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Everything posted by MikeyPI

  1. How about a professional shrink that made the suspect cry everytime he negotiated for 12 hours in game time? Or a CNN Interview to end a hostage scenario because that's realistic and TOTALLY plausible to work on the freeplay game!
  2. I am not totally sure but I think armed civilians in freeplay, which is where I am guessing this idea would mainly want to be used, are randomized on if they are armed or not, when they are to be armed they have a pistol... So I think you'd have to basically replace the gun (originally in the game in the first place) in order for it to not be present. I am not fully certain about this, but I believe that is the only possible way this event could work in freeplay to where your officer was not in a firefight without a pistol being used against him. If this is the case I am not sure if this is even possible to do.
  3. What I meant is even in deluxe with the fire hydrants you don't generally unless you are foolish run the risk of damaging/losing vehicles tech personnel, so you can bring them on the map and park them at a station and be completely fine, you don't really NEED them to have their own compound, and tow trucks unfortuantely are pretty big and would take a great deal of space, yeah the accidents will generally need at least 2-4 tows to clean up... but it's easy enough to order them since they are NOT priority items, ems/fire/police are time-critical. Coast Guard, Bridge, and even the cranes are not needed too often which is why I see no reason to clutter the map with them. As for the accidents, I will probrably be damaging some patrol cars, but I don't know about that, fire engines and ambulances could be wrecked but in my opinion it would not add much, far more useful to make the new american traffic cars get smashed up here and there merely by personal preference... Since generally it's all about which ones will look the nicest turned into piles of carnage=)
  4. In my opinion I'd stay away from Sketchup... The app makes polygons in the most unusual ways, generally increasing the poly count unbelievably high without any reason to be doing it. The rear of your ambo is fine, the cab is a bit too boxy, and the tire wells are wayyy too small.
  5. MikeyPI


    The name of the object must be the same as what you type in for the file name of the v3o. For example, if your object is Cylender, the v3o must also be named cylender to output correctly.... You can rename the object if you want, but that's why you're having problems.
  6. No new bases, for the frequency you use the vehicles in question it would be totally impractical to take the space for their storage on site... That is the main reason a technical storage lot was never done, it generally does not come into play enough to really necessitate them taking space on the map, which unfortunately all three groups would take a great deal.
  7. Your card is an intel card, so to play it safe you should change the resolution in the em4.cfg file to 800x600 to go with a safe setting, the only other possibility I think would be installed codecs...
  8. As am I, but the game must still be permitted to run AS an administrator, I do not know why you must do this with this game, but it is necessary. So find EM4.exe, right click on properties and under the compatibility tab check "Run as administrator" and if it still does not work you will probrably have to change your display settings to resolve it, but try this first.
  9. Are you running the game on windows Vista? if you are you have to run it as an administrator in order for the game to load properly... If the error still persists let me know. Right click on the shortcut icon and under properties check run as administrator and try to load your game. |Setting screen mode to x:1024 / y:768 / bpp:32 / refresh:0 |Screen Mode is fullscreen, return value: 0 |Stencil buffer: 0 bit / ZBuffer: 24 bit This is what you should see in a proper functioning game, your error is probrably caused due to the game not being ran as an administrator, if I recall correctly from the last time that I got the error you have.
  10. Hey, give me credit for trying=) The only way that the Firehouse could work maybe would be to make ONE of them serve the purpose, but even then it would probrably just result in lag unfortunately... The PD and Hospital I have a feeling would cause lag drops and other glitches that would ruin the online experience since it is possible to slow down my computer through stupid behavior with those scripts, online they would be fatal errors... Chances are it is safer to just use something more similar to the default script, perhaps we can have the vehicles return to these bases, but they would not really be used as they are in the single player version.. If they were, chances are we can deliberately cause lag drops thru stupid behavior, deliberate or not. Let us deal with one thing at a time, perhaps we can try to tinker with them in testing to see if they don't do it, but I am betting that we can cause crashes without even meaning to with those scripts. It has to do with how em4 handles scripts unfortunately we can't change that:(
  11. Martijntjuh* is also working on cars for the mod, but yes some of the new vehicles will be smashed to make unique accidents, in all their purty glory they will be smashed up=)
  12. Ok, so maybe I was just trying to avoid more illicit activities by hoppah=) Seriously, the reason why the map appears smaller is that US roads are generally wider than EU equivalent, so where you'll see the four lane Avenues for example, they are if directly compared to the original roads, roughly the size of the highway.... To make the map realistic we scaled up the roads and as Hoppah said, we're using larger buildings, so they will take more space.
  13. The stations will NOT be present on the multiplayer version of the map, perhaps the police might work, if the script was modified, but I do not know if that will occur, the hospital could theoretically work on multiplayer, fire stations can NOT work on the map due to control/ownership issues. We will have to modify the map to remove them and have the traditional entry system from the original game for example due to these issues.
  14. Yes the Gas station is opened, otherwise it would have been done like a week ago... Unfortunately details take quite some time and are rather repetitive.
  15. You're banned, ask and ye shall recieve. Some buildings will be capable of being entered, it takes a great deal of work to furnish such buildings which is why they are not overly a priority here. As we can we will do them, but like the gas station would be done save for the fact that it is opened and to do the interior of the building is taking a great deal of time to do unfortunately.
