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Posts posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Just another update, probably the last one to be honest.

    I spent a fair few hours on each of the skins for these two Audi's. Most just trying to get the livery to work and change the original skin colours to the ones I wanted.

    First of is the marked station officer Q7. The light bar etc is from the XC70.





    London Mod vehicles/personnel: Sniped222 & Mintcake69

    Fire crest: e34p

    Reskinned by: BeastyBill88



    Next up is the ARV Audi A6. I was going to have it as a traffic unit, but as it was originally used by the Flying Squad I thought an ARV would be a more fitting role.




    London Mod vehicles/personnel: Sniped222 & Mintcake69

    Police crest: e34p

    Reskinned by: BeastyBill88




    Finally here are some group shots of the fire, police & ambulance vehicles and personnel.





    London Mod vehicles/personnel: Sniped222 & Mintcake69

    Fire crest: e34p

    Reskinned by: BeastyBill88








    London Mod vehicles/personnel: Sniped222 & Mintcake69

    Police Accident Sign/Police crest: e34p & Scrivs

    Reskinned by: BeastyBill88








    London Mod vehicles/personnel: Sniped222 & Mintcake69

    Ambulance crest: e34p

    Reskinned by: BeastyBill88

  2. you used paint? Holy crap! That's a skill in itself, paint is so basic lol.

    But yeah you make some good points there bama, even if its just a reskin, you can move up to 3d modelling and scripting etc, it just takes time to learn these skills, you don't get handed them over night.

    And it was nice to see your early work bama even now with all of these New York and LA mods it's a great effort!

  3. I think that you have to use a TGA file and then import it as I believe you can't export the e4m files and edit them.

    Here is the original Freeplay map texture: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/382-emergency-4-freeplay-map/

    If I can remember where Hoppah's LA version is I'll link it for you.

    EDIT: I think this is the one: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/12463-im-going-to-stop-modding/?p=170094

    Good luck!

  4. Amazing work, love the XC70 RRV! You should do some BTP Units!

    Thanks, it was mostly just getting the textures lined up properly and relighting it. Then I had trouble getting it in game all because I had edited the unit.xml file wrong lol.


    I'll give it ago... I mean I did give it ago, you remember the unmarked Ford focus ST? Here is what I came up with...




    Its not completely BTP, but all the reskins I've done are just based off generic liveries anyway. Also trying to reskin this was a pain in the arse lol, as it was originally dark grey.


    The wheels are subject to change as I'm not to keen on the sporty wheels on a patrol car.




    London Mod vehicles/personnel: Sniped222 & Mintcake69

    Police crest: e34p

    Reskinned by: BeastyBill88

  5. I would recommend using Nnico's CVPI model instead of mine. Mine was intended for civilian use only. I dont know where to find a link for it but it is still somewhere around the interwebz.

    I'm sure I saw Nnico's Vic, Ford E van & excursion on the emergency fan forums. I'll check when I get home and post the links unless someone can do it for me.

  6. Hey everyone.

    Just a small update I wanted to show you all. I never used the Skoda doctors car in the mod so I thought I'd change it. This is what I use now...




    ... Its a reskin of a reskin lol.


    I reskinned the RPU Volvo with a similar texture to the HART discovery. I edited the lightbar skin so it now has 2 white strobes in the centre. I also tweaked the lights so it doesn't have the same flash pattern as the police version, I think its come out nicely to be honest. The personnel are either standard paramedics or HART paramedics depending on the incident.



    London Mod vehicles/personnel: Sniped222 & Mintcake69

    Ambulance crest: e34p

    Reskinned by: BeastyBill88

  7. This is the attitude we need around here. People willing to accept their mistakes and apologize. That is what divides this community right now.

    Those who have been wronged, and those who refuse to admit they have wronged others. MikeyPI's post sums it up nicely.

    Have a good day/night and stay safe.

    This is true, the more people are willing to just say sorry and admit they made a mistake a lot of this wouldn't have been blown up the way it has.

    Thank you, I'll be heading to bed when I get home it's been a long night lol. You have a good day/night too.

