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Steve Winters

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Everything posted by Steve Winters

  1. I have to admit, these are pretty shockingly jaw dropping amazing. It's sad that they are just reskins though =( Would of been great!
  2. Got it, going to try it out in a sec. =D
  3. wait you can? I'll check this out now!
  4. well yes, I did this in V1.8 la mod. It was quite fun. Until I realized the whole map was red...
  5. No, lets just say 'DUSK' isn't a great cheat to type in. This is what happens if you type it in. It's not a good thing to do. Learn't the hard way.
  6. Oh I'm sorry, missed a few didn't I. I knew I was forgetting some. Well, Thank you NewFoundKing for all of your help towards LA MOD and the SUBMODs you produce/help. You too are the reason why LA mod is getting popular. Voodoo, Thank you too for all the help you to do towards the LA MOD and the Submods. (I don't know you, but an appreciation is always nice) nfspdf, I too Thank you for all the help you to do towards the LA MOD and the Submods. (I don't know you as well, but again, an appreciation is always nice to receive.
  7. I do the same. Or I just block cars from entering. Works nicely.
  8. I don't think he means that. I believe he was saying that the helicopter blades are moving slow because of animation? Which makes absolutely no sense.
  9. This will be a great looking mod. Can't wait. Hopefully pictures will be posted soon. =)
  10. After looking through the cars again, I have to say that there is a lot. Will all of them be put in? Or some now, some later?
  11. Yes that has happened to me too FDNY, I'm trying to deal with that. Thats why I sent you the 3D version of the FD Station. I'm having trouble converting too.
  12. Some great ideas have been said. Were you thinking like a randomize button? Were you can push it and something will happen? Because that might be a bit hard. But, British with his ideas and plans may get this! Hopefully this will come out well. Your doing a good job. We all know how hard it must be but you'll be able to do it.
  13. I agree. It would work for people who know what there doing. Unlike I, who can't script or anything but model, just by looking at the code boxes I understood it. Putting a question in mind. How many people would use it? How many can use it? Some people don't know how to do anything at all, and then you've got the genius' who can do anything. The biggest thing would be the constant "how do I do this and that" that's the only thing that will annoy people.
  14. very nice. Too bad your not releasing -.-
  15. I believe the link is broken. However, I also don't think anyone will fix this.
  16. Well done Hoppah. I can't believe the amount of time you spend on these. Your work is why LA MOD is great! Great JOB.
  17. When I read the title of this I thought it would look bad. However, I have changed my mind. This is SPECTACULAR! Fantastic job here mate!
  18. I agree. There is too much and I spend half of the time playing trying to deal with the traffic. It's a pain. With all do respect, could we do something about this? Thanks.
  19. This is going to be a great submod. Can't wait
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