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Everything posted by Corsair

  1. I actually have a private mod and I call a tow truck and when they pick up the cars they turn into a blue cube saying Model file missing all around the blue cube. Which script do I need to change?
  2. Dont worry, reason why I cant tell which plane it is its because photos to blurry. My guess is that its an MD-11 since the tail engine is covered and the DC-10 isn't
  3. I actually am a plane expert and you guys were waaaaaaaaaayyyy wrong. Its a DC-10 or an MD 11. 737 only have 2 engines and are much shorter. As you can see, that plane has 3 engines, 2 on the wings and 1 on the rudder/tail. They are used mostly for cargo and the 747 are really big and are built for long flights. They have 4 engines, 2 on each wing. Here are some pictures.https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8kEgEcjX1_1FIDJ2SJ8y36Ub6nYmxl6QrSE-3cGFUZjLcWwxI Here are some pictures of the MD-11 https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQvg-Q3kEvksgsxWY3Xn42fj0uWQ8O5UXfBo3oPimKcTUouXL6kcA Heres a tanker that a DC-10/MD-11 https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjAHjP6nkQYE0aRwuAD_t5zjN6TJCg_ft6pvLzF5nodQRctuEhlA Both of these planes. Heres the difference they have. https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8545/10216494073_e73c2f0b9a_b.jpg
  4. Mr. Itchboy due to you saying "Plz dont sue me plz". I have presented my lawyer to this ussue and you are going to have to present in The Court of Antartica tomorrow at 1 am. LOL. It doesn't really matter as long as you did it! PS: In Sequoia, California you mostly see these trucks patrol http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4021/4680935483_e345eb61b1_m.jpg and this one https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2569/4153895689_e6ab8bcd87_b.jpg For the first one, you would see the lightbar you used for the silverado
  5. Did you make that map or did you edit the LA Map?
  6. What does CVPI mean? I know CV means Crown Vic but what about PI and would that car replace the unmarked CV?
  7. Yes, thank you guys for making this! This will benefit the whole community
  8. WAAAAAHHH!!! I love it so much!!! I just wish to had the lightbar!
  9. I have also been following this but I am on itchboy's side. Many of you don't know why he cancelled it, many do, but imagine you make something for the forum and give permission so someone can use it. You download the game, next thing you know, your work of art wasn't credited. This is an example of 1 out of many things that happened to itchboy. This is was something that he didn't like, so he said " From now on no one can use". Yes people got mad at him, yes they said mean things to him, and yes he didn't care. When i made an account here, it was as if you were in heaven. People didn't cuss, weren't mad, and gave permission to use their content with credits. Now it feels like a war zone. I beg you to please be nice to each other. Remember these words that Audrey Hepburn said "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" and now I say this " Make it a great day or not, the choice is your's". The moderators had enough of this childness. " I want this, I want to use it, and give me that, or you are the worst person. It doesn't matter if authors say you can't use their work of art because they're are other ways of overcoming those obstacles. You may think that I am wrong and I might be but enough is enough. I have respect for everyone even if I don't know them but as soon as you do something bad toward me and other, ohhhhh what you have gotten yourself into! May your day be full of light and happiness. -Corsair
  10. Whats the difference between LAFD and LA County Fire?
  11. Thank you all for your help!! It worked with me and miraculously I tweaked some scrips and my siren also worked. I appreciated all of your help.
  12. Sorry for double posting again. I'm sorry if I missed it mate but I still couldn't find it. Do you mind if you check please. Link: https://mega.co.nz/#!u89C2JCb File Key: U2uMAGKEYIRoQCe_kOdIeah4v7tXcIItxDxwLkRCJuc
  13. Ohhhh. Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. This helps alot. I will try it as soon as I get home
  14. This is what it says on "dummytillercheck"
  15. Sorry rcpd I didn't understand that part.
  16. I am just asking, what abilities do you have?
  17. Sorry for double posting but I really need help fast!
  18. What do you want me to do for the tiller? I dont get it.
  19. I actually did all of that and it didnt do anything. It already said false on the tiller trailer lights. As for the sirens they are also correct
  20. Okay. I made my own private mod and it was based off of the LA mod 3.0 When I tried calling out the tiller, it wouldn't appear on map so I configured the script to make it appear on startup. It appeared on start up but problem was that the tiller trailer lights also turn on once it starts and I don't know how to turn them off. I searched on the forum but it was not on there. Can anyone help me? Lastly, I changed all my ambulances to the Northview South County Mod since they are like a replica of my cities ambulances (AMR). I only put 5 AMR Ambulances on there. They showed up but when I sent my second ambulance en route to the scene its siren didn't sound. All the other ones siren did sound did but apparently this ambulance hated me. The button turned yellow to show that it was on but still no siren sounded.Please help me. Any suggestions are accepted. Thanks, Corsair
  21. No, for now there arent new or other versions. You can check on the LA MOD sections we have
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