. Yeah, get in touch with Atari, they will at least have to give you the download link, because you have the Serial Key which will proof that you purchased it.
  3. Oh yeah, that's true.. I had forgotten about it
  4. I think I have seen the same sirens for GTA SA... But they could be different ones, not sure =*
  5. My bad, I can barely read it, I thought it said CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit) from 24 TV-Show The question is, did it work? If not I'm sure it's one of those options...
  6. You need to disable the reflection option on the editor... Did you write CTU on it? 24 ftw!!
  7. I think that earthquakes should also be removed... They make the game unrealistic...
  8. 1. Try adding a higher value... And make sure the game is closed before you do that, otherwise it will change to its default again. 2. Mm, sorry... I don't know if that's possible, never tried it thought...
  9. Nobody is going to be able to help you like that... Unless you post your DxDiag here.
  10. Maybe you should post your dxdiag so other people can help you...
  11. Yeah, sounds incredible! Good luck!
  12. The ambulance looks really nice!
  13. I ban you because he isn't talking to you! haha
  14. W00T, Can't wait for this, looks exactly the same as Los Angeles... I liked the the tunnel and the way you increased the hospital and I'd love to see the Hollywood sign on it, if possible. Good luck on it!
  15. There are loads of other programs that you can use for modelling, but Zmodeler is required to export it to the game format. Go on YouTube and search for Zmodeler tutorials and you will learn pretty quick.
  16. Sorry, we can't give it to you. If we do, we will be breaking the law! So I suggest you find another way to get it back.
  17. Yeah, hold shift to move it's height. About the lights, you will need to use the right mouse button to move the car position while editing them...
  18. @ANTONIO If it were any of the countries in Asia, I'm quite sure everything would be in Arabic or something ... @AgentSmith6 Looks like to be in USA and its city I'm not sure, but my guess is Los Angeles...
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