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Posts posted by MikeyPI

  1. We do not know the exact scale of the vehicles in the game originally since most are not true to a real life scale, some are possibly, but in the end the scaling was done more by judgement on the vehicles than by actual 1/1 scale... Use the original car as a guide then adjust to what you believe is accurate for your respective vehicle.

  2. The LED in the lightbar is actually starting to pick up in this nation, if you did the bar right it should be visible enough to where you can see them, just as much as a rotator anyway:supercool: The problem with making bars for general use is the fact of how many varients there really are, your example is just one of a billion of them, which is why the idea was shared so others can do it themselves with their respective needs rather than trying to find a match for what they want.

  3. I believe the attribute is supposed to be special which is why it is on only one, there currently is not a UH-1 model which is what the LAPD SWAT would be using for their insertion purposes. Really to me the trick has very little use in the game other than being fun to play with, since you cannot rope onto buildings to deploy snipers and you can't really do a dynamic entry in this game the uses of the fast rope are fairly limited.

    Can't they both have it, I would love SWAT being able to rappel down. Also SWAT is more likely to use that than NG.
  4. This is going to be the dumbest one but here goes, ensure that you have the correct file location (the editor can only read em4 maps and TGA format, not jpg, so that one doesnt matter; you want to ensure 1). the map you are importing that you have the proper location, it is very easy to loose your place thanks to all the folders having the same name and :MOD being the front if you load a mod but you can still make that text show up for a root dir of another mod, I have had the misfortune of loosing a map before... Second, make sure the place you are trying to export to isnt write-protected, vista does this to program files by default, so it will probrably cause an editor crash for that reason, lastly try saving the map as TEST.ep4? or something to see if it is the file name conflicting... Goodluck.

  5. File association should not cause a problem, just because you associate the TGA file with a certain editor does not mean it cannot be interpreted by other ones. What is probrably wrong is that either the map is not saved properly (some program's default settings are not what they need to be and some honestly can't make a map that EM4 can read). I had a total of 4 paint programs to work on maps, in the end only one could actually save the tga in a way that emergency could read them properly without ruining the tga. I have no idea when you import it if you are overwriting an existing file for example, that may be causing a crash, there are so many places where you can go wrong so without all the things you've tried I am not really sure what is going on. If the size is right it should not be crashing the editor even if the TGA is not the proper resolution or attributes, in those instances it fails to load correctly (looks wrecked but loads).

  6. :welcome: Hi, welcome to the forums, now on to what I have to do, at the bottom of each of your posts you will find an EDIT button, this allows you to change your post without having to put another one down, as a rule if your post is the latest one in line, just edit it rather than adding a new post. Also please do not use caps when writing, it is the equivalent to screaming to most people and generally annoys many people so instead try to type either in lower case or proper english.

    When dealing with a stolen car for example you can either use a spike strip to stop someone or use a police helicopter to "follow" the target, when they reach the target the suspect will get out and move out on foot. You will have to use a patrol car or cops in the helicopter to proceed after the suspect once he is on foot, then arrest him and put him in the car. You would have to be more specific on the bomb squad truck problem because I really do not understand what problem you are having.

  7. Since everyone seems too dense to get it WE WILL ADD IT LATER, the more ya'll ask for it is not going to make it appear any faster! We were hoping for an LAPD strictly because of the fact that LA County is rare in the mod vs. LAPD which is everywhere in the mod, for asthetics alone we figured it would look better having an LAPD transport. It has nothing to do with anything else other than that alone... Move onto another request, we get the point you want a van to move prisoners, but we are not adding it to 1.6 it is as simple as that. :1046275873_shakehead:

  8. Found that in your link, we could use that as prisoner transport :)

    Read the posts please for the love of god! I already mentioned a prisoner van would not make 1.6 since it is not a priority, as well as the fact we already know one exists for the LA County Sheriff's Office! We were looking for one from the LAPD but could not find one, Mike's Photos already found a prisoner transport which is just like the one everyone else is pointing out! On a side note, do not try to link directly to a fortunecities photo, unless you have the cookies to the picture you won't see it, so there is no reason to do it.

  9. I wish I could, unfortunately he won't meet my conditions and give me a castle with a dungeon so I can continue my noble work.

    The only non-bus prisoner transport I have seen was today after I made this post, it belongs to the LA CO Sheriff's Department (thnx to Mikesphotos for showing me the pictures of the vehicle). However, the Van in question is not going to be in 1.6, there are already enough things added at this time and the van is not exactly a critical update to add to the game yet so it may get done in a later version.

    I wish people would read the whole topic prior to posting a reply to a post without reading through the whole thing...... We were looking for an LAPD one but could not find it.

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