  8. Sorry. Thought you were a PC based on your knowledge of UK cops.

    You've lost my respect and regained it. You know why? because you owned up to your mistake. Something that very very few people on this site can do.

    Have a beer. You deserve it.

    Oh no no no. I just have friends in the force. I'm just a security officer at a vehicle compound.

    Oh well to be honest I wasn't expecting to regain it so quickly. Thank you and again apologizes for what I said I do understand why all this has happened and why it needs to happen not only for content creators but for everyone. That is true it's not just this site it's everywhere not a lot of people will admit they are wrong because of their pride or just being an arsehole lol.

    Thanks I'll have it in about an hour when I finish my shift

  9. Sorry Constable Mills, your Facebook post blaming me definitely made me lose respect for you. I'll be as civil and respectful as I can. Something you didn't afford me when you claimed that my packs are the cause of these crediting issues

    In regards to your post, you definitely weren't seeing it this way when you were commenting on the Manhattan/Brooklyn page. You've voiced your distaste for the moderators, the "childishness" of them, and my content being the source of this mess.

    What you think is a 'little' issue, is actually a big one, becuase it opens the possibilty of this website being SHUT DOWN for hosting stolen content. It also means that it would be the end of the english speaking Em4 community.

    Pixels and polygons are only insignificant if you're not the guy who made them. Please take into consideration the amount of work, research, trial and error and endless fitting and finishing that the model makers had to go through to make their models.

    As a police officer, I was expecting you to be more considerate and understanding towards the content creators, but from what I see in your words off site, you don't really seem to care about us and would rather have a constant stream of content regardless of source. Now tell me who has the simplistic and childish view on things?

    First off... Where are you getting that I'm a police officer? I'm not a police officer never have been because of my health.

    Secondly, your right what I posted on Facebook was out of order from me, I admit I f****d up. I had only heard one side of the story and I jumped to conclusions. I just want to apologize for not thinking before commenting on the matter, but also for offending yourself, Mikey and others for what I said.

    Your right I don't know what its like as to be completely honest I'm not sure I'm smart enough to do 3d modelling.

    Also my intentions (when I said this started when your mods came out) wasn't meant to point the finger at you more at the people not crediting, stealing etc. But it's not just me that was slagging you off, look at all the other comments. I admit I shouldn't have posted what I did but I'm not the only one to blame.

    My last point, you've lost all respect for me? Ok that's fine, because I'm not gonna go begging on my knees for your forgiveness, I'm just apologizing for what I did because it was wrong for saying what I did.

  10. Fact of the matter is, the actions of some authors are the ones that fractured this community.




    If you want someone to blame, its the countless reskin mods that don't credit, and the few mods that steal models and other content. Thats pretty much the whole situation down into once sentence.


    People like MikeyPI and NFK are easy targets because they are authority. Its like how criminals think of the police. Content creators like me also get blamed because we assert our rights to be credited FOR OUR OWN CONTENT, yet get lambasted, ridiculed and crucified for standing up.


    How is it fair that the people with NO skills get to stand up against the "moderators brutality" when content creators get slapped down for asking to be credited?

    Because the community is mostly made up of kids you get all of these behaviour problems. Like you said criminals and police, well the way it is now most people don't have respect for one another and kick off when they get put them in line. They will side with people they like because they want their stuff, but then hate people trying to stop them.

    Its not any of the mod/admin teams fault they have a job to do. Its not the original content creators fault as they have the rights to be credited it for making it or if they choose to to remove their content for others to use. The problem is with the community itself, if it was a more mature community most of this wouldn't happen, getting rid of a few bad apples who think its alright to steal and break the rules because they think they don't apply to them might help the situation.

    I think coming down hard on this will make the community better and in turn given credits were due will become second nature to modders, yeah people are going to kick off about it at first, its like telling a kid its time for bed they will eventually settle down and go to sleep. But no matter how you crack down on it here, it only takes 1 person to steal it and it ends up everywhere else on the internet.

    Sorry if this didn't make alot of sense I haven't long woken up for my night shift lol.

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