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Everything posted by aidan196

  1. I ban you for saying jet, its a F-22. Edit, avatar changed.
  2. WHO THE **** ARE YOU! I'm Rick James Bitch. *BOOM*
  3. I ban you for not spelling S.W.A.T. right in your name.
  4. So for this would you just write in script.script, or should there be an option for .script?
  5. I can help with buildings, but i only have the free verson of Sketch Up
  6. "When in doubt, call in an airstrike." -Unknown
  7. I'm sorry, but 2000 hit already EDIT: I was just saying happy Quanza/ Hanakka (or however you spell it)
  8. US ARMY LOVES XBOX!!!!!!!
  9. Xbox 360 guide butten turns it on
  10. jeez, we have NO life The other one was a forest fire! this one is a flame thrower! Their diffrent!
  11. fine then their olimpic game whenever, them moved wether away somehow, just read it on wikipedia
  12. (there positively charged[aka anti lightning]) yes, yes i do
  13. Pop... Pop... BANG! EDIT: (the sun)
  14. Hi, I was thinking of makeing a public/private mod of my home city, and i was wondering what the max size map in EM4 is. Thanks, Aidan P.S. If you could maby show me on this map, around stations 3,6,12, and 1 that would be awsome.
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