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Everything posted by MikeyPI

  1. It has to be multiples of 512 to no larger than:8192x8192 I believe it the whole map... It was saved as JPG to keep the file size down, in a proper format the map will be like 100 mb, i am not sure about the TGA tag, I know TGA works, but PNG may work, I am not sure about that one...
  2. There are some alleys on the map... We are going mainly for a Modern look... The map is generic since no one place would ever fit on the map given the size restriction you have to work within. So it is more or less going for the feel of la, not the exact 1/1 of any one location.
  3. Right now we care only about the map, we are not going to alter/change things that are not related in any way to the map. Creating new events or altering the original ones to be more entertaining Might be possible, but I honestly can't say for sure. Right now regardless it is not a priority. We are not even close to done what all must be done, if it were a simple floor texture and the original buildings we would still take a great deal of time to lay the paths correctly and to manage all the event construction. We are not doing this, we are incorporating new buildings, new objects, custom vehicles specifically for traffic use, and all of this on top of the normal mess of pathing and layout. Some of the old buildings will stick around, because simply we don't want to take a decade here... The areas which we have to cover no matter what are quite time consuming and will take us a great deal of effort to see through... If the idea is relevant to something ABOUT the map we might be able to work with it, but any ideas outside of the map we simply have no time to do with the current project being so extensive.
  4. Generally it is easy to navigate the buildings without moving the view... There are currently NO paths what so ever on this map, it is not a tweak on top of an original map, there are no paths what so ever, no entry points, no traffic, no events, nothing at this time. It is simply too early for all of that.
  5. That is correct, it is still using the same scripting with the same parking available, that will not be changed at this time, later who knows...
  6. The entrance to the hospital is still the same, yes it is true generally ambulances drop off at an ER annex specifically for their ambulances to drop-off at. It is not accurate for them to respond from the hospital to a call, so no the ambulances will not be able to "park" there for deployment, even if we did that it would be inaccurate. Only private ambulances generally do the pickup FROM a hospital to a hospital for example, the gov owned ones just do drop-off and then head back to wherever they came from to await their next call typically. The police station scripts have not been changed and I do not see a need to change them, you can obviously manually park a vehicle you wish to have available, but to me it really makes little difference to have a parking space for a vehicle AT the station or to call them out of their building since most of the vehicles can come from the PD to begin with... To setup additional parking takes a great deal of time and in the end probrably would not change much at this time.
  7. No the tunnel is not functional, it leads off the map for starters
  8. The Hospital is now more accurate to an american hospital, having sufficient parking to appear as though it is a major municipal hospital. The Fire Departments and Police Station at this time, are relatively unchanged, whether that will change in the final version I do not know.
  9. The simple is the question isnt who or why should use the things, the problem is for example SECURITY can gain access to them, they do not undergo thorough training on how to use them safely. Just because someone is verbally belligerent does not give you the right to escalate the situation with a weapon such as a taser, from time to time this does happen unfortunately, be it from a LEO or a Security officer. Those are the cases that I can't justify. When someone's physical safety is danger you must decide using your best judgement the best course of action, sometimes the taser is the answer, sometimes it is not. It just seems that in recent times many people who carry them turn to them first over other options, some do the right thing and guage their response accoringly. My health issues which have not be definitavely found to be problematic, may very well be there, if they are then tasing me for more than 5 seconds would likely kill me yes.. Aside from that Law enforcement would not chase me anyway. I have seen both sides of the taser's use appropriately and misused because of it's convenience in compelling a suspect to comply. Use of excessive force regardless of the reason should never be justified regardless of how you try to go about doing so. Generally LEO's do well about using the weapon correctly, it is generally security officers that tend to fail to follow any common sense and taser people with little cause. I am done commenting on this issue, I just wished to elaborate on my view, I was not in any way going after the police in particular, so if it came off that way, like sheriff I have to correct that error.
