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Everything posted by Chris07

  1. Has anyone noticed a limit to the number of Car Crashed allowed on a map. It seems to me like the same 7-8 car crash events keep popping up (I have about 25 on the map) and that a good number of them have never came up. Is there a limit that anyone is aware of?
  2. I believe the strength of a fire is influenced by the Material of the object on fire. Edits to the Materials.xml will be needed. I've never tinkered with materials but I'm sure a search on the forums will bring about some useful information.
  3. Post your toFireStation script as well as the vehicle prototype name that is having the issue. Use pastebin to post your script if you want: http://pastebin.com/
  4. Yes. Maybe a little slow on the CPU but you should be okay enough. Playing on a laptop is always inferior to gaming on a desktop since laptops generally have power consumption to worry about. GTX 760 will be more than adequate, so long as you have >1GB of vRAM
  5. Hmmm....maybe it's time for me to start working on a feature release.... Perhaps when I have time, lol.
  6. Awesome! .....and no one noticed that I used the wrong syntax in my first post to declare a Vector object I'm so used to programming Java, not EM4 Scripting.
  7. One thing is bugging me... Nowhere in your code are you actually offsetting the Z-axis. Math::RotateVector(offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, r);pos.x += offset.x;pos.y += offset.y;I see that part of the code (offseting the X and Y axis...but where are you offsetting the Z-axis? There is no pos.z += offset.z; Unless you added that later and its not reflected in your first post.
  8. Okay then it must be a placement option. I NEVER have luck with "Custom". I always end up using bounding box or another option since Custom seems to lock the Z-axis for me. Try going into editor, selecting the particle prototype, placing a copy on a blank map and try raising the particle on the Z-axis (hold alt + Left Mouse). Try changing the placement option until you are able to move it along the Z axis. That will be the placement option to use.
  9. The position of the person (pos variable) is going to give you the [0,0,0] position of the model...which is between the legs at floor level (as seen in the picture). What you need to do is play around and manually offset the position of the particle by adding to the Z axis. I would create a Vector and add it to your pos variable. Vector offsetV = new Vector(0.f,0.f,50.f); //My offsetpos = pos + offsetV; //Operator overloaded by default so we can add vectors in this mannerUnfortunately, this will require that you manually tweak the offset value...which can be time consuming. Essentially you need to change the "50" to a value that causes the particle to go where you need it. Since all adult models are the same size, this should work for all person models (except children). If you want children models to use it, its an "easy" addition. EDIT: It appears as though you tried to do a manual offset, but I don't see you adding your offset to the Z axis...only the X and Y.
  10. I'm middle of the road...just a tad below the recommended so I should be good....not bad for a PC built in 2009...a lesson in why building your own PC is awesome (ability to upgrade individual components easily).
  11. Feel free to release your skins. Nice work!
  12. Do you need just 3 integers or do you need the ability to expand in definately?
  13. Tried it. I've gotten feedback that it doesn't work.
  14. Ensure that you are merging the downloaded coronas folder with the one in the base game folder. Replacing may cause the default ones to go missing. To make things easier I recommend copying the contents of the Coronas folder in the download and pasting them into the base game's coronas folder...ensuring you elect to copy and replace. If this isn't doing it for you then I don't know what to say. This problem seems to popup for a small minority of people. Not sure if its a true PC/game issue or just operator error.
  15. There is no reason you can't use a command. Scripting for commands is a subset of scripting for missions. If you create a change clothes command you can just call it using the Game::ExecuteCommand() function.
  16. It's not tricky at all. It's a single command: Game::LoadMap("mod:Maps/mymap.e4m"); The "loading map" text is just a game hint fired 1 second before the LoadMap() command. This is only possible in MissionScripts though.
  17. Maybe...but since it was never released in that fashion....
  18. Weird. I can confirm the download is good. Try Downloading from MEGA. Otherwise trying using a program like 7-zip to unzip the file. There is no Save folder included in the mod ( a side effect of the system we used to keep track of our changes while developing the mod). Create a folder named "Save" (Capital 'S') in the mod folder and you should be able to save again.
  19. A few nights ago I played around with missions scripts. One command in particular has always intrigued me as I wasn't sure it did what I thought it would do. So I played around and made a small mission script and played around with the Game::LoadMap() function....and the results were as I expected. A map can be dynamically changed during gameplay. With careful scripting and map creation you can create areas larger than the games map size limit by splitting everything into areas. With some triggers and scripting you can make a large city comprised of multiple small maps. Video of my test. The map changes from one map via timer to another then back again. What does this mean? You can expect a larger area than most em4 maps in Northview: Paramedics.