  16. No it would not, as long as both copies of the game are the same version (1.3) ex, they do not have to be the same type of game, a Deluxe game, a em4 game, or FR can all play together... Your best bet is to try to play the game unmodded first when trying to do MP games, if the unmodded game (default as shipped game) works for you, then you know there is something different in your modifications, chances are the mod has had an xml document or something as simple as that changed to change the frequency of events for example, which will no longer sync with the other game and cause the error you're getting. Worst case, fresh install the mod on both computers after you manually ensure all files related to the mod have been removed.
  17. Zmod is not developed by a professional company that has a staff and an association with the company that permits you to pay for it as say, Amazon might have, so you must wait for your payment to be processed, authenticated by the zmod people and then you should get your code, once the fee has been deducted from your account and payment has been made to their end, contact them again regarding the fact you have failed to recieve your code.
  18. Generally most of the class of aircraft used for water drops start off in cargo configuration and are then modified to carry a water tank, so that does not disqualify the plane necessarilly. Few planes are special-purpose built aircraft to do the task... That is more of a modern era thing that has started to occur. Generally any bush plane (preferably water-landing capable) with a decent cargo hold, strong airframe, good powerful engines mounted high up on the wings make good water dropping aircraft since they can resupply on a lake or another placid body of water. Generally Jets are not favored since they may suck things into the engines and cause problems (obviously). So generally they go with turboprop engines mounted higher on the wings so that the risk of damaging the engines is minimized. The whole concept is fairly impractical but useful none the less. In the end I think smaller planes are more practical than the heavy aircraft that are proposed in this topic, especially the poor 747, which in the end could fill a swimming pool in 20 seconds flat, but turnaround on it would be rather terrible. Great concept but totally unrealistic that anyone would buy that aircraft unless we're talking about austrailian bush country where you may need to fly for quite some time before you reach the problem.
  19. The C5 has an advantage over the 747, it could theoretically be modified to be a more efficient fire fighting aircraft due to the engine/wing configuration, it may be possible to refit it to make it strong enough to do a smooth-water skip across a lake to resupply the water for drops, it would not be ideal still but the 747 can't do this. In the end all three planes are rather impractical for this job.
  20. The floor map is not even totally mapped out yet, we are doing models because of the fact that you need their size to put on the floor map. Unfortunately old euro models may not necessarilly work out as a guide for our new models which in some cases are larger than the original buildings. We are under 30% I know that for a fact, the detail things that take forever are still a bit off, we can't guess our progress in the least.
  21. Generally I'd tend to disagree with you merely due to the physics of how the water falls, it is not comming down in a torrent of water, it is dispersed similarly to an airburst of sorts, the water tends to become more similar to a spray effect rather than a direct drop. Typically those types of aircraft have doors that regulate the flow to disperse it more evenly over a longer distance, those doors help control the flow and the wind going around the airframe ensures that the water is spread out some before it hits the ground, so generally you'll get quite wet but not harmed by the water falling from the aircraft. I personally would be more concerned about the fire than the water falling from the aircraft. Think about when terrential rains occur, the rain may pelt you a bit, but in the end it is not going to hurt you since it does not have the required mass to do so, water does not wish to stay as one solid object like ice/hail does, water wants to break apart and due to this effect it has limited mass and generally won't hurt ya falling on it's own. If you were to put pressure behind the water and try to force it to stay together then yes it can hurt but a typical helo/plane drop does not do this. =)
  22. Theoretically, yes it can be done... What you would have to do to make this work in freeplay is to make some type of trigger, like a button on a console (like the LA Mod Uses forthe fire station) that would activate a script that would then check for the vehicle's presence in a certain location, if the vehicle is present to randomize between prototypes this or this or this etc... They would all be the same car basically but in the end the unmarked unit for example, would require a model and DDS for each varient, the UI buttons, the Prototypes, etc.. Whether or not you could leave it out of the purchase menu, I believe so but I am not 100% on that. Basically the idea is that you'd catch the car in the virtual location box before it left the PD, and change it to whatever random colors might be there IF that button was activated and the script was told to repeat it's self indefinately. This could, however cause problems in several ways, for one the vehicle may come out correct but will not go back to base properly with the script running unless you were careful in the way that a vehicle entered the map and left the map, if it were to happen in the same location the vehicle would switch and re-spawn at the entrance to the PD... It might cause memory dump issues where it starts taking excessive memory just to randomize the color of a car. General crashes could result from this type of behavior, which is highly possible to happen. On a Mission this is relatively easy to do, and generally possible, but in freeplay you need a "trigger" to cause the event, which would have to be activated by the user, and generally the game does not like running these types of events repeatedly. In my opinion it would be more worthwhile to put time into other things that might improve the gameplay, but if you wish to do it, this would probrably be the most likely way to get it done with a minimum of problems. I am not sure if it would be stable at all but this is the way that might work.
  23. The Freeplay map is the standard size, it cannot be larger than the default map, all you can do is fill the entire map in, which is what we are doing. You may only make them smaller than the default, not larger.
  24. You would be correct, the turnaround for a B-747 is impractical compared to a specially designed FF plane or a seaplane reconfigured. Those two types have the luxury of bellyflopping to resupply vs the 747 which is not designed in a way to do this type of resupply from a lake or such a body of water. So in order to resupply it, you would require a massive pumps to support it, unfortunately.
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