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nick the greek

WTF's going on in Mexico Gulf?

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finally! I almost think we should be greatful for all BP has done with this spill. Look at the other two companies, I cant even remeber there names anymore, that were also blamed. What have they done to help? BP has taken almost all responsibility. Oh and how about that BS that Mr. Obama was feeding us on we are to let BP handel it? Well we can invade a flippin country, region, but we cant go into international waters to help clean up the oil? Then you take into consideration our military arsonal, said to be best in the world, and then look at our capibilities to clean up oil! We have even had one almost as bad as this in Alaska! We should have learned! Then the other night I was watching the news and the guy commented on the fact there was a leak equal to this one around South Africa, why did we not hear of this until now? Why didn't we develope technology then? We need REAL change not Obama change! we havent had a democracy since FDR before he started wel fare and such! Even then it was a modified verson! at the start of the 20th centry is when we lost our true democracy! Thank you for reading!

Concerened, USman :1046276128_motz:

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Lol in my last issue of Popular Science, there was a guy who came up with about the most brilliant idea in history: replacing all road surfaces with solar panels. DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH ENERGY WE COULD MAKE!? Jesus, all he needs to do is make a panel strong enough to be a surface of a road and it'll be ready; if we didn't have a retarded government more concerned about wasting all of its money for a pointless military this could have been done years ago. I really hate humanity.

And why don't we make Automatic cars? I mean just put a strip down the center of the lanes of a road that the computers, etc. in the car could follow, have an autothrottle and an automatic GPS driving system, and there wouldn't have to be ANY human input save for the destination. Hell, no more drunk drivers, almost no accidents, road rage, etc. And speeds could be even faster, since machines almost never screw up. My god, we fail SOO much. Sensors in every car could be used to track it (aka police and then they could kill the car if it's used in a crime, etc.) and other cars would 'see' it and know how to avoid it, etc. and it could be used for emergencies and to find out what would be in a hazardous load, etc... NO MORE TRAFFIC JAMS!!

If the cars were electric and the roads were solar panels, they could be like a train a literally just draw power FROM the road. Holy hell, holy hell, holy hell.


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Really, it'll stop in about 4 months, when they realize nothing else will work, and they can't get anymore oil out of it, they'll blow it up, collapsing it in.

Tell me, how would they do that? blowing it up? more than 5000feet below sea level, please enlighten me!

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So the sea is already contaminated with oil and you want to Nuke it, surely that will mean you contaminate the sea with Nuclear polution?

I don't want to contaminate the sea with nuclear pollution( God how much I hate nukes!) I heard that this was discussed as a possible solution.

Source: http://theweek.com/article/index/203645/nuke-the-oil-spill

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I think if they do that they will put all the humanity in danger. You simply don't play with nukes near the Earth's core. It's way too risky. I also believe that it wasn't only BP's fault. The US government gave permission to dig that deep into the Earth. So we got two suspects, evidence but no one to judge them...

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I think if they do that they will put all the humanity in danger. You simply don't play with nukes near the Earth's core. It's way too risky. I also believe that it wasn't only BP's fault. The US government gave permission to dig that deep into the Earth. So we got two suspects, evidence but no one to judge them...

Essentially it is still more of BP's fault. Sure we gave them permission, but did we give them permission to have an oil spill and use unsafe methods? I don't think we did, not saying its entirely their fault but I think the flowchart of blame falls on them for the most part.
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Essentially it is still more of BP's fault. Sure we gave them permission, but did we give them permission to have an oil spill and use unsafe methods? I don't think we did, not saying its entirely their fault but I think the flowchart of blame falls on them for the most part.

No I don't think either and as you say it's more a BP's fault but that doesn't "can't find the word" the US government from their role in supervising the way companies work. The only thing that the US can do now is to put in prison BP's bosses. There's no need to "destroy" the company. People work there and give life to their families. ;)

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No I don't think either and as you say it's more a BP's fault but that doesn't "can't find the word" the US government from their role in supervising the way companies work. The only thing that the US can do now is to put in prison BP's bosses. There's no need to "destroy" the company. People work there and give life to their families. ;)

I think it is BP's fault in the sense that they didn't do their best to prevent this. If your parents let you go to a party and you go there and get drunk and arrested...who's fault is it really. Sure you can blame the parents but they didn't put the drink in your hand. I don't think you really can imprison anybody though, I think the US from now on needs to be more vigilant with businesses that do dangerous and risky work and make sure everything is in check.

And lol at the nuking idea...the entire point is that the oil is destroying eco-systems...All the nuke would do is destroy all those ecosystems in seconds as opposed to weeks.

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How can you say taht, you do not know who was meant to be maintaining the BOP(that is what failed). So i ask my qns from before, "what about all the other companies involved in this, shouldnt something happen to them??"

I have no idea for sure, but one would be under the assumption that it was either BP handling it or a company they hired.

EDIT: company...

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Solutions: Get rid of all US oil companies, all banks and replace them with credit unions, and then replace and reformat the entire government. It's the only way to deal with this and the Recession. Also working on the ideas stated above to give people jobs, boost the economy, and save the environment.

We also need to give NASA a boost. We need to seriously build Space Habitats and get our Moon/Mars colonization missions underway; we're on a timeline to have multiple large cities on the Moon by 2050. These would also work as the Universe's biggest insurance policy, so in case the Earth gets destroyed, WE don't.

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Solutions: Get rid of all US oil companies, all banks and replace them with credit unions, and then replace and reformat the entire government. It's the only way to deal with this and the Recession. Also working on the ideas stated above to give people jobs, boost the economy, and save the environment.

We also need to give NASA a boost. We need to seriously build Space Habitats and get our Moon/Mars colonization missions underway; we're on a timeline to have multiple large cities on the Moon by 2050. These would also work as the Universe's biggest insurance policy, so in case the Earth gets destroyed, WE don't.

NASA isn't exactly underfunded...seriously. For a group like NASA they seem to be funded enough how could more money possibly make that much of a difference. If 15 billion isn't doing anything now then really what can they do with more?
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Everyone has their own opinions on the spill, and we should respect that. Now, NASA should be focused on a lot of things. Like space colonies, finding life, and building the anti-meteor missile. This one girl in my class HATES NASA, but she left. Still, NASA doesn't (so far) have anything to do with this. And no, no one in my family works for NASA. :)

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Everyone has their own opinions on the spill, and we should respect that. Now, NASA should be focused on a lot of things. Like space colonies, finding life, and building the anti-meteor missile. This one girl in my class HATES NASA, but she left. Still, NASA doesn't (so far) have anything to do with this. And no, no one in my family works for NASA. :)

Lol missiles won't work anyway.

I've heard the government say it, and most other people: that private space companies are the future. We kinda need to change that.

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