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Posts posted by squamishfire

  1. The truck that Goog is refering too does have foam it has a Waterous Advantus 6 Dual Foam System.


    I see that you did do some modifications on it though.  The mirrors are different.  I know that a lot of American FDs like that stupid christmas star thing just below the window... I for one can't stand them!  but to each their own.


    Still love it :D

  2. I would appreciate it if everyone who downloaded that link deletes those files immediately. I don't even know what's included in that link, but for the purposes of clarity we are not releasing a beta of the mod, or indeed the mod itself, and in order to respect the on-going work of the team please do not steal content, try to get the models in-game, post images or videos of content or otherwise. You'll probably only ruin your expectations, so get rid of it thanks!



    I have bolded an area in your quote that I find highly offensive.


    The emergency Planet fourm members did not steal anything, I downloaded a file that I thought the team was giving out.  Please sir retract your comments to the group about theft and have a chat with your team members about sending out items to the group.


    I will how ever comply with your request and delete the said files.


    How ever like I said you did technically call us theifs.

  3. okay so I am a bit confused here... you are saying that V1.0 is already out? Where... to your beta testers? And you are talking about V1.1 and 1.2... But if it hasn't been released to the general public then your updates are not really considered 1.1 and 1.2 they are merely just a add on to what you are sending your beta testers.


    So currently at this moment you are actually in . 2 as nothing has been released yet.

  4. So are you saying that you copied over the prototype for the helicopter and the rotors prototype as well?

    If you haven't copyed over the roters prototype as well that would be your problem as well. They could be in various areas... I would check the 03 LA Police file first to see if it is in there.

    If not then it will be in one of the object files... I am not sure which one, if I had my computer with me at school I could check for you but I only have my Kobo Arch 7 HD with me >.<

    Let me know though if you can't find it and I will have a look for it tonight before i leave to teach.

  5. I am editing this for personal use but I am seeing a few issues.

    Which file controls the speed of units? I went into the unit files and edited it that way but I got nothing.

    Also I am having an issue with the follow, when they get to the person the cops are not pulling out a weapon, any idea what file that is?

  6. okay that is exactly what I thought... you my friend have a intel graphics card.  You are therefore like the rest of us unable to play the real version of this mod... you will be able to play the standard version of the game but it will lag on you.  Sorry man.

  7. Haha welcome to the way of gateway :-) I have a gateway laptop and of you have a Intel graphics card don't bother... you may have luck with the SD version but it may be lagging.

    Try the full version. If you get a ctd right after loading the free play it means that your unable to play because your computer doesn't have the chops to play it.

    Good luck!

  8. All fire departments are different on how they run their vehicles, I know you probably know this I am just saying =) ... Surrey Fire Rescue works normally like this... 4 on an Engine, 2 on a Rescue, and Ladder/Quint, that is typically what we are doing I believe.... now that being said, once when the mod has been released you will have the option to change the crew numbers in and out as you see fit within the scripts :)

  9. [bLA]


    CFDDIVE11... I love what you guys are doing with the mod so far... I really enjoy playing it... don't really enough the fight fest... but enjoy it none the less... actually I am working on a little private thing for me using your map and some of your units :-D keep up the good work.

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