  20. After playing a couple of hours of Helping Peter, I think its safe to say that my concept is fundamentally different, in fact, I stand that my concept is a hybrid of Helping Peter and RTS. Like Helping Peter, thing such as requesting Fire Department and Police, along with the general set-up of on scene patient care are similar. Unlike Helping Peter (and more like RTS), the mission isn't over when the ambulance arrives. Instead, you are the ambulance. Not only do you have to care for your patient on scene, but you have to care for them during the ride, which may take a few minutes. In Paramedics, WHERE you transport your patient is an important choice. Sending a severely injured person to your local ER will cost you a lot of points versus sending them to a larger university hospital which will gain you a bonus. Furthermore, Things like assessing your patient, bandaging, giving oxygen will not be instant. Need to take a blood pressure? It's going to take a couple seconds. (Obviously the more experience you have, the faster you get things done). You will start off being able to do advanced procedures, but your partner will only be able to do First Aid. Meaning that you'll need to delegate tasks between different characters. The goal is to be able to spend experience points on upgrading your partner from EMT (First Aid) to AEMT (First Aid + Some advanced things) to Paramedic (Like the player). The fire department will also be usable on scene to help treat patients. I plan to support up to two patients at a time. So using Fire Department as an extra set of hands to actually provide treatment is another difference. Also, the UI I am planning is also somewhat different. As far as depth goes, I think I'm more on par with RTS in how advanced the interventions go....beyond the basic first aid seen in Helping Peter. Helping Peter is badass though!
  21. Never played it...so I'll get back to you on that
  22. Hello, and welcome to my concept proposal thread for a new modification known as Northview: Paramedics. What is Northview: Paramedics? Northview: Paramedics is a single player "Mission-based" modification which puts you in the shoes of a Northview County private-service paramedic. From resting in your comfy station to dealing with serious medical issues, the modification makes a great effort to balance realism with fun and to give you an experience that keeps you wanting to come back for more. Treat Patients properly or suffer the consequences. Use experience points gathered from calls to upgrade your skill, your partner, and your ambulance. The concept behind Northview: Paramedics is nothing new, in fact much of the inspiration for this mod come from an existing modification known as Rescue Trainer Simulator. RTS is an awesome mod, but the fact that it is written in German and based on a German EMS system, leaves a lot to be desired for those of us in the US. This will be my attempt to bridge that gap and bring a US style version of the modification to the community. Do I need to be a real Paramedic to play this? Of course not! Remember, it's all about balance. The end goal is to create something that is fun and playable by lay-rescuers but still challenging enough for real life paramedics. Whether or not it's through two different game modes or a built-in help mechanism is still being decided. Northview? Yes, the series lives on....but with a new type of gameplay. I plan on using many of the elements and story points for my Northview: South County mod in this modification. Who knows...this may be set in South County. Will it be playable in multiplayer? No. This modification is only possible using mission scripts. As such there will be no support for Multiplayer or Freeplay modes. The game will play as a continuous freeplay style mission which continues indefinitely unless one of your paramedics dies or you get sacked. So...ETA? I am by no means delusional. I understand fully the size of this project. As of right now that mod is still being planned on paper. The key to a project of this size is that it must have a clear straight-forward plan before I even touch the editor or start scripting. As such I am taking my time in making a solid plan. As such this is still in the conceptual phase. I have no ETA. So what about EM5? Well, with the overall lack of english support for modding in EM5, this will in fact be an EM4 modification! Your feedback! I would really like to know if such a modification is really something that the community is interested in. If I'm going to invest so much time, I really want this to be something people want. Also, what do you think of the concept? What would you like to see?
  23. Which house and vehicle have this problem? I'll add them to the list. Screenshot would be most beneficial.
  24. I've noticed a significant amount of negative feedback from using the tiller model in my mod. I am working on a new mod, which REQUIRES the use of the tiller model (since it's based on a real department that uses them heavily). So I need your feedback: What is it you hate about the tiller from LA Mod? To solve some of the issues I've heard of so far, I'm considering fusing it into a single model. Do you think this will help?
  25. p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, &v, TARGET_ANY);p.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &v);p.PushActionEnterCar(ACTION_APPEND, &v);Each of these functions are written to require that a reference to the Vehicle object be passed in. If you try and take the '&' out and just pass the 'v', we'll probably get an error. Since you're passing in the actual Vehicle object (as denoted by &v) instead of just a copy, the function is able to directly modify the Vehicle's properties, which allows it to change position (move), change orientation (TurnTo) or edit the content information such as passengers (EnterCar). If you were to just pass v instead of &v, the functions would be modifying a COPY of the Vehicle Object...leaving the original Vehicle object unchanged. For example: p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, v, TARGET_ANY); //Note the 'v' and not '&v'You would be telling PuchActionMove() function: "Hey! I don't want you touching the vehicle object directly...instead, I want you to have your own copy of it to do as you please." So the language interpreter makes a copy of the vehicle object in memory, and passes that copy into the function. In that case, the function would change THE COPY's position, leaving your vehicle in-game unchanged since it's data was never altered. Pass by Value....Pass by Reference....It's all a method of controlling data access in a program. Hope that helps.
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