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Guess the Emergency Vehicle Challenge

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mike PMs the anwsers just to see if he's right, because he doesn't really want to keep having turns, so I think tomyboy wins, unless Mike does actually want to go.

Firefighter111 is right, its no fun if I just keep winning so this way everyone gets a chance to play and the thrill of the hunt and posting new pics. Tommyboy is up!

If people want, I'd be more then happy to explain how I find the answers so fast after someone else gets the right one. it might help all of you become better at not just this game, but research and details in general.


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Mike, please reveal the magical secret

I don't think my way is as good as yours... I jsut have a semi DB of Plate #s Car pics, and a couple friends that know their stuff :P

Here are some clues in order of importance,

1) Look for any and all writing. Even if it is a partial word, you can still google the partial word and "fire department." If you can only make out the first letters like WW, try googling "WWFD." There was one a few posts back where the only writing was on the plate, but googling it came up with a buttload of info!

2) Look for numbers and type of vehicle. One example we had showed a hazmat and 101 on it. Google "Hazmat 101" Other examples might be "Engine 3" "Eng 3" "E3" "Pumper 3". Common types of vehicles are Engine, Tanker, Pumper, Truck, Quint, Hazmat, Squad, Rescue, Type I, Type III, Patrol, Brush, and Attack amongst others. Also look at who makes the vehicle. Ford Crown Victoria, International, Pierce, Seagrave, and other companies can help with the numbers and type to weed out the right one from the wrong one.

3) Look for a logo. Notice the shape and any writing in it and search for something similar. A lot of times the logo will be the departments patch!

4) Look at the paint. So many departments have similar or same paint, and i think that is what is screwing up many of you who make guesses that are completely off. Look for the primary and secondary colors, is it black over red, straight red, lime and white? Look for the striping, what type/size and direction are the stripes?

5) Look at the color of the lights. A lot of times you can rule out or rule in various states or countries based on this. If you have a fire engine that looks like LAFD but has blue lights on it, you know it cannot be LAFD. If its a police car with all red lights on it, you know its not LAPD

6) Look for street signs, advertisements, writing on benches or buildings in the area. A few times I was able to tell what country just by googling what was on a recycle bin.

After you have what you think is the correct one, go one step farther and go to that departments web page or google deeper to verify it. Look at other apparatus from that department and see if they match the first 5 qualifications and if so, voila, you're gold!

With google, flickr, and other sites, most of these can be found in under 10 mins of looking.


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The Netherlands,Oss (ex-Asten), Fire Department Oss

Corps: CeHaVe plc clamour

number: 738

Type of vehicle: TS9LD2600HD400T2000

Mark/type of chassis: DAF FF1600DT360

Advancement: Saval-Kronenburg

Characterise: BG-35-YK

Date in service: 2004

Date service: Still in service

Place of business: Oss

Characteristics: construction year 1983, ex-Asten

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wow bare picture, red van with one light and some small, small writing on the side... Nothing useful in the background...


Hint: if you enlarge the picture you can see the model and the license plate. That has got to give you some leads...

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