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Ray the Wise

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Status Replies posted by Ray the Wise

  1. Good evening all, I haven't been online soon, but that's because lately I've been very busy

  2. Did I mention I was drunk? Oh, right, I did...

  3. Did I mention I was drunk? Oh, right, I did...

  4. Did I mention I was drunk? Oh, right, I did...

  5. And there I was thinking the answering machine would take care of screening my calls. Geez!

  6. Bout to head in, godspeed everyone.

  7. wish i could get this dam thing to let me post

  8. Hadopi c’est moins fort que moi ! http://bit.ly/aQC8zP

  9. My emergency 4 crashed!!!! NOOOO

  10. I saw the most awesomest thing a few moments ago, CHevy Astro van, with spinners, mega woofers, and hydraulics. :P

  11. Anyone want a video editer? Im free :)

  12. Someone broke into my toolshed again and stole my hoe. Sometimes I wonder...

  13. Someone broke into my toolshed again and stole my hoe. Sometimes I wonder...

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