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Everything posted by usmc123

  1. I've been playing GTA IV with the First Response mod. Pretty fun, you can do traffic stops, make arrests, write citations, use a tazer. etc. Here are a few stills from a traffic stop. The lightbar is red-blue Wheelen but it kind of came out as the singe color because of the picture. Here's a video of some gameplay.Just 13 seconds.At the time I was in the middle of searching for a robbery suspect. So I drove up and stopped to take a look at my map. And I disabled fraps later because it was starting to give me a performance hit but thats when the chase actually got very interesting as night fell, it ended up being a good 10 minutes. I found out that I could track the suspect by looking for the helicopter in the sky. Pretty cool. I'll upload this surprisingly huge 13 second video when its ready.
  2. Hot as hell. I wish it was cloudy here one day. And its still the semi-cold season. I am already hating the idea of summer.
  3. [post CONTENT DELETED BY STAN] Wow, lol. I guess I'm a racist.
  4. Ugh, I hate the taste of over the top coffee. I like my coffee bitter-sweet. I like to retain the actual taste of the coffee. Anyway, I love coffee, I go through about 30 bucks on Starbucks a week. Tea is good, I also like the citrus kind. I don't understand how tea can even be brown like coffee though, it looks like it would taste horrible.
  5. We need to talk about this.
  6. Well, I'd say its tone is a tad more serious then in Bad Company 1 but in my opinion the gameplay is much better so it sort of makes up for it.
  7. I play it on my 360, haven't played it in a while though. Just haven't had time, but I'm pretty good at it and I think its a pretty fun game.
  8. I feel as if I'm not wanted and I feel like I'm not really useful.
  9. I think I have insomnia.
  10. Really, I've had nothing but good experiences with Southwest, delays have always been no more than an hour or so but most of the time there are no delays and usually flights are quicker than projected.
  11. American Airlines. Delayed 5 hours because the crew was late to the terminal. HOW ARE YOU LATE 5 HOURS! It was at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport btw.
  12. usmc123


    My dog died a day later We got a new dog though. Here is him as a puppy in a I think December. He's a German Shepard mutt. He's getting huge, he's at least 4 times the size of the puppy you see below And yes, the amazing photography was done by yours truly
  13. I guarantee you the screen the gunner was looking at was nowhere near as clean as it probably was for that gunner. Not to mention his adrenaline was pumping. We have the luxury of being able to pause the video and take our time to look at little details. Someone in the situation of the gunner is scanning everything, hes looking at building number of people, etc. He isn't just focused on the weapon, he is trying to get an assessment of the entire situation that is ongoing. I think there are very few people on this site that have any idea the kind of pressure it takes to be in such a high intensity situation. I know I have no idea and like such really can't make a fare assessment on how that gunner felt pulling the trigger on those unidentified men.
  14. I live in Southern Arizona and I noticed that the wind was perfectly calm yet my pool was very rough, there were waves in the pool yet my palm trees were perfectly still. I just thought, "Thats kind of creepy" then I went inside and noticed that my ceiling lights in my dining room that hang from the ceiling were rocking back and forth. About an hour later I checked the news and realized that what I saw was a result of those earthquakes hundreds of miles away. Crazy stuff.
  15. I know, I was just saying that by kicking out the Taliban we have created a better Afghanistan.
  16. Would any of this have been possible in 2001? Sorry, I just wanted to say that.
  17. I tried guitar but kinda sucked at it. But I really love the sound of the piano or classical music.
  18. All those units patrolling how do you not get a traffic jam every six seconds?
  19. Wow awesome news, congratulations Francis.
  20. Here High Schools only offer French and Spanish. And nobody even takes French.
  21. Your better off not posting pics, just to be on the safe side. Anyway, nice find.
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