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Everything posted by kyle308

  1. I say EMS for the win. i agree i am biased because im an EMT and I work on an ambulance. one that is not affiliated with a fire department. which is not that common here in the US.
  2. ok lol i feel dumb. how do i download this lol. the download here button doesnt do anything. and i cut/pasted the la mod centre website into my browser and i couldnt find the newest version of the submod there. help please lol
  3. why not just down load the shane green V1.9.2 submod. its practically the same thing as what you are doing.
  4. i get a whole bunch of strokes and falls. also i got alot of barricaded suspects and unknown type fire.
  5. In other areas of the country, paramedics may be trained as "critical care paramedics" and have very similar training to what an RN learns in the ICU setting. These EMS services don't require a nurse during those critical transports, and they'll use whatever ambulance they are in for the shift to accomplish the critical care transport. I assume that is what is done in your area of the country. I hope that made sense. this is also similar in my area of indiana. The paramedics at my ambulance service are all trained as critical care paramedics so as to save money by not needing a ICU nurse on alot of the critical hospital transfers. Which would get very expensive since I live in a rural area and anything serious has to be flown out or takin to Indianapolis code 3 in a critical care truck.
  6. I'm also from indiana and we avoid this because in the state of Indiana Emergency vehicles regardless of weight and axles are exempt from the CDL laws of our state.
  7. is there any way to make it so the AMR ambulances can have a stand by mode, and be able to be called out by the battalian chief/ EMS supervisor like the regular ambulances are? I'd like to use them as my primary ALS service but its a hassle to go and manually click them when i wanna send them somewhere.
  8. urg still didnt work. guess its time to reinstall and try again.
  9. When I had winrar extract the files into my LA mod it never asked me if i wanted to overwrite any files. anyone know whats going on?
  10. lol sorry i meant to quote the guy after your post.
  11. because this is LA you would not see vehicles rushing into the fire station because they are a full time paid department not volunteer. And why do you wanna see into the station?..all you would see is a bunch of guys sitting around eating food and watching TV until the tones went off. and i do have a suggestion. How about actualy tones for the departments not just a beep..maybe a different one for fire trucks and ambulances too if its possible
  12. yes...come play with us please lol
  13. ill play...i want to be EMS and i have cable
  14. call i worked a while ago.......im from indiana so im mid west to lol. you could have an interstate and have a semi crash into a car which gives you two victims and while police are controlling traffic have a drunk driver come up behind smashing into two cars giving you 3 more patients and then have a possibility of fire if the cars arnt cooled and the people gotten out quickly enough
  15. ill play...and hopefully i wont get an ambulance call this time lol
  16. i would like to play also....can i be the medical squad
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