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Ray the Wise

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Status Replies posted by Ray the Wise

  1. On resting night watch at work tonight. Love getting paid for sleeping.

  2. On resting night watch at work tonight. Love getting paid for sleeping.

  3. today i crash in another car

  4. EM2012 Will not be moddable for a period of time. They will release something after the EM2012 release, which makes it possible to adjust the game. It won't have all the functions that it has right now.

  5. Heh. So walking around with a giant bottle of wine is apparently a sufficient cause to be arrested and detained. The more you know...

  6. Heh. So walking around with a giant bottle of wine is apparently a sufficient cause to be arrested and detained. The more you know...

  7. Il faut attendre que ça pénètre. Ben bon sang, c'est long.

  8. Just orered Emergency 2012 Deluxe Edition :D Bound For UK. Shipping Was 7.05 But Worth It :)! Cant Wait :D

  9. airhorn mod for LA? anyone?

  10. Nouvel article sur mon blog : Le blocus, une solution? Mon point de vue par rapport au mouvement lycéen http://t.co/ItkH0KS

  11. Just orered Emergency 2012 Deluxe Edition :D Bound For UK. Shipping Was 7.05 But Worth It :)! Cant Wait :D

  12. Anybody know how to add a waterthrower to game. It always crashes :(

  13. Life sucks. I'm tired of doing work on paper. I want to do something useful.

  14. to be or not to be?

  15. Burn Notice awesome serie

  16. Sonoooooooooooo

  17. Just a question - If i get the Emergency 3+4 double pack, I can still use mods right?

  18. Latvia Mod video:

  19. Major vehicle fire on Eastbound 80. 2 Cars involved. Engine 4 and Medic 4 are on scene. 1 injury so far...

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