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Anto Mart

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Everything posted by Anto Mart

  1. Maybe it's because I am from Spain, but, What's the pourpouse of a salvage squad?
  2. I see. Other options are smaller vehicles like the Rescue Squad of the LACoFD. But In any case, I started following this mod in the very begining, I will wait a decade for see how this can become! Keep working on it dude!
  3. Maybe something like the HU crane trucks? I am looking at this page: https://www.lafire.com/stations/PhotoGallery.htm. If i found something I will send it here
  4. This ambulances are amazing. Lovely classic Econoline. It remembers me to the god old times of GTA SA modding. Anyway, there is something that I want to ask yo: Any plans for combination car style ambulances or hearses? Wich moment did the LAFD (or other agency) stop using them?
  5. Such a lovely engine. It will be awesome to drive one of this, in a mountain road, with a stunning blonde... Except this is a firetruck.... So.... The road is on fire, the mountain is on fire, the blonde is on fire...
  6. This engines are amazing! I am learning a lot about the LA emergency servicies history
  7. The .rar and .7z are comprimed files. There are like a folder, but compressed, so they weight less. The best way to make them work is that you download WinRar and uncompressed this archives.
  8. Not a big deal. The gaming experience is excellent in any case. I love this kind of mod with old vehicles. Just pointing out the matter of the SWAT Officers if you didn't realise. But, as I said: Not a big deal
  9. Nice work mate! The only serious problem that I find was the coronas, but It was simple as copy-paste the Miami's one into the mod folder. BTW, when using the SWAT officers, there is some kind of small bug that instead of show the option of opening the "invertory" it shows instead one item of the invertory (like calling a helicopter, an ambulance, pick a M4, etc).
  10. Nice work! Can I make you a question? Any plans for the 1990s prototypes of the CHP, like the Camry or the Volvos?
  11. I like the idea or the Switcher, but I also like that there will be an option to play with all the vehicles in the same game
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