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Posts posted by Mr_Kaizer

  1. Either way, it seems that after some time that instead of moving for vehicles, pedestrians forget to move out of the way and instead stand still, thus causing blocks. This is an issue with the mod, not the game. I believe it's because the mod populates the map with too many pedestrians.

    I've had this happen in many mods, Winterberg, Florian Hamburg, LA too I think. They move either because of danger (person with gun, fire etc.) or because a vehicle with a siren makes them move. In most cases they start walking again. In others they just stand still, and you have to send the police in to move them.

    In Winterberg this isn't such a major problem. If you're getting too heavy traffic jams, even after removing the person in the road, you can call in the police helicopter. It has a button to reset traffic, IE remove all civilian traffic from the map and respawn it.

  2. I was really lucky when I saw the the mod is relased yet but when I try to run I have an ERROR - Net FRAMEWORK Intalization error - Unable to find of the runtime to run this aplication. :1046276372_bawling: I don't know what to do. Please help me. I can't wait to play this mod/ Great work. :holdglass:

    You have to check that the .NET Framework package your Windows runs is up to date. What Windows version are you running?

  3. # Blinker der Fahrzeuge schalten beim einparken nun aus

    # Lights vom ELW angepasst

    # Wassertank-Funktion für Fahrzeuge von außerhalb hinzugefügt

    # Brandausbreitung angepasst

    # Ölspurbeseitigung überarbeitet / verfügbar

    # Alarm-Durchsagen angepasst

    # Alarm-Menü angepasst

    # Wasserversorgung vereinfacht

    # Upgrade Level der auswärtiger Löschgruppen angepasst

    # Statussystem vereinfacht

    # Statussystem für Fahrzeuge von außerhalb automatisiert

    # Fahrzeug-Bedienung bie Fahrt ohne Sonderrechte ermöglicht

    # Diverse Bugs beseitigt

    # Directional blinkers now turn off automatically when the vehicle parks

    # Lights for the ELW (Chief's car) adjusted

    # Water tank feature added to vehicles from outside the map

    # Fire spreading, IE speed of spreading I guess, has been adjusted

    # Oil spill missions now active

    # Dispatch messages adjusted

    # Dispatch menu adjusted

    # Water supply system simplified

    # Bit unsure about this one, something to do with the upgrade level of units from outside the map, but I have no clue what upgrade level is :P Might be the level of the emergency, IE 1 alarm, 2 alarm etc. It has been adjusted at least xD

    # Status system simplified

    # Status system for vehicles outside the map update automatically

    # Dispatching vehicles non-emergency (without lights or sirens) is now possible

    # Various bugs fixed

  4. Kookas - Ive had it allot, Still dont control it :-(! They need a water carrier or Suction vehicle as they call them.. Hydrants run out so quick.

    Cops - yeah i thout it was a house fire.. I arrive and its the great fire of berlin :D! More vehicles like the tlf would help. As once you get a BA crew(SCBA) then your monitoring them and the fire and water supply.

    If you use one engine, or preffarably the tanker (DLK), to feed another, the engine supplying won't run out of water. Or at least it didn't, don't know if the update changed that.

  5. Yup! Tried it yesterday. I don't know how the other updates have been to be honest, but I like how the dispatch system has been improved. Saves alot of time. I've had one bug though, which I've reported. Couldn't select the RW (rescue truck) after I had dispatched it. And there has been one call that I couldn't find :P There was supposed to be a fallen tree, but I could never find it. And the status reporting still is a little buggy. But the mod is very much playble.

    Anyway, Marco, how do you call the RTW and NEF now? Couldn't see the little radio when I selected the EL.

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