  10. I like the ambulance skins a good deal, you definately put a good bit of work into them. I can't do ambulances for lack of pictures=( That would be why I did not go off on my own and try to do a mod from the ground up, I honestly do not know enough about EMS/FIRE to be of much use to it. Good work on the police skins too, FHP looks extremely accurate.
  11. That is a bit harsh considering that sometimes the taser is used a bit too fast for the given situation, just because such a weapon (yes it is a weapon) is advertised and marketed as less than lethal does not mean that it cannot kill, far too often people who have no business using the weapon end up with it and they use it believing that the weapon is harmless. The simple fact is there are many cases where people have an undiagnosed medical condition that could make them more vulnerable to such a weapon. You can't answer for that section of america, what about the poor diabetic who is having an insulin shock episode that gets tasered because he is not of his normal mind and dies, who is to blame for that? I know the rant is a bit off topic but I could not let that one go because I look outwardly healthy but chances are high that a taser will kill me if it hit me for anything more than 5 seconds. The weapon simply hurts to no ungodly end and makes your body involuntarilly do things, which is where the problems come in when you have a rookie or an adrenaline fueled officer who neglects to stop the juice within a reasonable time, you can always hit the suspect again if they do not comply but one should always give them time to comply before they zap them repeatedly.
  12. It actually is not that hard to make a fire engine model, really all you have to do is learn to play connect the dots, UV MAPPING is what most of us despise to no end... Z1 generally if you can get past the conversion problems (yes they are quite severe) has a relatively low learning curve and unlike cars/suvs and trucks fire engines tend to share the same basic "shape" overall for the cab, the back ends can usually be done using boxy designs, especially in america... I know there are not enough tutorials, but those of you that can reskin should be able to pick up models pretty quick since the hardest part is UV mapping, the modeling part is just patience and practice, if you don't have time to kill you really should not even try to build models. It is good that everyone shows interest but reskins are relatively fast, I can take the LA mod and reskin the thing to be NYC with alterations as necessary relatively fast, to build new models to fill the needs as necessary takes some time, which is what Hoppah wants people to do, he does not want ya'll to rebuild perfectly good models, that would be unreasonable, he just wants you to make models where they need be, if ya'll need to borrow a model or two that are common I am sure that would not be a problem but borrowing the whole mod and reskinning it is a bit much considering how much time goes into every model.
  13. The simple fact is this is a hobby for us, if we did this day in day out chances are high we'd kill ourselves... To be totally honest with you, we're just too "questionable" in our loyalties for most companies to even consider hiring us, it does not matter whether or not we do good work or not, the problem is that in between of putting out things that count we'd be rather lazy. Thus why it is pursued in the hobby genre instead of as a career objective. I don't think even Hoppah is a heavy coder and modelers are a dime a dozen to be frank, so most of what we do that ya'll love so much is remedial to people who actually do the game, we just work within the limits of what we are provided, they actually go through and try to make software work within a deadline, something we don't like to do... so they see that as a problem I am sure... So ya just have to put up with us as a hobby not as career oriented modders=)
  14. Wrong Mike NFK, Mikesphotos is the Californian, I am not... I have no idea how they do things out in California.
  15. Please stop requesting suggestions, we already have too much to do as it is. Hoppah, some american departments do use Hovercrafts, though LA is not one of them I don't believe... Hovercrafts are used for swift water and ICE rescues sometimes... I am not sure if they have them still but CT State Police up north used to have some hovercrafts.
  16. His custom install information attatched to the installer is what requires the scripting, generally the installer application software should be able to install things like patches and what not from what I know about the program. If you wish to have options you would have to make scripts in order for it to function correctly.
  17. What you can do is either "unlock" one of the models and use it to help you with scaling, or put your model in alongside the LA Fire truck and use it for scaling that way, add the model then adjust it accordingly.
  18. I want a Pony.... No Airfield, takes too much space and is useless. No Highway, Takes wayyy too much space and is pretty useless aside from pathfinding issues. Reduction in rain, possibly not fog, IDK/care about fog. Adding more traffic depends on pathfinding and traffic jam problems since just like in real life they won't be moving for your emergency vehicles if will make the game unplayable if traffic became too problematic.
