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Everything posted by topfuzz

  1. I dont mind that fact that you are doing little things to get us fans excited i know that shit happens in life that we cant control but what really irks me is when people set a release date and dont stand by it. You have done it now twice and have not followed through so please do not do it again unless you are 99.9% sure that you will release the mod on april 9th or before. It is very dissappointing to us fans when we have waited a very long time for this mod to come out . This mod is what keeps this game alive i belive and i wouldnt even play emergency 4 if it werent for the future release of this mod. I dont care if you say its gonna be another month or weeks if you cant say for sure when the mod will be out then dont set it in stone. Thank you for all your hard work !
  2. I would just like to say that i love the mod but i wish there was a new map or a better one but still great work! There is one bug however when i was playing the raid on station mission i couldnt put any criminals in any cars but the undercover one not sure why?
  3. I would just like to say that i love your cars they are way better than the original and the lights are the best i have seen! Great job!
  4. I think the map is just as important if not more because there already enough unit mods out there and the mod already has a plethora of them but most mods dont have a good detailed fully functional map for me the map is what brings the mod to life u can add all the new units you want but its not gonna be very fun if you have all American units in a European map that is poorly done its just not very exciting.. anyways great work on the map dyson!
  5. I got it to work the only problem im having is police vehicles that are supposed to spawn from the police station dont and theres no way to get them on map unless i do it via the editor?
  6. The map doesnt load if you load the mod you have to replace the maps in the LA mod or the default maps and the lightbars are all there in 2.0 the only problems i saw were alot of missing files for the cars and police cars that spawn from the police station were not spawning and a few minor traffic problems.
  7. I am also having this problem just recently got em 4 deluxe tried to play and after the intro videos the game goes to desktop no message or anything i have updated my drivers and still not working and i checked my codecs as well and removed the ones that were bad. I can use the editor though which is weird. DxDiag.txt logfile.txt
  8. The one over the criminal has been removed im talking about the one on the map well in the real world police dont have a huge sign telling them who or where the criminal is it kinda takes the point out of it
  9. Is there a way to remove the symbol above a criminal to make it harder to find them?
  10. Is there a way to get new decals or make your own and import them such as the white or yellow lines on the streets?
  11. oh ok is there any plans to make the new map compatible with the deluxe version?
  12. can you over write the deluxe freeplay map with the new freeplay one?
  13. well thats what i did but had no luck so i asked if anyone else tried or would try to get lights going in the same direction at the same time
  14. that is in reguards to setting up new traffic lights im asking about existing ones but forget it
  15. actually theres strict tint laws i think its like 15 or something but the tickets can get costly per window but of course law enforcement can use what they want lol but noy many cars have tinted windows anyways
  16. that doesnt answer my question
  17. actually i already tried that and it didnt work like it should do u have to rename the vo too?
  18. i think some one said it but is there a way to make 2 lights going in the same direction work at the same time like in real life?
  19. i live in longwood and the whole patrol fleet is chargers and a few explorers and winter springs a near by suburb uses mostly impalas and has a few newer ones also lake and orange county sheriff departments have upgraded their fleets to newer impalas
  20. i tried that and all the lights were green and cars would stop on green and wait till red like they each light was still operating on its own
  21. how do u get 2 traffic lights to go at the same time n/s e/w
  22. this won't work with the light submod correct?
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