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Posts posted by LACityFFengineCo287

  1. Thank you for your replies. I can wait until the 6th, sorry for the confusion on the dates...

    And yes it's for my 10 year old. In fact this is his training; his goal is to be a Los Angeles Fireman.

    :\ That makes no sense. This is not a trainer for the Los Angeles Fire Department. He can start the Fire explorers, depending on the area, at 15 and graduated 8th grade (14 for some areas, depending on where you live). Please do not call this training of any sort. All fire explorer cadets need to be in good physical shape, as well as strong academics. I'm glad he wants to join. This is strictly for fun, and can encourage goals

    And never bring your kids into this. We all know it's you :\ lol

  2. like i said, do districts, youll be able to fit those in, if not, do the complicated way of making them bigger

    Honestly, besides the fact that you'd need a bigger map, if you wanted it done proper L.A style, it would have to be a 4 person multiplayer w/ everyone sharing the units, because if you wanted realism, you'd need a ton of units to put out a structure fire. Not only that, but you couldn't cover the map on your own. And for districts, it would make everything much for complicated. It's not worth all the effort. High rises mixed with suburbs and the rich parts vs. ghettos, it would be complicated. May as well make an entirely new game. If you realllly want to try to do it, I can get you pictures. But, I just don't recommend it. If you want to make a new map, make it a freeway, with houses to the sides. All of the TC's can occur there, and medicals and fires on the sides :P

  3. The computer I was using and failing took it's last breath. I am now using my mom's older computer, which runs an amazing GeForce 6150 onboard graphics card. My "main" was having issues with the graphics card and operating system, then finally, last week, it died. It's power supply failed, taking the cpu, graphics card and hard drive with it. It got it's revenge...

    But, the great news is, by the middle to end of february, i will have a new quad core up w/ 16 gigs of ddr3, a 1terabite hdd, a 1 gig graphics card, and a dvd maybe even a blueray player.

  4. The proper term is Rescue, but to give a bit more info as to what 287 said, Dispatchers in the LAFD are sworn firefighters either on a temporary assignment to OCD or perm assignment, usually due to injury/medical. Because of this, there is quite a bit of turnover and differences between dispatchers. If you monitor OCD8 as opposed to 4 and 7, you'll hear RA used more frequently for brevity's sake as well since both fire and ems dispatch are occurring on that one channel. But it's really flip a coin and whatever the dispatcher wants. Same thing with Phonetic alphabet in the field. Some use NATO, some use APCO, as far as radio discipline is concerned, there really isn't a whole lot of it in the LAFD as long as the message gets across.

    Thanks, 15 years on the job and what you have there is just the last few years since being part of Public Affairs. More will be added soon, including some real old pics from fires in 2002 and 2003 back in my CDF days.

    You were in CDF? I did my explorers through station 84 Temecula through them (CDF/Riverside County Fire [RVC]). Haha, PT was great. Wearing full structural bunker gear, a hose pack, and had us run a mile, then an uphill/downhill run up and down a steep hill a few times. and in the middle of summer :P that was the boring days at which no calls came through the station. But, anyways, your with Public Affairs? Never knew that x_x more power to you, and 15 years on the job. No wonder I feel so fail all the time. You definitely have everything I have then. Plus more. I would ask you if you could get in touch with a county batt. chief and let me know how he's doin, and to contact me, but idk if you could do that. Last I heard, he still works, but, I haven't heard anything in quite a few years. The station still has a painting in it that my grandfather made (last I heard again)

  5. No problem, I figured that my be the case since I only listen at specific times I don\'t know what is going on at others. I really only ever hear about 4 dispatchers.

    Oh, yeah, that could be a reason, lol. Thanks for listening and taking note of our dispatchers and unit callsigns.

    I took a copy of my friends station listings and battalions, hahaha, so I have an update now...

    mike, I was looking through your Flikr, you've got some amazing pictures

  6. Just a point mike:

    Listening LAFD dispatches (both recorded and some live), and I've never heard them use "RA" only rescue.

    Verdugo dispatch and the other local departments only use "RA".

    Perhaps you've heard differently I'm sure they probably use it at times...Just an observation.

    Also I posted most of the dispatch terms I've come across here here

    I may have gotten some horribly wrong. I'm curious if they match up to what you are used to.

    It depends on the dispatcher. Some give RA, others give rescue. It depends on the Dispatcher and the day. With the "800", Some days someone will say 800 ambulance , once in a while, you'll get someone who says BLS ambulance, which is on the less common side, and 800 RA. There's a noon dispatcher whose pretty enthusiastic about dispatching. He's used RA before, though not as common as rescue.

  7. You need to get new papers, I didn't look through all of them, but a real key that your papers are outdated is always station 100 and 104. 100's has been in B10 for quite some time, and 104s is in 17s. Also, what about FS114?

    Exactly, which is why you hadn't seen it posted before, and I'm not quite sure why you did now. But thank you for your contribution anyways. If people are interested, when I get to that part of the guide, I'd be glad to add a current list of stations and breakdowns to the section though, like you said, knowing what number is where really gives no insight into anything and can easily be found by googling. What will be included in that section, and I'll probably work on it tonight, will be a complete breakdown of the various types of stations (regional / standard / satellite), and a quick blurb regarding Prop F and Prop Q.

    Oh yea, I forgot to mention. I found those in my filing cabinet. I was just going through some old stuff that I had from college and high school. It's pretty amazing with the stuff I've found. That may have been my step-dads or something. Idk. I have a new one somewhere, probably under a ton of papers in my den. I posted it because 1. I was bored. 2. I'm surprised that I actually have that. 3. It gives me something to type. I've got nothing to do after I do my morning workout, except workout more or clean up my house, and it's already straightened up. I've written tons of useless things.

    Sorry, I forgot 114, lol. Air ops and Airport fire, it's battalion 10. I'll update the list later if you want. It'll just take some digging.. Oh yeah, you can't google this btw. I have a full list as well as a bunch of other cr@p if you want it, you probably have it all though...

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