  19. Simply Put: LAX is too friggin big, the LAX vehicles are mainly for the mission patch/Missions in the LA MOD game, not so much designed to serve much purpose on Freeplay. They will not be removed but the airfield is too big to be practically modelled without losing the majority of the map. The Map WILL BE AN ADDON: This means that it will have to be installed on top of the original mod; Hoppah said he would try to get someone to compile an auto-extractor or EXE to do it for you all. The problem is the civilian cars and the map combined may overtax some user's systems so we wish to keep the mod playable by most users, so we have to omit some of the things to be an addon. No. It is NOT possible to make the LA river change it's water level depending on the weather. This map is freeplay not a mission, even then you only can alter certain things and changing the water table would end up being overtaxing on machines, so I would not count on that. We are only making a new map, not a whole new game here. It is possible it could work, but most users would not have a machine to support such behavior, not to mention all the extra work that would be required to do this behavior and chances are the game would hate it.
  20. Theoretically it should be possible to do this in a mission, in freeplay... I doubt it. if you could you would NEED to know the angle and all of that crap in advance since an animation is not dynamic. The ropes on the helo for example function because the aircraft NEVER changes altitude. During the time the rappel script works, it only works when the aircraft is in a hover above the ground, so the ropes are always even. On your guy doing something similar he'd have to negotiate the terrain level and that would probrably cause problems with disappearing or getting stuck. In a mission you should be able to "plan" the animation to do it's thing without having problems you would probrably have in freeplay.
  21. In short, a highway takes up too much space and is of little use in this game, it is more valuable to have things that are more interactive than a roadway that is mainly just appearance. Not to mention pathing issues that might present trying to get emergency crews onto it to deal with accidents.
  22. We don't even have a working beta version yet, the map is not even finished being set up. Eventually once everything is laid out and the map is filled there is still a ton of work to do. Nothing exists yet on the map for pathing, entry points, events, nothing yet. If you try to use it, the game simply will crash. Eventually we will finish a beta Test version but that is quite some time off. Due to the immense work involved no gameplay changes are planed.
  23. Sorry Pyro, but that is not totally correct: We were going to develop a LA MOD for mp purposes, however we decided it would take too much time. Unfortunately the "station" system does not work on Multiplayer since it would cause turn-based/ownership problems... As such we never bothered with a second station in any form on the MP map, and never will. Basically if you wish to have this effect on a map you will have to take over a parking lot somewhere on the map. Take for example the "burger king" parking lot makes a decent depot, to the north there is a field next to the parking garage, that is a nice strategic location, and lastly over by the camping grounds to the north east there is room to park vehicles as a staging location. From these locations you can easilly access the whole map typically in an acceptable time frame.
  24. I will go through them all one by one: 1).Probrably not, if it were possile it would have to be done through adding an "animation" and making the firefighters disappear like the harley uses for it's driver or the blackhawk for the fast ropers, if the script malfunctioned it would cause serious problems. Potentially crashing the game or getting the vehicle stuck, or losing firefighters would be most likely to result if you attempted to disrupt the script or it malfunctioned. 2).Theortically yes you could do something similar to this effect, but since people animations work differently it would be extremely difficult to do this type of function without a great deal of work in the scripting department, not to mention I am unsure if the FF's have any hand placement that resembles this type of behavior while moving. 3).Again complex scripting/animations you might be able to do this. 4).In a mission it might be possible to do this, in freeplay events it is highly unlikely this would function very well.
  25. By looking at the two pictures and the notable alpha problem in the zmod picture, I'd say it probrably isnt attatched. If itis check your order on the part to ensure the alpha isnt making the whole thing disappear. Parts can float on the model as long as they are attatched to the body, I do it all the time to save polys. Alphas are extremely sensitive in this game unfortunately so it is possible you inadvertantly screwed something up with the alpha layer, you can always put it back but to troubleshoot you may want to remove it temporarilly and then backfill it later
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