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Everything posted by goog

  1. goog

    World Of Tanks

    Got into this game lately and I love it! I love the strategy and team aspect of it and I also enjoy kicking butt! Had it a few weeks and I've already populated my garage with tier 6 units.
  2. I see you've been busy lately...super job on the cvpi cops!!
  3. Lately I have not been working on the mod at all,I have very little free time right now to devote to the mod and have other priorities at the moment. In the coming weeks I'll get back into it and get some things done.
  4. Here's CFD's and my channel if you've never checked them out... http://www.youtube.com/user/goog1967 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrufXWqVu08XIPsmx05hfwg
  5. This is pretty sweet!! link to the video... http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=491_1378948033
  6. There will be a Batt Chief,BCAS and RCMP supervisor all of which will have the ability to call more apparatus.Patrol cars will be able to follow suspects.
  7. That's exactly what it means and what you have to do.Or you can host your pictures on a better site that has no limits like http://imgur.com/ I use this one all the time now.
  8. I agree with cops,love the white but not the neon green stripes.Seen lots of departments with white/blue,white/red and white/yellow but no neon green.But it's your project in the end,just offering some friendly ideas... The first white/red rig from Colwood looks simple but it's sharp,one of my favorite colour combos I've seen.
  9. Watched this the other night and "Wow" is all I got to say...pretty sad state of affairs in Detroit. Link for the video... http://viooz.co/movies/19395-burn-2012.html
  10. Surrey is pretty much land locked so there will be no fire boats.There will be a river at the top near the highway so we may include a boat for water rescue. Seattle is 3-4 hours away by car so a boat would probably in excess of 4 hours,they would not realistically respond to an incident and British Columbia doesn't allow offshore drilling.
  11. Crime Scene Investigation on the rear panel and Emergency Dial 911 on the back stripe.
  12. Thanks squamishfire,I'm stoked to be able to add Hoppah's script of limited water to the mod...it'll make the game more challenging and realistic.
  13. This is a public forum,it's for opinions both positive and negative.If you can't take criticism then maybe you shouldn't be starting a public topic and instead keep it private. There are some mods where beginners use the LA mod units(Hoppah allows full usage with credit) and skin them (I did when I first started skinning and they weren't the best jobs) and the community then appreciates and comments on the effort taken. To announce you finished a unit and then show a picture of a sketchup car?! What are other members supposed to think?Or how can you even expect them to take you serious?
  14. The Vancouver Police Chargers are all equipped with them now,Port Moody Police also has them on newer cars.I think the angle of the front middle part of the lightbar helps for increased visibility at intersections. check out the video,these bars put out a lot of light...
  15. I can see the guys nipples...just kidding good job so far!
  16. you can never be too safe...who knows where those hoses have been.
  17. It's not even a game unit,just a sketchup picture by the looks of it.
  18. The Surrey RCMP doesn't have a water cannon like the LA mod.They form lines with shields,batons and have a mounted unit also. There was a horse in a mod awhile back I saw that was for crowd control,that would be something more realistic and we'll see if we can do it.The Surrey RCMP use normal units to respond to a riot. Also a city on Vancouver Island I lived in had a riot on a weekend (teenagers went to a smaller suburb on mass and tried to break into a liquor store) RCMP and the fire department turned on the hoses to break up the riot...it worked wonderfully! I included a video of the Surrey RCMP responding to the riot in Vancouver,you can see they use normal units and a bus to bring in the force.You can also see the horse trailers in the convoy.
  19. The tower ladder or you can use the ny mod"s ladders with permission of course.
  20. Tell imam it's not hard too find...*hint* look in the LA mod *hint*
  21. headlights-only on at night blue lights-when activated standard-on all the time make sure none are set to standard As far as the tires,nobody else or mine has had that problem so I think that's on your pc.
  22. I made a rough 2012 charger version and the paint scheme matches it perfectly.
  23. I think your right Finn,the new paint scheme matches the Dodge charger lines perfectly but looks weird on the cvpi.They currently have no new Chargers but the cvpi's need replacing eventually.The VPD is going to be using the new Chargers so I think the Transit police at some point will follow.
  24. Yes,I also noticed that last night when I visited that website.I made a quick version but don't know which one I like better.The new paint scheme has not hit the streets yet. new livery current livery what's your guys preference?
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