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Posts posted by squamishfire

  1. I downloaded it last night and it works fine for me... However when you add 2 pds, 1 Engine, and a EMS you LAG like crazy... even just looking the fire houses creates a lot of lag... I am currently running an intel graphics card... so I don't believe that intel graphics cards are a problem in less maybe if you have an older one.


    I remember something that a wise old mod creater said in the past... maybe now a days our problem is that we are trying to make things too realistic?

  2. Can we have both? :P xD:)


    Always one for not making a decision... up women are going to love you...



    My only worry with the wider one is game play... will the wider one cause problems going around traffic.  The reason why I say this is because has anyone else had the problem in NYC where the ladder trucks get stuck or go an awful long way back to get around a vehicle.

  3. A little word of advice, don't give up working on something until the actual game comes out. I have seen games in final development stages to in testing phases just collapse and never gets released.

    There as this one game in particular I remember, the group started a project and then half way through decided to hold work and wait until the new game came out. They waited for a year and a half before the developer decided that it wasn't worth it and canceled everything. The team was so dejected that they to this day have never finished the mod they were working on.

    But never the less, this is your project, do what you will :-)

  4. I love the stealth!!! IMO though... shouldn't the crest come before the word police... it just looks a bit werid for me and the 221 seems a bit... distorted.


    Never the less looks great man!! and I am looking forward to playing this when it comes out... We need more Canadian cities... fictional or not :D

  5. He's asking for help...


    1) Doors you have to normally put them in youself if they rotate... Go into the editor again and within the child you will see the wheels, doors, (and something) buttons in the top right hand window.


    2) Same goes with the rotors... you have to add the blades in.


    3) as for the not lifting off the ground I am unfortantly not knowledgeable to help you there.


    Hope that helps.

  6. Hey all...


    for those of you who like star trek and have some time on your hands there is a sim that I am apart of where you create a character in the trek universe and can well... you know, bla bla bla bla...


    Anyhow it is like having a part in writing a story by giving your little input and having someone give theirs all to a end goal.  the catch is that you have to be 13 to play.


    here is the website... have a look... if you think your up to it click on the join button select your position and just follow what it is asking.


    Any questions PM me.




    Oh... almost forogt... here is the website


    Coolo beans

  7. Personally I think you should get away from the ALS and BLS engines.  I know it is your own mod and everything like that, but realisticly in canada there is no such thing as a BLS or an ALS engine. Fire fighters are trained to the same medical level.


    Loving the engine models though :D

  8. I have enjoyed it thus far.


    Just a bit of clarification. You are using the LA MOD map with one fire station with a few modifications that you have done correct?  From some of your videos it looks like as if you are using Woods map.

  9. Dyson that is a interesting gas explosion you had...  I am a bit confused on why you didn't call in any tower or ladder trucks. In Game don't they have a gallon output then the hoses? (I remember reading about this some where but can't remember where.)  I now know why you also omitted that from the beta test verson (I was mucking around with the NYPD calls :D ) it takes a lot of equipment to bring that fire under control.


    I know you guys are also in the testing stages for the full release, but is there any chance that a fire hall could be added into the upper right hand corner? Or is there plans on doing that in the future?


    Thanks... and good job!

  10. Now that is a good question. I did a quick check and from photos I don't see a water cannon. Now that doesn't mean it doesn't have fire fighting capabilities.  Now... here is the thing. If there are any one out there that used to drive Highway 99 (sea to sky corridor) back in the 1990 - 1995ish at Britannia Beach they would have remembered an old passenger liner there call the Prince George in 1995 it caught fire, Britannia beach fire department responded to the call with its one pumper truck. A mutual aid call was quickly dispatched to Squamish Fire for aid in putting out the fire.  The coast guard arrived I believe it was an hour into the fire and ordered both fire departments off the vessel for fear of it capsizing. They never really par taked (as far as I know of) in the fire fighting and if they did would have only did exterior cooling operations with their own hoses.


    But yea any how getting back onto topic a bit. As far as I know of and see there are no deck guns on a CCGSs.

  11. VFR, North Vancouver City, North Vancouver District (I believe) BFD and Richmond (I believe) all operate a fire boats, one each department. They respond together in the event of any ship fires within the port of Vancouver. You would also see CCGS (Canadian Coast Guard Ships) responding to the event as well. The fire boat from CFB Esquimalt would not respond to an event like this unless it is dire.

  12. Firefighter23 the vehicle will not pull over for the emergency vehicle to go by it. The cop will pull the vehicle over and give the person a ticket.

    Firefighter23 the vehicle will not pull over for the emergency vehicle to go by it. The cop will pull the vehicle over and give the person a ticket.

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