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Everything posted by BritishArmyReserveCadets

  1. I would like to come back to the mod at some point and improve it, but im just too busy at the moment, and when im not busy I just sleep, so yeah, hence why Im not working on the london project anymore (I wish I could) I do still stay in-touch with Freelancer regulary with social-netoworking so I do get to see what progress is being made, but weve both really reached a time when time is something we both dont have because of Exams and Coursework, etc, etc (however he is still working on london project when he can) Tar, Tom
  2. Just to start it off: My dog's had a few seizures recently (Serious ones) so now I have to give her a syringe of Diazepam... Rectally... (I've got plenty of stories to tell now and then.)
  3. http://www.aleir.com/ A police one, but it seems pretty easy to use as a Fire/EMS CAD http://www.radsoftware.org/html/911cad.html Another police one, again, easy to use as Fire/EMS instead. and there's a web-based one which you will need something like XAMPP to run on your own computer; https://www.ticketscad.org/
  4. That vehicle's battenberg is a photoshop as I mentioned in a previous post, however, we have done a battenberg DPG unit, which does exist and I saw with my own eyes when I was in London for remembrance parade, which we will show of shortly once it's been fixed up a bit.
  5. I've replicated the CTD, if you put your camera over the rambleside fire station (North) nothing happens, but if you wave your mouse across it, then it crashes. Logfile included; logfile.txt
  6. From the save, ill try it now from normal
  7. Just a personal one just to speed up gameplay, i think a minor injury unit would be nice that can take two ambulances, because at the minute, ambulances take about 1 in-game hour to get onto the map, then they go off map again when transporting a pt so it takes the p when dealing with anything medical.
  8. Another bug, with the air ambulance: Helicopter comes with a pilot and two docs, none of which can get a stretcher, so before you get it you have to remove a doctor and select the paramedics, and the paramedics cant put the patient back into the helicopter
  9. You have to wait a while for the ambulances to come on scene.
  10. I have; Just started playing from the Save Gave that the manual recommends, as soon as i started got a Food Poisoning case, sent the RRV as it was right around the corner, moved my camera over the fire station to the north then got a CTD. And loving Ambulance 305, just like the old Staffordshire Ambulance Service style (Nice to also have the Panic Button incorporated EDIT: But it didnt work )
  11. Will look forward to trying this later! I Appreciate all the work that's gone into it!
  12. I sorta got told off by the Garrison Sgt. Maj. for that... Eh Just a quick question for the SJA guys; In the ACF we get a lot of "Walts" people who join and think they're the dogs bo..... you know what, and claim to have done this that and the other (Both in adults and cadets) Do you get any people like that?
  13. How the hell can you wear a smock wrong :L When we were on Whitehall waiting for our part of the parade to start (30 mins before my mate called David Cameron a pr**k right by him) the wind was going straight through me. Pretty nice material though, feels quite good, loose thread is a pain though.
  14. Just done a personal inventory... Just a modification from the Jaws Quote: "We're gonna need a bigger bag" On the note about uniforms; Just got my new PCS (Personal Camouflage System) uniform; MTP...seems alright, wore it in london for the remembrance parade. And luckily for the ACF Cadets/Instructors, its free (Costs loads though for the county, we get issued 2 PCS Shirts, 2 Combat Trousers and 1 Windproof Smock (Theyre not windproof :@) each, and that comes to about £150 as its all new from the MoD Manufacturer (Cooneen Watts and Stone)
  15. Welcome to the forums; Just for reference, nobody is going to make the key parts of a mod for you (Such as modelling) If you are an expert at skinning, why not show off what you can do and maybe join a modding team to get some more experience in modding the game. (Thats what I did and I learnt an incredible amount about modding, minus modelling and UV mapping)
  16. Jam sandwich will be used on most Area and Specialist Cars, excluding Traffic which will have battenberg (Might have some DPG with battenberg aswell)
  17. We did have PCSO's in the West Mids Mod, im not sure if we released them though, but we gave them the same powers as regular officers but without the ability to arrest, Would be used more as realism more than the gameplay itself
  18. They could cost less to buy but restrict the amount you can have?
  19. Oh yea, the one which people could "Win" or "Pay for", but the entirety of the mod was reskins and/or childs. And if I remember correctly, didn't you die of cancer or something along those lines?
  20. To make you even more happy, we will have battenberg DPG units, ive just got back from the remembrance parade there (Anyone see me? BBC 1?) and can confirm that they do exist, not just in a photoshop.
  21. I've been selected to parade in London. Royal Albert Hall on the saturday (Public in the Day and Royals at the night. Night is also on BBC 1) and then the Parade on the sunday (Again on BBC1)
  22. Care to Share? And am I the only one who chuckled when reading 'the johnny crew' on the opening sentence?
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